Werewolves are one of the most commonly seen monsters in movies. They’re not as frequently depicted as, say, vampires or zombies, but they’re up there. The times we have seen werewolves, they’re almost always seen as violent, unstoppable forces of primeval aggression and energy. They’re not inherently romantic like vampires or devoid of cognitive function like zombies. They’re merely beasts with a variety of mythos depending on the source.

When ranking cinematic werewolves, we take into consideration their greatest asset — pure power. How lethal are they? Resilient? All of these factors are determined when looking at ten specific werewolves — individuals or groups — from film. So, who’s the most powerful movie werewolf?

Cursed (2005) — The Werewolves

For a movie about werewolves, Cursed ran a little light when it came to parading these furry beasts. The 2005 movie is infamous for its behind-the-scenes drama. Mainly because of the studio execs who interfered at every which way. The script was finished in 2000; the release date was scheduled for 2003. We didn’t get the movie until 2005, though. And by then, Wes Craven’s Cursed was a shadow of its former self. Original actors had already moved on, and the practical effects were replaced with CGI. What was left was an affable yet strongly pitiable production full of goofy-looking werewolves.

Ginger Snaps (2000) — Ginger

The Fitzgerald sisters — Ginger and Brigitte — are what is known as late bloomers. They are social outcasts at their school, and they are obsessed with death. While out one night, Ginger is attacked by what appears to be a very large dog. Eventually, Ginger is turned into whatever bit her. Having recognized what Ginger now is, Brigitte searches for a permanent cure. If there is one. Ginger cannot fight her desires, though. Ginger potentially could have been a big threat if not for Brigitte. Meanwhile, Brigitte’s own struggle to fight the wolf within is followed in the sequel Ginger Snaps II.

Bad Moon (1996) — Uncle Ted

Based on the novel Thor by Wayne Smith, Bad Moon follows a single mother whose brother comes to visit. Her and her son’s German shepherd Thor isn’t a fan of Uncle Ted, though. The reason why becomes clear when Ted is shown to be a murderous werewolf. Being the territorial creature he’s become, Ted frames Thor. After all, there can only be one alpha in this house. The underrated Bad Moon features a terrifying werewolf thanks to an astounding practical suit. On the downside, Uncle Ted worries too much about small fries like Thor when he could be out doing bigger, more important things.

The Monster Squad (1987) — Wolfman

In The Monster Squad, the Wolfman is only a worthy opponent when he’s transformed. Otherwise, he is an intractable human man. Much to his leader Dracula’s chagrin, the human version of the Wolfman has called the authorities on his boss. To no avail, the police dismiss his warnings as nothing but a prank. The Wolfman is a stubborn foe to contend with. Meaning, unless he’s properly defeated, the Wolfman can physically reconstitute himself. Even blowing him up proved to be unproductive. But in the meantime, a swift kick to his “nards” will temporarily neutralize the Wolfman.

The Howling (1981) — The Colony

In Joe Dante’s The Howling, a television news anchor named Karen is sent to a countryside resort so that she can recover from a traumatizing event. Well, she’s about to be faced with another perilous predicament, and there’s little to no recourse available. At said resort — the Colony — Karen learns everyone there is a werewolf. The idea of a mass community of werewolves lurking not too far from civilization is daunting. But seeing as it takes what feels like an hour for these wolves to even transform, your best bet is to just walk away. You’ll be long gone before they’re done changing.

An American Werewolf in London (1981) — David

While traveling abroad with his friend Jack, David is attacked by an unknown beast in the moors of Yorkshire. Jack doesn’t survive to live the tale. From that point onward, David undergoes a dramatic metamorphosis. He has visions of his dead friend, who urges David to end his life so he doesn’t hurt anyone else. Ignoring the suggestion, David succumbs to his new identity. He finally goes on a rampage in the streets, and he kills many bystanders. To this day, John Landis’ An American Werewolf in London remains the most heady, raw study of lycanthropy on film.

The Twilight Saga (2008-2012) — The Shapeshifters

There was a movement for less humanoid-looking werewolves in the 2000s. In fact, films like Blood and Chocolate and the Twilight saga felt the need to make werewolves resemble actual wolves. This meant there was a heavy reliance on computer generated visual effects. In the Twilight films, Jacob Black and his jorts-wearing brethren are also Shapeshifters. They take the form of wolves specifically. As much as the Twilight films are belittled, the action scenes in the films are admittedly well executed. The Shapeshifters are robust and savage, but without the uncontrollable ferocity of other werewolves.

Howl (2015) — The Train Gang

When a train guard and his passengers get stuck in the remote English countryside, they are picked off one by one by mysterious, vicious creatures lurking outside. Even inside the train car, the group is not safe from this clan of bloodthirsty werewolves. Having hunted in this area presumably for quite some time, the wolves know their way around. The same can’t be said for the unsuspecting urban dwellers who are outmatched in every way possible. These wolves’ human forms are never revealed. For all we know, they don’t even have ones at this point anymore.

Dog Soldiers (2002) — The Highlands Wolves

In the Scottish Highlands, a squad of British soldiers carry out a training mission against an SAS unit. However, they find the other team has been murdered with the exception of its captain. What he says happened doesn’t make any sense. At least not yet. In due time, the squad comes up against the party responsible for the other team’s deaths. Roaming the Highlands is a pack of ruthless werewolves. The men are saved by a zoologist, who helps them get to a nearby house. Unfortunately for them, this house will be their final resting places as the werewolves have followed their scent. The Dog Soldiers wolves rely on their faculty for violence more than anything else, but really, that’s all it takes.

The Underworld Saga (2003-2016) — The Lycans

As long as there have been vampires in the Underworld universe, there have been werewolves. Or as they’re referred to in this series — Lycans. You don’t live as long as the Lycans without being powerful. They are also incredibly cunning as they have survived all this time without being detected by humans. So while the Lycans are unmatched in a hand-to-hand fights with any homo sapien, they still struggle in a brawl with a bloodsucker. That doesn’t make them weak, though. It just goes to show how formidable Lycans are considering how outstanding the Underworld vampires are.