When two successful films are tonally similar or have characters that would mesh well as allies or enemies it is fun to fantasize about a crossover film. Unfortunately, with how much money it takes to mix properties in movies, big crossovers rarely happen.

In comic books, however, crossovers are much more common. This has led to many of film’s best characters meeting on the page instead of the screen. With the freedom to do non-canon series and feature famous characters without having to bring on the original talent involved with them, comics have a sort of free reign to get wild with their stories. Here are 10 times that major films were mixed through a comic book crossover.

Hellraiser Vs Nightbreed

In the early 90s, horror writing legend Clive Barker penned this mashup comic that combined two of his own famous films. The comic features the ultraviolent cenobites from Hellraiser acting as some form of cosmic law enforcers sent to destroy the chaotic monsters that make up the Nightbreed. 

The comic is a touch confusing, with some of the characters acting a little inconsistent with their film versions. The artwork and action make up for the plot, making this a must-read for anyone that is a fan of both films or just wants to see some gnarly monster men slaughter each other.

Kong On The Planet Of The Apes

This comic picks up right after the events of the original 1968 Planet of the Apes. It features characters from the film making a harrowing journey to Skull Island after finding evidence of a giant ape that might be there. Things pan out about as you’d expect when Kong is brought back to the mainland, and upon seeing how humans have been enslaved, turns on his ape brethren.

When Kong attacks the apes instead of joining them, the story becomes much more interesting. The whole thing weirdly works, with the apes versus Kong battle being especially epic.

Judge Dredd Vs Aliens and Predators

The brutal lawmen from a dystopian future almost didn’t get put on the list, because he was a comic book character before he had two films. One of which is very good. However, even though I’ve elected to leave off characters from DC or Marvel and other comics, Dredd is getting a spot because he has fought off both of the galaxy’s most ruthless creatures.

In both Judge Dredd Vs Aliens and Judge Dredd Vs Predator, the masked enforcer has brutal battles with the beasts that are typically found killing each other. Both creatures fit into the world and art style of Dredd with ease, making these runs highly successful.

Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash

We may have gotten the meet-up of these two slasher film icons, but we could have seen horror’s greatest hero get into the fray. This comic started as a pitched sequel to the movie and when it was never fully formed, it found its way to comics instead.

This time around, Freddy decides to use the power of the Necronomicon, the evil book of the dead from the Evil Dead franchise. This forces reluctant hero Ash Williams to get in on the chaos. Jason and Freddy have their major rematch, this time with Ash trying to take down both the immortal nightmares while also just narrowly keeping himself alive.

Army Of Darkness Vs The Classic Monsters

Ash has fought so many other film staples that he could hold at least half this list on his own. The only other run being featured though is this short one-off where the shotgun and chainsaw-wielding hero ran the gauntlet against the Universal Monsters.

Ash takes on the likes of Dracula, mostly, but other notable monsters do make appearances throughout. Even so, Ash battling the king of vampires is an entertaining ride that easily stands alone. Even though over the years to come Ash would go on to kill more and more famous characters, at one point this was the ultimate moment for the Evil Dead icon.

Aliens Vs Predator Vs Terminator

Just like the last entry on this list, this comic took an actual film crossover and stuck one more element onto it. Skynet has been in hiding for centuries and returns to finally take revenge on the human race. The sentient computer program then splices together human and alien DNA to create an army of new terminators.

Ripley 8, a clone of Ellen Ripley, the heroine from the Alien franchise, then finds an unlikely ally that might be her only chance of stopping these new machine monster hybrids. The alien super hunters called Predators. It’s a wild mash-up that plays a lot with sides and traditional good and bad roles to create a fun and messy conflict featuring the best alien creatures put to film alongside the best robotic killing machines put to film.

Big Trouble In Little China/Escape From New York

Fans of Kurt Russell might want to sit down for this one. Jack Burton, the loud-mouthed truck driver from John Carpenter’s cult classic Big Trouble in Little China is pulled through a portal, where he meets Snake Plisken, the quiet and capable mercenary from John Carpenter’s cult classic Escape From New York. 

The two Kurts find out they’ve been summoned here to stop an incredible threat and they must work together to have any chance. That plot is more than good enough to force two of Russell’s most iconic characters into the same narrative. The banter and clashing of styles between the two heroes are well-written, with the two staying true to their film iterations.

Ghostbusters Meet The Ghostbusters

On their comic adventures, the Ghostbusters have had run-ins with a few famous properties. They’ve fended off the aliens from Mars Attacks and even met the Transformers, but the best team-up might be when they united with their own 2016 successors.

The mini-series Ghostbusters: Crossing Over has both film teams, as well as every Ghostbuster specific to the comics. It is truly a full-on Avengers assemble moment made of comedically inclined ghost catchers, and it is a ton of fun. Seeing the original ghostbusters interact with the newer iteration is weirdly heartfelt and such a highlight that it makes the 2016 film more palatable in retrospect.

Star Trek On The Planet Of The Apes

The ape run planet of the future makes its second appearance on the list, this time featuring the crew of the original Star Trek series and films. When Captain Kirk and his team go through some sort of interdimensional portal, they end up floating over Earth. The team beams down to find that this is not the Earth they left behind, but the Earth that has been conquered by intelligent apes.

The combination is the most fluid on this list. Going down to a planet only to find it in high distress is what the original Star Trek was all about, and seeing it play out with one of science fiction’s most famous stories is amazing. There isn’t a more fitting crossover out there, even if this one lacks the explosions of say, a terminator fighting a Robocop.

Robocop Versus The Terminator

Comic book legend Frank Millar took a shot at combining the two ultraviolent cyborgs and his limited run is pure chrome carnage. The plot forms around terminators trying to kill Robocop in his time due to the fact that his technology will eventually lead to Skynet, then the end of humanity.

The conflict twists who we accept as good and bad of duo, which instantly makes it more interesting than just seeing who will win in a fistfight. The finale of the series involves a massive battle of multiple Robocops and multiple terminators and it is truly an epic scene to behold.