Friends is one of the most popular, celebrated and beloved television shows of all time. Its focus on seven friends—Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe and Joey—is relatable to fans, causes fans to laugh, has brought tears to fans’ eyes and inspires fans, even all these years later.

That being said, like for many popular franchises, it is common to see tattoos that are based on this series, and the 10 that are being shown below are some of the best. They reference specific characters, scenes, quotes, and moments that have helped in making these main characters and their lives so appealing and entertaining.

That Iconic Title

The font used for the title of Friends may be the most recognizable one of any TV show, ever; the letters are written in a scratchy script, and in between each of them, there is a colored dot. 

Tons of people who are into this series have used that exact font in order to write out words, permanently, on their bodies, like this one from Medtattoos. Some get their names, some get words that are special to this show, some get the title itself, and some get matching phrases with their own pals. 

I’ll Be There

Another vital part of this show would be the theme song, I’ll Be There For You. Those lovely words and those catchy claps are known by one and all, and they make for some cool artwork, too.

This is another idea (from Instagram) to keep in mind, if getting ink with a friend, since the song could be continued from one person’s body to the other’s. Then, every time they look at these lyrics, they will be reminded of a classic show and of their love for each other!


Let’s get back to the colorful dots seen in the Friends title for a second… Some have just the circles, with no words, put on their bodies, as seen in this image shared by Corrine. This is simple. This is minimalistic. This is artsy. And this is a neat nod to this television show. 

Once again, think about getting identical dots with someone special, as just a few colors and one shape can speak volumes.

This Collage

This fan is so into Friends that they got a whole college of references put permanently on their body! There are characters. There is the title. There is a phrase that Joey says often. There is the peephole frame from the apartment door. There is a couch. And there are animals that have been important over the years, such as a lobster, a monkey and a duck. 

A collage like this, which was shared by danieltrainorart, can include all of a fan’s favorite moments and memories, and then they can all be drawn in a unique way, in order to be shown off to the world forever.

Central Perk 

Many scenes from this story took place at Central Perk, a made-up coffee shop in New York. Rachel served coffee there. Phoebe sang songs there. And all of the characters piled up on a couch there, in order to catch up and hang out together. 

So a brilliant idea is to get a coffee cup tat or one that replicates this shop’s logo exactly, in order to celebrate one of the most known fictional restaurants of all time! This is a truly grand idea that was done by markstoreytattoo and that would work for someone who is addicted to Friends and to caffeine.

Smelly Cat

Speaking of Phoebe’s singing… Her best-known song would be Smelly Cat, and this person must love it… and then got it, thanks to art developed by kiviatattoo! Not everyone would want a cat tattooed to their body, and not everyone would want the word “smelly” put onto their body forever. However, when other fans see this in the wild, they must go crazy, and it must lead to fun conversations about other great Friends moments.


Another one of those moments involved Ross yelling “Pivot!” as everyone tried to move a couch up some stairs. 

Those who have moved (especially those who have tried to move a big piece of furniture up a narrow flight of stairs) know his pain, and this is such a pretty way to think back on this scene! Plus, couches are important to this show, since the characters sit on one in the opening credits and at Central Perk, and that iconic font is seen again here, as well. Yes, the couch by itself or the words by itself would be great, but altogether, as seen by alexstrangler… even better. 

You’re My Lobster

Several love stories were told through this series, including one involving Rachel and Ross. They were together, then they were on a break (Right?), then they ended up together and with a child. Why, and how? Well, he was her lobster and vice versa, a fact that was celebrated by Tattoos by Celeste!

To some, these words may sound like nonsense, but to those who know Friends, these are heartfelt words reserved for true soulmates… like Rachel and Ross! How cute would this be on a couple who is linked by fate and kismet and their interest in this TV show?

How You Doin’

Let’s not forget about Joey, an additional main character, as he had some famous words on this show, too: How you doin’? A true fan of his may opt to get this quote in permanent ink, and this specific person took it even further… Everyone knows that Joey does not like to share food, so putting some delicious things like pizza around these words, which he spoke often, is just too perfect. Thanks for sharing, Luiza Siqueira.

That Iconic Door

Finally, there is this simple yet effective way to show off a passion for Friends, which was shared by yancamardelli; several different homes and apartments were seen over the years, but the main one was Monica’s. And on the purple door in that apartment, there was this curved yellow frame around the peephole.

This is such a recognizable object, and it is so fun to see it tattooed onto people! It may not be for everyone, but it is a very unique way to celebrate this legendary series.