Baby Yoda might just be the cutest fictional being in the galaxy. Yes, he can’t talk, and yes, he can barely do anything by himself (aside from kicking some Force ass, anyways), but those googly eyes and pint sized green body have straight up bewitched the nation.

Baby Yoda has inspired fans from every corner of the globe in some way or another, and as any savvy internet user might predict, has become the subject of many a meme. There are an endless supply of baby Yoda memes to choose from, but these are the 10 funniest sleeping baby Yoda memes out there.

Nearly Dead

Some people go to sleep every day looking forward to a fresh start in the morning, and can jump up with pep in their step the moment that the alarm clock starts going off. And other people are sane.

Baby Yoda clearly is one in the latter category, and although in this particular scenario he has been put in some kind of medically induced coma by evil Werner Herzog, the show is quite generous in it’s constant displays of baby Yoda’s impressive sleep-anywhere powers.

Gift Indifference

God, we should really pity the parents of young children more than we do. For the most part children want to get up and explore all of their new gifts at the crack of dawn, and by pulling that move these kids are likely robbing their parents of one of the few times where they can actually sleep in.

Clearly baby Yoda does not feel the same though. But there’s no surprise there really, because if Christmas is even a thing in the Star Wars universe, is it something that baby Yoda has ever celebrated?

Beauty Sleep

Sleep is an absolute life necessity for a lot of reasons, but the power of a really good night’s rest can’t be overstated. Yes, it allows people to function like normal and relatively happy beings, but it also allows them to relax, look refreshed, and allows their body to completely recharge.

And that seems to be exponentially more true for baby Yoda. He sleeps a ton, but look at him. He’s the age of a middle-aged human and he still looks like a baby.

Life Of The Party

New Year’s Eve is arguably the most universally exciting night of the year, however it’s really a one trick pony in the sense that the anticipation is built up for one specific moment, and once that moment is over, it’s over.

Luckily baby Yoda has that whole situation on lock down. He’s probably too young to even be staying up until midnight, but he gets to experience that moment of glory with the rest of the world before immediately conking out afterwards.

A Free Ride

Perhaps this is why baby Yoda seems to be falling asleep on a nearly constant basis. Yes, he does seem to be draining himself of Force powers, so it makes sense that he’d have to recharge. However, he’s also super tiny, and it takes him like 800 steps to cover the ground that Mando can cover in like 10.

Getting carried around will certainly be a time and energy saver, both for baby Yoda and baby humans, so this kind of fakery can make everyone a winner.

It Burns

First off, what kind of a savage walks into a room that contains a sleeping person, let alone lifts the blinds when it’s light outside? An assassin who wants to blind their target and ensure they’re not going to put up a fight?

There are few things in this world that are less pleasant than actually having to wake up, but somehow that already painful experience is only magnified tenfold by having the harsh rays of the sun invading your space before you’re ready to cope with them.

Dead Bedroom

Honestly, if your significant other is sitting in bed pondering this question then they need to be dumped. Not because they’re thinking about baby Yoda before they go to sleep, that is a perfectly normal, possibly admirable way to be using one’s time before finally falling asleep.

The real issue here is that we all already know the answer to this question. Baby Yoda is not literally Yoda as a baby, he is a baby of an as yet unnamed race of alien that has been called baby Yoda because he nor his species has an actual name yet.

Sleepy Satisfaction

If only everyone could be, or at least feel, as cute as baby Yoda is. Actually when put in the context of this meme, baby Yoda’s ability to sleep anywhere at almost any time is even more baffling.

Yes, he can take comfort in his undeniable adore-ability, but he’s also one of the most hunted beings in the entire galaxy. He’s a little too chill considering that he is the constant quarry of a veritable legion of bounty hunters and assassins.

Life Of The Party, Part 2

Not that putting a child in an ocean of coats to sleep while the adults stay up to party isn’t a pretty brilliant plan, but in the era of To Catch A Predator do parents actually risk leaving their children out of eye line for an extended period of time?

And what’s more, is it the parents who are coming up with this sleeping arrangement, or the children? Because on the one hand it does make sense to park your kid in the coat room, but on the other it’s entirely understandable that a child would find what is basically a giant pillow and decide to crash on it.

Earning Your Keep

Baby Yoda may be under constant threat of kidnappers and murderers, but at least he doesn’t have to worry about the mundane grinds of life. Namely, he doesn’t ever have to work.

Now, some might say that it would be wrong to force a baby to get a job, or even that it would be impossible for a baby to get a job, but once you’ve hit more than half a century in age those excuses kind of go out the window.