Harley Quinn is one of the most famous characters in the DC Universe. While she might be a villain, she has proven to be a rather likable character throughout the years. One of the most interesting fun facts about this character is that characters that are similar to her have actually been around for approximately 500 years.

Though she used to be nothing more than the Joker’s sidekick, the character has really started doing some interesting things on her own, and that is what viewers get to see in the animated series Harley Quinn. Here are some of the best quotes from the first season of the show.

“You Have To Leave Him. And Don’t Say ‘You Don’t Know Him Like I Do.”

This quote comes from Poison Ivy, and it can be heard in the first episode of the series. Even in the comics, Quinn and Ivy are very close, and it seems as though Ivy is always there for Quinn, especially when it comes to the Joker, who does not care for her at all, and he only uses her.

Even though she loves him dearly, the Joker treats Quinn very badly (which is also pretty clear in the comics), and that is why Ivy says this to her. She is trying to show her best friend that she deserves to be treated much better than that.

“Sometimes I Fly Just To Have A Quiet Place To Think, Ya Know, Just Really Let My Thoughts Run Wild.”

Kite Man does not have a lot intelligent lines in the series, but he does have this one, and he says it in an episode called “A High Bar.” When he says it, he is talking to Ivy, and of course she offers a humorous response when she questions him about whether or not he actually has more than one thought, since he usually does not say many smart things. Despite the fact that she insults his intelligence a number of times, Kite Man still seems to want to be with Ivy, and she does eventually start to like being with him.

“So Let Me Get This Straight: You’re Not Over Your Ex, And You Want To Throw Your Success In His Face.”

There are a lot of really relatable lines in Harley Quinn, and this is one of them. After Quinn puts a stop to her relationship with the Joker, she does everything she can to try to become her own person, and show him how awesome she can be without him, including trying to join the Legion Of Doom.

But Ivy has a hard time understanding why she is so obsessed with becoming a member of that organization. Quinn explains it, and this quote is Ivy’s response to her. Even though this series is not about situations people deal with in real life, this line is one lots of people can probably relate to.

“You Know, No One Ever Talks About It, But It’s Almost Impossible To Get Brains Out Of A Cape.”

This line is spoken by Queen of Fables during the seventh episode of the first season of Harley Quinn. Out of all of the characters that have appeared on the series so far, this one seems to be one of the least likable ones.

Queen of Fables is very destructive, much like some of the others on the show. But the difference is that she does not seem to care, and she will even deceive those that help her. But she does have some funny lines once in a while, and they really lighten up the mood a bit. This line is one of them, and it shows how much of a villain she really is, since she clearly isn’t bothered by hurting people.

“Hey, There’s A YMCA Pool Down The Street.”

This is one of Quinn’s lines, and the context behind it is what makes it as great as it is. One of the many superheroes that makes an appearance in the series is Aquaman, and they get into a bit of a fight.

There are a couple of humorous lines in this episode, but one of the things that makes it even better is it shows just how awesome Quinn is. This scene demonstrates how tough she is when she starts fighting Aquaman. But later on in the scene, the character can be seen picking up some fish while panicking, and she informs him that there is a pool nearby that he can take them to.

“You Know, Everyone Remembers Me For The Big Crimes. The Murders, The Cripplings. But It’s The Little Ones That Keep Me Going.”

This quote from the series can be heard in the episode that is called “A Seat At The Table.” During this episode, Quinn is welcomed into the Legion Of Doom, meaning that she finally achieved one of her biggest goals.

After she is accepted, the Joker starts being nice to her, which is not something that happens very often, so it seems a bit suspicious. But later on in the episode, they are reminiscing about the past, and that is when he says this line. But of course all of this leads up to him treating her very poorly again, which just shows that the Joker never changes.

“And He Apologized For That And Made A Whole Bunch Of New Ones.”

Quinn says this line in the tenth episode of the series, which is an episode that gives fans of the show a glimpse of what her family is like, and why she turned out the way she did. After things with the Joker and the Legion Of Doom fell through, she decided to go back home.

This episode makes it very clear that she does not have a great relationship with her dad. Quinn even talks to her mother about him making promises he couldn’t keep when she was a child, and this quote is her mom’s response. Her mom’s attitude towards her father might explain Quinn’s attitude when it comes to the Joker.

“Uh, Who Still Has Hands!”

In an episode called “Harley Quinn Highway,” Ivy says this line right before proving that she is perfectly capable of handling a very tough situation all on her own. One of the villains that is a pretty big deal so far in this series is Scarecrow, and he captures Ivy in an attempt to use her for an evil plan that he has cooked up.

But in the end, that backfires, since she is a strong character. Mook mistakenly believes that she won’t be able to protect herself in one scene, and that is when Ivy says this quote. After that, the character does a great job of protecting herself, despite not having any powers at the moment.

“Yeah, That Was Uh, That Was Definitely A Thing I Knew.”

Dr. Psycho says this line to Clayface to make it sound like he did not just carelessly put him in serious danger. Throughout the first season of the show, there have been multiple times when Dr. Psycho proved that he really does not care about anyone but himself, and this was one of those moments.

Despite the fact that Clayface is not an enemy of his, Dr. Psycho pushes Clayface in front of a very harmful object, not knowing whether he could live through that or not. But Clayface survives, and he tells Dr. Psycho that he made a smart move by doing that, since he knew it would not serious harm Clayface, and this quote is Dr. Psycho’s response. It just shows that he is really not that good of a friend, and that he can be very selfish.

“I’m A Genius Telepath! Why’re You Wasting Me On This?”

Dr. Psycho says this quote in the third episode of the series. In this episode, Quinn is still trying to get some people together so that she can have a crew, and show the Joker that she is doing well without him.

One of the people she recruits is Dr. Psycho. During one scene, he believes that she needs him because of his incredible telepathic abilities, which is why he says this line to her. She them explains that his small size is also beneficial to them, since he is the only one that can fit into tiny areas. Despite being upset about it, he does what she needs him to do anyway.