Slytherins have an unfortunate reputation in general. Having Voldemort as a member of your house can do that. But there is much to be admired in Slytherin house. There’s nothing wrong about being ambitious. Slytherins are also incredibly loyal to family and other house members.

They work hard to achieve their goals and everyone can resolve to do that. And, in reality, there is a lot people can learn from people and characters they don’t respect. What we shouldn’t do is almost as important as what we should.

Be Ambitious (Slughorn)

Professor Horace Slughorn takes over as the potions professor position in the sixth Harry Potter book/film. While one might think that being a professor doesn’t make him ambitious, his continued contact with past students, particularly those who have gone on to be successful outside the classroom.

The editor at the Daily Prophet? Check. The captain of the Holyhead Harpies? Check. Slughorn starts cultivating stars early by inviting students of note to participate in his Slug Club. Resolve to be ambitious in the new year, there’s nothing wrong with success.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others (Draco Malfoy)

If you want to be successful that doesn’t mean you have to be hostile or selfish. Success is a personal definition. Draco Malfoy would have been much happier growing up if he hadn’t been forced to compare himself to others for the majority of his life.

His obsession with Harry Potter, in particular, and his doings are always on Malfoy’s find. Be happier with the year and yourself by not comparing yourself to others in everything you do. Learn from Malfoy’s mistakes and focus inward in 2020.

Ask for Help (Voldemort)

Voldemort is not really a person to emulate in any way. His confidence and power, however, did mean that he was never shy about asking for help. He didn’t usually ask, he usually demanded, but we’ll take the positivity where we can get it. Voldemort needs a body?

He “asks” Pettigrew to make a potion for him. When he needs to get some henchmen into Hogwarts? He “asks” Draco to figure out a way to make that possible. He doesn’t do everything himself, and in the new year, you shouldn’t either.

Lead Toward Change (Scorpius Malfoy)

Scorpius Malfoy, son of Draco Malfoy, proves that all Slytherin house members are not inherently evil. He is the change the house of green and silver has needed for centuries. He doesn’t change himself to fit in with his peers (he and best friend Albus Potter are outcasts, but they are outcasts together).

His kindness, brains, and humor are a breath of fresh air in the dungeon common room. He leads the way toward a cultural change in his Hogwarts house and anyone can help lead toward positive change in the 365 days that lay ahead of us.

Leave Toxic Relationships Behind (Regulus Black)

Regulus Black, or R.A.B., the younger and lesser-known brother of Marauder, Sirius Black, is the poster boy for removing himself from bad situations and bad relationships. Once a Slytherin, and a Death Eater, Regulus leaves his poor decisions and relationships behind him when he steals a Horcrux from Voldemort himself. He was in deep, but Regulus knew it was never too late to leave his toxic friendships and relationships behind.

If Regulus can remove himself from Voldemort’s clutches and influence, it’s never too late for anyone to turn their life around and make new friends.

Spend Time With Your Family (Andromeda Tonks)

Andromeda Tonks was once Andromeda Black, sister of Narcissa Black/Malfoy and Bellatrix/Lestrange. She came from a big family and moved on to create a family of her own with Ted Tonks. Unfortunately for Andromeda, she goes through two major losses in the Harry Potter series.

First, she falls out with her Death Eater sisters and then loses her husband, daughter, and son-in-law to the Second Wizarding War. Don’t regret time not spent. Learn from Andromeda’s losses and resolve to spend more time with your family.

Help Others (Narcissa Malfoy)

Narcissa Malfoy spends the first six Harry Potter books being Draco’s cold and aloof mother. But in book (and movie) seven she proves to everyone it is never too late to change. Narcissa plays a key role in helping Harry himself escape from Voldemort’s clutches (she does it for pretty selfish reasons, but we give her credit where credit is due).

Don’t wait until the last minute like Narcissa, make one of your resolutions to, help others, this year and be the better person all Slytherins can be.

Leave Something for the Future (Merlin)

Did you know Merlin was in Slytherin? Well, he was. The most famous wizard in the world (before Harry Potter that is) was a student of silver and green in his day. Well, in the Wizarding World the, “Order of Merlin,” is one of the highest awards that can be bestowed upon a Wizard or Witch for their achievements.

Merlin did a lot in his time (anyone remember a boy named Arthur?) but today he is known more in Harry’s world for the award and legacy he left behind. Resolve to leave something for the future as you head into a new year.

Work with Kids (Salazar Slytherin)

This year make a resolution to get out into the community more. You don’t have to work with animals like Hagrid, there are a lot of other opportunities. This year make a resolution to work more with children. Think about Salazar Slytherin, he helped found a school that would serve children from the Wizarding World for generations to come.

You don’t have to be as particular in the children you choose to work with like Salazar Slytherin was. Get involved in your community in the new decade.

Make New Friends (Crabbe and Goyle)

Crabbe and Goyle were together until the end, literally. Slytherins are incredibly loyal, and they would never advise against that. However, in making resolutions for the upcoming year, it might have been good for Crabbe and Goyle to expand their horizons at some point and make a few new friends.

The world, and Hogwarts, are full of people and there’s nothing wrong with looking into new experiences and new relationships. Sometimes it’s hard to get out of your own way, but by specifically resolving to do it means your more likely to succeed.