Lex Luthor, one of the greatest evil masterminds in the DC Universe, is just as important to the Superman mythology as Clark Kent. While the Man of Steel may have powerful foes like Parasite, Metallo, and Doomsday, among others, Lex will always stand as the last son of Krypton’s most dangerous villain, despite not having any superpowers. For more than two decades, Lex has been portrayed outside of the comics in film, TV shows, video games, and more by several actors. Given the character’s longtime existence, Lex has garnered as big of a following as Superman, Lois Lane and other key players in that mythology.

With fans all over the world admiring the villain, comes amazing fan-art and memes which aren’t stopping anytime soon. Just like other characters, there are aspects of Lex that can be laughed at, in good spirit though. With that said, these are the 10 most hilarious Lex Luthor memes from the internet.

Evil To The Core

Some might define Lex as being a tragic villain who wasn’t born to be evil. But some look at him as being just that, someone who was destined to be one of the world’s greatest villains. Whether it is something as big as keeping the world in his hand or something as small as refusing to do chores, Lex might just be evil to his core. This meme, borrowing from a hilarious Justice League Unlimited episode, is spot on. Imagine if he would never do the dishes, wash his hands, or get his flu shot simply because he is evil?

From Facebook Partners To Comic Book Characters

With 2019 ending, a lot of things have happened in the last decade as we’re about to break into 2020. One of those things was The Social Network, starring Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield. Who would have thought that these two would go from playing on-screen best friend friends to opposite comic book characters in the DC and Marvel universes? We still want to see a crossover where Eisenberg’s Lex and Garfield’s Spider-Man meet, just to see how it would look compared to them in The Social Network.

Luthor vs. Stark

While Lex is one of the richest super-villains in the DC Universe, Tony Stark a.k.a. Iron Man is one of the wealthiest superheroes in the Marvel universe. DC and Marvel crossovers are tough to make happen, to say the least. However, that doesn’t stop fans from pitting characters against one another from the respective companies. While there are certain expectations of what an Iron Man/Lex Luthor battle would look like, we could see option B from this meme being how it really goes down in the end.

Lex’s Secret Talent

When you are one of the richest men in the world, it makes things easier for you. However, one thing that is still a mystery in any medium with Lex is how he constantly keeps finding Kryptonite to use against Superman. In theory, how many pieces of Clark’s homeworld really made it to Earth that would make it so easy for Lex to always find Kryptonite? We certainly want to know the answers to that question. Perhaps that is Lex’s secret super-power?

Lex vs. Facebook

Something that we don’t really see in these superhero films and TV shows is characters engaging on social media. With villains being busy destroying the world and heroes occupied with saving the world, it’s fair that none of them would have time to make a Facebook status, tweet their opinions, share a story on Snapchat or share their photos on Instagram. However, if Lex were to be on Facebook, we would imagine him having conversations like this one from this meme.

Engaging With An Amell

Stephen Amell, the star of Arrow and the founder of the Arrowverse, has had his fair share of interactions with actors of Smallville. The Superman prequel series is essentially what allowed the CW’s massive comic book universe to come to life in the end. With conventions being everywhere these days, it has allowed fans to see several of the Smallville actors to meet with the current Green Arrow. This meme is pretty hilarious from the photos alone with Oliver having a smile with Superman and another Oliver, while he and Lex look as serious as possible.

Fans When Seeing Jesse As Lex

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice had its handful of controversies and Eisenberg’s casting as Lex was one of them. Despite being a talented actor, many were in agreement that this star wasn’t fit to play Lex for whatever reasons. One of the things that got criticized early on was when they saw the reveal that Lex would have hair. If there is only one famous part of Lex to remember it is that he is bald, period. Even though we would see the character go bald, this reaction of Superman is pretty much how fans were when seeing the famous foe with hair.

Not So Subtle

Something that Eisenberg’s Lex was great at was being completely not subtle. It shouldn’t have taken Metropolis as long as it did to realize that this man was one of the world’s greatest evils of all time. Remember when Clark (Henry Cavill) and Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) met for the first time in the movie? If someone like Lex showed up and said what he said, you should have confronted him from the get-go.

The Secret Origin Of SuperCorp

Supergirl fans have named the relationship between Kara (Melissa Benoist) and Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath) as “SuperCorp.” Some use the name as a way to refer to their relationship, while some use it in hopes of the two characters maybe one day getting together romantically. With the constant flirtatious moments that these two have had before season 5, we could see these two ending up together in a different life. However, what if in an alternative universe, it came to life as an accident by Lex when telling his sister that there is Kryptonian in National City that she should go for? What if that is also what Superman really wanted? Love is stronger than hate and maybe that’s something Lex should embrace.

Ramblings Of A Luthor

Another trait of Eisenberg’s Luthor in the 2016 film was that he tended to ramble, a lot. Some of it made sense but there were moments where you had to stop and think, “What is he on about now?” This meme is pretty much how he could go about it by quoiting a Carly Rae Jensen song before getting into his next monologue.