One type of marketing tool that’s becoming increasingly more popular is a social media aggregator. Before you sigh and think to yourself here’s yet another social media tool, social media aggregators are actually pretty useful. So, if your brand doesn’t have one yet, you might just want to check these out. We’ve done the research for you to narrow it down to the following 10 tools. Most of them have some type of free plan which you can take advantage of to see if it’s something that your brand needs and will use moving forward. 

10 of the Best Social Media Aggregators:

What’s a Social Media Aggregator?

The name might be a mouthful, but its function is rather straightforward. A social media aggregator tool helps you to gather content from various social media network platforms to create a unified presentation. These tools do this by using the application programming interface (API) that’s shared by social networks. So, you’ll need to give the said social media platforms permission to collect social content from your account. 

10 of the Best Social Media Aggregators

Wrapping Things Up

One of the main reasons why you’re investing in a social media aggregator is to create more brand awareness and build your brand’s rep. Sharing content that contains profanity, even if you’re not the voice behind it, will only reflect badly on your brand and defeat the whole reason why you got a social media aggregator in the first place. So, it’s key that whichever tool you pick has some type of moderation features.  You can use it to curate content, visuals, posts, and even hashtags to create a unified, beautiful feed. You can then embed this feed or display it wherever you wish. All in all, it’s a great tool if you want to leverage the power of social proof. By embedding a social media feed on your business website, visitors can see for themselves what other customers think of your service or products.  To make sure that the content remains “safe for work”, it also has the ability to moderate what pops up on your aggregated social media feed. In fact, it’s one of the top social media moderation tools so you can rest assured that you’ll remain in total control of which types of posts make it onto your social media wall. Speaking of control, it also gives you a lot of customization options so that your aggregated feed aligns with your branding. Alternatively, you can simply stick to one of its nine built-in social feed styles.  Key features include:

Social feed themes Customization Social media analytics 15 integrations including YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram

Cost: It offers a basic Free plan and three paid plans with pricing starting at $19 per month. While it might sound complicated, it’s quick and easy to use. All you need to do is complete three simple steps: collect your social content, curate the content, and publish it. To ensure that your aggregated feed is attractive and relevant, it also offers advanced filtering so that you end up with a final product that matches your style.  One of the special features that deserve special mention is that thanks to their responsive layouts you can also display your new custom social media feed on digital signage displays too. So, you can think a lot bigger than just the small screen of your audience’s mobile devices. Think live events or in-store screens… You get the (bigger) picture.  If you’re an eCommerce business, you can also use it to create shoppable social feeds. By tagging products, you can make your social media feed and user-generated content (UGC) even more valuable by using it to generate revenue.  And, just like Juicer and most other tools in this category, it also has a social media moderation feature. So, you can ensure that the content remains appropriate.  Key features include:

15+ integrations including YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram UGC rights management Real-time updates Screen compatibility  Analytics

Cost: It offers a Free plan and various paid options. After a free 14-day trial, pricing starts at $24 per month. It’s as easy as 1,2,3. You simply connect your social media accounts, customize your feed, and copy and paste the embed code.  It also offers advanced filtering to keep your feed family-friendly. All you need to do is create rules and it can block content using bad language or anything else that doesn’t fit your brand. Not only can it help you to ensure your social media feed is family-friendly, but Curator is also hashtag-friendly, SEO-friendly, and mobile-friendly. So, if there’s a specific hashtag that you want to use, it will do the searching on your behalf. Whether you want to impress Google or outdoor billboards, Curator can do both.  Key features include:

Support for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Tumblr, and RSS Moderation Editable posts Reporting

Cost: It offers a Free plan and three paid plans with pricing starting at $25 per month. With regards to social media aggregation specifically, you can check out their EmbedFeed product. From customer photos to entire posts, they can collect various types of content. And, most recently, they also added integration with YouTube and TikTok. So, if video content is integral to your brand, EmbedSocial might be the one. It also includes a hashtag aggregator. This is particularly useful if your marketing campaigns often rely on hashtags.  Another feature that deserves special mention is its social commerce functionality. You can use it to embed shoppable Instagram or TikTok feeds to help convert browsers into paying customers.  Last, but not least, it also includes sophisticated moderation features. With the help of their negative keywords filters, you can ban posts that have a specific keyword. Key features include:

Customization  Analytics and reporting Moderation

Cost: It offers a limited Free plan that includes Instagram account and hashtag feeds. For other social media feeds, shoppable feeds, customization, and moderation, you’ll need to sign up for one of its two paid plans with pricing starting at $29 per month. From Instagram photos to tweets to YouTube videos to Facebook posts, you can use various types of content to create multiple layouts. For example, if you plan on embedding the collected content on your product page, you can check out the carousel option as it doesn’t take up that much vertical space. Of, if you plan on using it on a digital screen at a live event, a slideshow can help to turn foot traffic into website traffic.  It also offers moderation features to ensure that you stay in control of what gets displayed. You can either store the content in a moderation queue or, if you prefer to let it get displayed automatically, you can always hide inappropriate content or create a blacklist from the start that will block content mentioning specific keywords.  Key features include:

Unlimited layouts Moderation  Multiple languages Spam blocking Call-to-action buttons

Cost: After a free 14-day trial, pricing starts at $47 per month. Trusted by thousands of leading brands including names like Nike, Marriott, and LinkedIn, their social media aggregator feature can help you to deliver authentic content in large volumes. You can select from dozens of social media channels (including TikTok) and with the help of its powerful auto-moderation technology curate it to ensure that only the most relevant (and appropriate) content goes live.  If you need to get rights, TINT can help you with that too. In just a single click of the button, you can request and obtain legal rights. Then, to stay on top of requests and authorizations, it lets you save an audit trail for compliance purposes within its platform.  With regards to customization, you also have a number of options and tools. It has a selection of pre-built themes and templates that you can tweak by changing elements like the color, size and font to ensure that all your UGC matches your brand guidelines.  Key features include:

An analytics dashboard Manual and auto-tagging Themes and templates Open API for custom visual experiences

Cost: Pricing is available upon request. Then, to make sure that no one “vandalizes” your wall, they also offer social feed moderation. It, for example, includes a spam filter and blocklist. You can either use their default blocklist of phrases and keywords to save time or create your own. Though, one word of warning, they’re not the cheapest solution on our list.  Key features include:

Multiple integrations including TikTok, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube Various social media feed layouts Moderation Post looping

Cost: It offers a Free plan and two paid plans with pricing starting at $249 per month. It offers over 18 integrations making it a very good choice if you’ve managed to build quite the social media presence already. Not only does it offer multiple integrations, but it also includes a number of customization options. From color schemes to layouts to banner integration, it’s easy to make your social media feed even more engaging.  Key features include:

Manual and automatic moderation Engagement analytics Branding Sentiment analysis

Cost: It offers a Free plan and three paid plans with pricing starting at only $9 per month.  Trusted by names like Google, Red Bull, and Tim Hortons, it can help to drive user engagement and take your calls to action from your website to a live audience. All in all, it’s a great tool for brand managers, event planners, and community managers.  Key features include:

A library of themes The ability to add your logo Statistics (currently in beta)

Cost: It offers a free basic plan, two paid options, and custom pricing for enterprise clients. Pricing starts at $195 for 24 hours. With regard to social media aggregation specifically, it gives you the option to create multiple streams from different social media platforms where you can monitor content and engage with your audience and other posts. With the help of its dashboard streams, you can search by hashtag, keyword, or even location.  Key features include:

Content curation Campaign management Analytics and reporting

Cost: It offers a basic Free plan and a generous free 30-day trial. For more functionality, pricing starts at about $49 per month when billed annually. Another key feature is customization. A unified social media feed can be a work of art. So, be sure to check out the templates that the tool offers. Do they offer a decent selection? Are they easy to tweak? Can you customize it to fit in with your current branding? If you’re going to be posting a social media feed on your business website that looks very different from your current style, rather don’t. The two need to complement each other. Just like you want users to respect your website and social media pages, so too should you show your current digital assets the same kind of love and respect and only add visually-pleasing elements. 

Curator Hootsuite Netvibes Taggbox Buffer SocialBee