Almost everyone has grown up watching cartoons. Either after school or during the infamous Saturday morning cartoon binge watch. Every cartoon tends to have some sort of villain. Whether it’s a mean babysitter, a kid at school, or an intergalactic demon, it’s always something. Whatever it is, it usually has the ability to scare is in a mere 22 minutes.

From movies to TV shows their was always that one monster that stuck with its viewers well into adulthood. Either they were so big and powerful, or even a normal size, they had incredible power that could take out the hero in minutes. Here is 10 of the most powerful cartoon monsters, ranked.

Drago’s Bewilderbeast

Drago’s Bewilderbeast is from the movie How to Train Your Dragon 2. This dragon’s life was treacherous since birth and filled with agony. He was raised to be a machine made for war.

This dragon was so strong he could defeat the main alpha dragon. He is a brute of mass of destruction. He is able to make dragons do whatever he wants, even if they are good. He also has ice breath and incredible strength. In the end, when Drago was defeated, he became good and finally learned to show love and affection.

Other Mother

Beldam, also known as the other mother, is the main villain in the Coraline book and animated movie. She is one of the main reasons the movie was not for kids–she was straight terrifying. She started off nice and loving, something Coraline thought was new. Things took a terrible turn when Coraline refused to sew buttons onto her eyes.

Beldam is not a demon surprisingly, but a witch with three different forms, each scarier than the last. She also has the power to control the weather and see into the future.

Te Ka

Te Ka is the demon of earth and fire from the Disney movie Moana. Te Ka is the heartless form of Te Fiti when Maui stole her heart. When that happened, she became a strong lava monster that was killing the earth and could not be stopped.

Te Fiti was a goddess that had the power to create and make life but as Te Ka, she has the power to destroy with her lava and fire powers. It is a great metaphor for how we take from the earth and give nothing back.


One of the scariest, but also comedic villains, was HIM from Powerpuff Girls. He is the series’ devil and the most powerful villain the girls had to face.  HIM does not like to be brutish with his attempts to take down the Powerpuff Girls, but prefers scaring or driving them apart.

Like a lot of other demons, HIM has the power of mind control, size alteration and whole multitude of other powers. HIM is by far the most evil character on the show and has done a lot to get that title.


The next villain on this list is the demon born from the Black Mass of Darkness, Aku from Samurai Jack. Aku is the number one villain in Samurai Jack. He was able to take the world over and rule it all on this own.

Aku is powerful and has a lot of great abilities, but there are somethings that can easy take him down with ease, like illness or time travel. With that in mind, he also uses dark magics such as necromancy and object materialization. Aku is extremely evil, but in the show he was used as comedic relief, which made seem less menacing at times.


This monster haunter children’s dreams for a long time after his appearance in 1990’s Fantasia. Chernabog has been known to be Disney’s best and most evil villain to date as he is made of pure evil. For the 1940s, Chernabog was the most frightening and evil villain in media. He is known to dislike church bells and one of his greatest enemies of Virgin Mary.

Chernabog enjoyed being evil because it simple made him “happy.” He and his minions did not terrorize the village in Fantasia for any particular reason other than for fun. If that is not true evil, what is?


This is Zilla Junior from the cartoon Godzilla: The Series, a continuation of the 1998 Gozilla movie. The egg left behind from Godzilla has hatched and is now fully grown and living its best life. The show was about Zilla Junior and a team named H.E.A.T adventuring around the planet taking down evil kaiju.

This is a fully grown young Godzilla. Zilla Junior has a slight advantage over his parent as he can breathe atomic breath. Zilla Junior is always ready to fight and can take almost anything down with just his claws.


While Trigon acts a little sillier in Teen Titans Go than his comic or animated movie counterpart, it does not make him any less powerful. Trigon is a literally an inter-dimensional demon. He is the father of the also very powerful Teen Titan, Raven. He has devoured millions souls taken over a lot of different planets.

Trigon is not a demon people should mess with. His power is no joke. One of the things that is said about Trigon is that he is omnimalevolent, which means he is made of evil. He can even grant people powers. He is truly a demon that could take over the whole world.

Bill Cypher

In Gravity Falls, evil comes in the form of a yellow triangle wearing a top hat. He is the main villain not only for the town of Gravity Falls, but for the Pines family. Bill is said to be older than the galaxy itself.

Bill has a lot of different powers to mess with peoples heads, but one that he likes to show the most is his reality manipulation. Bill has also been know to take the soul of anyone he chooses. He is a terrifying demon and should never be summoned, especially by a family named the Pines.

The Lich

The last and most powerful monster on this list is the Lich from the iconic Cartoon Network show Adventure Time. The Lich is the main villain in the whole entire series. He is a cosmic entity that is over 1,000 years old. He is not only a very powerful sorcerer but the very last scholar of GLOB.

The Lich is extremely powerful and terrifying looking. He is completely immortal with powers beyond Finn and Jake’s wildest dreams. It is said that he has death and rot surrounding him at all times. Just by being near a person or animal, he is able to kill them. He has so many powers it is hard to keep track of. This Lich is what the other monsters on this list have nightmares about.