Romance is everywhere… especially in February when many people celebrate Valentine’s day. And, of course, in the world of TV shows where there are so many couples of various ages, genders, looks, characters… To pick your favorite would probably be no easy task, especially since some of these couples have something else going on for them - the fact that they proved their love to each other in a brilliant musical number. Do you want to hear the best thing about it all?

These super romantic musical numbers often happen even in non-musical shows. Let’s check out the top 10 non-musical romantic music scenes which made us swoon.

How I Met Your Mother - Barney Stinson And His Suits

Whoever said that TV heroes only have to love humans (or aliens or supernatural creatures) was wrong. One of the most heartfelt love songs ever seen on TV wasn’t directed to the hero’s girlfriend… but to his suits. It’s true, ladies and gentlemen.

While Barney had plenty of girlfriends during the show’s run and he loved Robin Scherbatski, his biggest love always was his suits. He loved them so much that he wouldn’t give them up even for the chance to be forever young. And since Neil Patrick Harris is an excellent singer, watching him pronounce his love for Barney’s suits was delightful.

The Office - Andy And Angela

As far as the beloved American sitcom The Office goes, there are far better couples than Andy and Angela. Especially since Angela kept on cheating on Andy with Dwight even when it looked like they would be getting married pretty soon. Angela fits much better with Dwight, just like Pam does with Jim, for example.

That said, the moment Andy decides to sing to Angela to prove that she should give him a chance to date her is one of the most memorable ones in the whole show. Andy chooses the song Take A Chance On Me by Abba and absolutely rocks it.

Futurama - Fry And Leela

The only animated show on this list shows that sometimes true love does prevail in the end. Fry loved Leela for a long time but she kept on refusing him since she believed they wouldn’t work together.

Fry went as far as to learn to play the holophoner, one of the most difficult musical instruments to master in the whole universe, to show Leela how he truly feels about her. As far as big romantic gestures go, this one is surprisingly sweet and intimate since it features only two people. And in case you were wondering - it did work on Leela and so began her and Fry’s romance.

The Flash - Barry And Iris

The first (but not last) superhero show on this list is here. Barry Allen and Iris West are the ultimate couple in the comics so it was only a matter of time before they got together in the show as well. If you watched Glee, you know that Grant Gustin who plays Barry is a great singer.

He proved it again in the first season of The Flash when he sang Summer Nights with his friend Caitlin. But far more romantic is the scene in which Barry sings about his love for Iris and then asks her to marry him to which she says yes.

Supergirl - Kara

Speaking of Barry and Iris… Their wedding had its fair share of memorable moments, like the argument between Felicity and Oliver or the scene in which Barry met his future daughter, even though he didn’t know who she was. But one of the best moments, which unfortunately got cut short, was when Kara Danvers aka Supergirl sang for her friends.

Just like Grant Gustin, Kara’s actress Melissa Benoist acted in Glee and she has a lovely voice. The viewers got to enjoy this sweet moment but only briefly since the Nazis interrupted the wedding and Barry and Iris had to get married another time in the end.

Star Trek: The Original Series - Spock And Uhura And Dr. Chapel

Let’s leave relatively new shows behind and take a look at one of the classics. While this scene could easily feel forced since Spock isn’t singing of his own free will, it still deserves a spot on this list thanks to its sheer beauty and emotion. Spock sings about how it’s important to be careful to whom you dedicate your love if you’re a woman.

Even though he usually doesn’t show emotions as a Vulcan, his voice is full of them and Uhura’s and Dr. Chapel’s reactions are just as emotionally charged as the whole song. Plus, Leonard Nimoy, who played Spock, actually wrote the song, which makes it even more impressive.

Lucifer - Lucifer And Chloe

Back to modern TV shows. Just like Grant Gustin, Tom Ellis is an excellent singer and he sang multiple times in Lucifer in which he plays the titular lord of Hell. While many fans consider his performance of the song I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor the best in the show, the one song which has to be on this list is Eternal Flame.

Lucifer sings the song to Chloe since it’s her favorite song, and he does it before they actually get together as a couple. The scene is sweet and a bit funny as well since it takes Chloe a moment to realize what is actually happening.

The Vampire Diaries - Caroline And Matt

Lucifer and The Vampire Diaries are completely different shows - but they do have one thing in common. In both of them, a certain character sang the song Eternal Flame to someone else in order to prove their true feelings, and in both cases, it happened unexpectedly. Caroline’s song had more success with Matt than Lucifer’s had with Chloe.

Matt and Caroline had had their differences but Caroline decided to show Matt that she cared for him, joined the musicians on the stage and after some slight mind control sang for Matt… which lead to a passionate kiss between the two young people.

Agent Carter - Peggy And Daniel

Agent Carter was a Marvel show many fans enjoyed but the network still canceled it only after two seasons. This is a shame since it was very funny and the cast had great chemistry together - especially Peggy and agent Daniel Sousa, the man she fell for once she got over her grief caused by Steve Rogers’ disappearance and presumed death.

Daniel and Peggy danced around each other for a long time and it even looked like Daniel might marry someone else, but in the last episode of the series, they finally shared a kiss. Before that, there was a music dream scene where Daniel sang to Peggy, they danced together and almost kissed, only to get rudely interrupted by Peggy’s friend Angie.

Legends Of Tomorrow - Almost Everyone

What kind of a music list would this one be without at least one Bollywood scene? In the superhero comedy show Legends of Tomorrow, the heroes usually spend more time fighting bad guys than singing. The only significant exception was the special Bollywood episode in which they temporarily had a special guest who could make the heroes show all the desires they secretly held in their hearts.

There were several couples on the time ship which shared a romantic and funny music/dance moment together, most importantly probably Ray Palmer and Nora Darhk, whose actors are actually married in real life.