Miss Americana has proven to be a major hit for Netflix since its release. The documentary, which focuses on Taylor Swift was incredibly insightful, shining a light onto issues that even her biggest of fans weren’t aware of. It was brave of Swift to reveal so much about herself, and it certainly was met with an excellent response. Of course, there have been many brilliant documentaries about music artists over the years, and fans will now be hoping that this is simply the first of many that Netflix produces. The company is always able to create incredible content, and this was yet another example.

Taylor Swift’s story is an emotional one, and she’s popular enough that a lot of interest was gained. However, there are countless music artists out there that would make great documentaries as well, and in this list, we will reveal ten musicians that should also have their own documentaries.

Miley Cyrus

If Netflix is to do another documentary on a musician, they are once again going to look for someone who has had both success and difficulties as they did with Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga. It’s fair to say that Miley Cyrus certainly fits that bill.

From being a young Disney star to her controversial outfits and dances during awards shows, there’s a lot to unpack with this talented young musician. She is incredibly popular and certainly not someone to hold back her feelings, which makes her ideal for a documentary setting.

Paul McCartney

How can anyone not be interested in this? Paul McCartney is a true legend of music from his days in The Beatles to his solo career. He has plenty of stories that everyone wants to hear, from how the band started, to breaking up and everything that happened after.

Paul McCartney is set to headline Glastonbury this year, and showing snippets of that iconic set alongside interviews and flashbacks seems like a perfect way to shoot this.

Kanye West

Kanye West is one of the biggest names in music right now, and he is also a very controversial person. Some people absolutely love him, while others loathe him, yet there’s not too much actually known about him outside of his music.

A documentary about his life so far would be very interesting. It would be intriguing to see how his thought process works and why he makes certain decisions or deals with criticism from social media. It’s got a lot of potential if he’d be willing to agree.

Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande burst onto the scene with life on Nickelodeon, and then her music career became an amazing success. Her songs are catchy and she is loved by millions of people, but she has also had to deal with some seriously traumatic situations in her young life.

From her ex-boyfriend committing suicide to her show being the scene of the heartbreaking Manchester bombing terror attacks, life has certainly not been simple. Showing all the different sides of her life would certainly be an insightful and interesting watch.

Demi Lovato

Much like Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato has certainly had a difficult time throughout her life. While many people look up to her and just see success, fame, and money, deep down things haven’t been that simple. There have been long spells in rehab, close brushes with death, and much more, all while continuing to try and entertain her fans.

Her story is one that needs to be told in order to inspire others and show people who are struggling that they’re able to come through the other side. There’s no doubt this would be emotional, and difficult viewing, but a good documentary certainly does that.

Elton John

Following the overwhelming success of Rocketman, now seems like a perfect time to follow up on that with a realistic documentary that gives Elton John’s actual thoughts on a variety of topics. He’s someone who has seen it all in the music industry and has lived to tell the tale, which is why he would be a perfect topic.

Given that he is currently embarking on his final ever global tour, that could set the scene for the entire documentary, following him as his live career winds down. While he discusses that, he could also touch on other issues and stories throughout his career, which should make for fascinating viewing.

David Bowie

Even though David Bowie has sadly already passed away, that doesn’t mean his career wouldn’t make a fascinating documentary. He is one of the most talented musicians of all time and looking into his mindset and success would certainly be interesting to many people.

Obviously, this would have to rely on old footage of himself in interviews being mixed in with current conversations from people who are still alive and knew him well. It would certainly be very different from Miss Americana, but it would still be incredibly interesting if done correctly.


This is a totally different example to the rest of this list, with Slipknot being well known for their incredibly heavy metal music, their dark tones, and of course, their masks. While this is the stereotype that they have, that is exactly why they would make the perfect set of musicians to base a documentary on.

Showing what their life is like behind the mask, taking a deep dive into them as people and learning about the hardships they have suffered might just open a few minds. People see their ‘show’ costumes and make a judgement, but learning about them as people might just change that.

One Direction

From a heavy metal band to a pop band, One Direction would also make a great documentary. While the group is obviously not together currently, that’s the exact reason it would be a fascinating documentary. Ideally, taking a look at all five members, giving their reasons behind the break-up and what they have done since then is how this could work. One Direction has a legion of fans, which would certainly attract viewers to the documentary, which is Netflix’s main concern. But the subject matter would be interesting, seeing how they coped with being thrown into stardom and then having to deal with being solo artists.


She is arguably the biggest pop star in the world, so obviously she would make a perfect person to base an entire documentary on. Beyoncé might be a global star, but she does a great job at keeping herself quite private, which means people don’t actually know all that much about her.

Being married to Jay-Z also brings plenty of eyes to her as a pop star, and it’s fair to say she will have been through a lot of major things throughout her life. She would be a perfect option for a Netflix documentary, and it would certainly get major viewers.