It seems like every Harry Potter fan on earth was waiting with bated breath to figure out what house at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that they belonged to, and would inevitably rejoice in whatever house the Sorting Hat decided on for them. Gryffindors took leonine pride in their bravery. Slytherin was thrilled by their cunning. And Ravenclaws boasted about their exceptional wit. And Hufflepuffs… well Hufflepuffs often lamented their lot in life or just begged the Sorting Hat for another answer.

Hufflepuff is a house that has an incredibly unfair reputation, but that actually has a lot of sterling qualities that every person should admire and strive for. So in the spirit of that idea, here are ten New Year’s resolutions that are inspired by everything that the students of Hufflepuff house are, strive to be, or should be.

Learn To Defend Yourself

Starting off this list of Hufflepuff inspired New Year’s resolutions is something that most Hufflepuffs could really benefit from. Children sorted into the house of the badger are good at standing up for what’s right and standing up for others, but they sometimes fall short when it comes to standing up for themselves.

Hufflepuff has an unfairly negative reputation, and that is in large part because Hufflepuffs don’t like to show off their individual confidence and pride. So whether it’s learning to defend yourself physically or defend yourself with words, this is one resolution that any low key Hufflepuff can benefit from.

Be More Polite

The first entry on this list was a good representation of what many Hufflepuffs should do, but this is a resolution that really takes inspiration from the heart of who any Hufflepuff is. Being kind is an incredibly simple thing that many people have an absurd amount of difficulty actually doing.

People often times mistake kindness for weakness, but the beauty of Hufflepuff house is that it has always recognized kindness for the real strength that it is. Hufflepuff is home to many positive qualities, but their enduring and unflappable respect for others is what sets so many Hufflepuffs apart.

Adopt An Animal

Hufflepuffs are naturally caring individuals, which is probably why they are home to legendary herbologists like Pomona Sprout, or legendary magizoologists like Newt Scamander. The respect that Hufflepuffs have isn’t just towards people, it extends to all living beings on earth.

So while there’s no chance that anyone reading this article will be able to adopt and care for their very own thunderbird or unicorn, there are still plenty of plain old non-magical animals that are in desperate need of some TLC. And as any Hufflepuff knows, caring for other living things will usually make them your loyal friends for life.


Students who see Hufflepuff house from the outside may think that they’re the house that is always lagging behind, but that is a tragic misconception. As demonstrated by students like Cedric Diggory or Nyphadora Tonks, there are plenty of Hufflepuffs who are downright extraordinary wizards.

But what sets them apart from the rest is that the best of their house is always there to lend a helping hand to those who are falling behind. Which is why anyone who wants to really represent their Hufflepuff pride should volunteer, because there is nothing truer to Helga’s ideals then helping those who need it most.

Increase Your Savings

Yet another personality trait that seems to be nearly universal among Hufflepuffs is their prudence. They are a squad who believes that slow and steady wins the race, and that although immediate glory and instant satisfaction may be pleasing in the moment, ultimately it is much wiser to plan for the future and make it into the best future it can be.

So then, doing something like saving up some extra money is absolutely in line with the Hufflepuff style. It takes patience and diligence, but anyone who successfully socks away some extra cash will be glad to have it when they need it.

Spend More Time With Family

It’s slightly unfair to glorify Hufflepuff in comparison to the other houses, because obviously every house of magical children is going to have it’s Lord of the Flies moments, even if their ideals should make their house into some kind of magical utopia.

However, Hufflepuff at least strives to care for each other and ensure everyone benefits from each other’s presence. So with that in mind, making a New Year’s resolution to spend more time with family is a perfect way to honor Hufflepuff. There is nothing more valuable in the world than those that you love, and that’s worth devoting some extra time to.

Reduce Stress

Whether you’re magical or muggle, life can feel like an endless pressure cooker of expectations that are nearly impossible to meet. And to be honest, while devotion to work and success is certainly a beneficial thing to some people, in most cases the world that we all live in is a rat race that has no real winners in the end.

So instead of constantly being a slave to that pressure, reducing stress and taking some pleasure in the simple and more relaxed aspects of life is extremely important. And of course, that is a very Hufflepuff thing to do.

Spend More Time With Friends

Everyone has a family that they’re born into, but everyone also has a family that they make along the road of life. While blood may not bind these people together, the relationships that exist between them are just as important. And realistically speaking, many people don’t live near their extended families, so increasing quality time with them is simply not an option.

However, everyone has friends, and typically those friends are readily accessible. But whether they’re living near or far, taking the opportunity to let these people know how truly important they are is an extremely worthy New Year’s resolution.

Meet New People

Hufflepuff of course has it’s upsides, but like any house, it has it’s flaws as well. And while being shy isn’t necessarily a flaw, it is something that can hinder a lot of extraordinary people from getting out of their shell and showing the world everything they really have to offer.

Hufflepuffs tend to be a more reserved type of person, but getting out there and meeting new people is a way that they can expand their horizons, force themselves to grow, and get out of their comfort zones in the best way possible.

Appreciate Your Life More

This kind of New Year’s resolution simultaneously seems overly simple and maddeningly difficult, because after all, it can mean almost anything to anyone. But something that most Hufflepuffs seem to have a very strong appreciation for is the hand that they’ve been dealt in life, regardless of what that hand is.

Hufflepuffs can certainly be aspirational, but they are typically pretty satisfied with whatever it is they get too. New Year’s is a time to renew yourself and make goals for the future, but it should also be a time where everyone can appreciate the awesome person that they already are.