In the days of Pokémon Red & Blue, the decision over whether to evolve your Pokémon was usually an easy one.

The only reason to prevent a Pokémon from evolving was if they would miss out on learning a specific move when they leveled up. This was the only reason why you wouldn’t evolve a Pokémon at the first opportunity, as the stat boost provided was always worth it.

As the Pokémon series progressed, there were new features and items added that would make the player think twice about evolving their beloved Pokémon.

The addition of abilities in Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire meant that each Pokémon now possessed a built-in power that was always active. There were times when evolution changed a Pokémon’s ability to one that was inferior.

The other major shift in Pokémon evolution came in Pokémon Black & White, with the introduction of the Eviolite item. Eviolite was a held-item that boosted the Defense and Special Defense stats by 50%, but it could only be used by a Pokémon that could still evolve. The benefits of Eviolite were so great that many players started to reevaluate the long-forgotten middle-stage Pokémon.

This is not to say that you should never evolve your Pokémon, as the majority of final evolutions are still worth the hassle. There are some Pokémon who gain incredible new abilities and stat boosts from evolution, to the point where you would be foolish to keep them in their earlier forms.

We are here today to see which Pokémon should hold an Everstone and which gain an overwhelming advantage when they evolve: from the computer program that doesn’t need an update to the egg that can become the most powerful Pokémon in the Alola region.

Here are the 10 Pokémon That Get Weaker When They Evolve (And 10 That Become Overpowered)!

20. Weaker: Porygon2

The Porygon line has been ignored in the Pokémon anime for years due to the controversy surrounding the Porygon-themed episode that resulted in epileptic seizures.

The creators of the Pokémon video games have been giving Porygon some love in the form of new evolutions, which turn it into a more advanced Pokémon.

If you trade a Porygon that is holding an Up-Grade, then it will turn into Poyrgon2, and if you trade a Porygon2 that is holding a Dubious Disc, then it will turn into Porygon-Z.

If you evolve a Porygon2 into Porygon-Z, then it will actually lose points in Defense and Special Defense.

This means that a Porygon2 that is holding an Eviolite will have far superior defensive stats than Porygon-Z, which is helpful due to their middling Hit Points and Speed stats.

This allows Porygon2 to fill several useful niches in battle, such as being an incredibly effective Trick Room-user.

19. Stronger: Onix

Onix was once the bane of the players who chose Charmander in Pokémon Red & Blue, but its bark was far worse than its bite in the competitive scene. Onix looks like a big scary monster, but a Grass or Water-type Pokémon would quickly annihilate it in battle.

The introduction of Steel-type Pokémon in Pokémon Gold & Silver resulted in a metallic evolution for Onix, called Steelix.

An Onix who turns into Steelix will becomes much better at taking hits, with Steelix’s Mega Evolution making it even harder to knock out. This is due to the boost that Steelix gains to its Hit Points and Special Defense stats when it has evolved.

One of the biggest benefits that Onix gains from evolving into Steelix involves the change in resistances/weaknesses. Onix has one immunity, five resistances, and six weaknesses, while Steelix has two immunities, seven resistances, and four weaknesses.

This means that Steelix works far better as a defensive wall than its predecessor.

18. Weaker: Nincada

The inclusion of Nincada on this list is kind of a cheat, as it evolves into two different Pokémon: Ninjask and Shedinja.

Ninjask is useful due to its amazing Speed stat, which allows it to fill a specific niche on the battlefield.

Shedinja is on the opposite end of the spectrum due to the fact that it only has one hit point. Shedinja possesses the unique Wonder Guard ability, which makes it immune to everything except for super-effective attacks.

The fact that Shedinja is a Bug/Ghost-type Pokémon means that it is weak to Dark, Fire, Flying, Ghost, and Rock-type moves, which make up some of the common threats in the competitive scene.

This means that Wonder Guard is only useful in very specific situations, which is always a dangerous thing to prepare for in a Pokémon battle.

17. Stronger: Vibrava

There was a distinct lack of Dragon-type representation in the first two Pokémon generations, with the Dragonite line and Kingdra being the only dragons in Kanto and Johto.

Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire finally showed the Dragon-type Pokémon some love, with the addition of the Flygon and Salamance lines, as well as Altaria, Latias, Latios, and Rayquaza.

Vibrava is a mediocre Pokémon at best, but it becomes a powerhouse when it evolves into Flygon.

This is due to Flygon’s even stat spread and amazing typing, which allows it to resist some of the most common threats in the competitive scene.

The addition of Fairy-type Pokémon in Pokémon X & Y took away some of Flygon’s luster, but it still remains one of the best Earthquake users in the game.

16. Weaker: Murkrow

Those who played Pokémon Gold & Silver may have wanted to add a Murkrow to their team due to its cool design and unique typing. It didn’t take long for the players to realize that Murkrow was bad in battle, though, due to its poor stats.

Pokémon Black & White was very kind to Murkrow, as the introduction of Eviolite meant that it could offset its poor defensive stats, which was the main problem holding it back.

Murkrow also gained access to the Prankster Hidden ability in Pokémon Black & White, which it loses when it evolves.

Prankster increases the priority of all non-damaging moves in the game, which allowed Murkrow to become one of the best buffers/debuffers in the game, thanks to its access to moves like Calm Mind, Petal Dance, and Swagger.

15. Stronger: Wimpod

Wimpod is be considered to be the Magikarp of Pokémon Sun & Moon due to its dreadful stats and terrible ability.

As you can probably tell from the name, Wimpod isn’t much of a fighter, as almost all of its stats are low, save for its Speed.

Wimpod is also shackled with the Wimp Out ability, which forces it to switch out when it loses half of its hit points.

It’s worth the hassle and time to evolve Wimpod, however, as it will eventually turn into the monstrosity known as Golisopod, which has amazing Attack and Defense stats.

Golisopod is one of only two Pokémon that can use First Impression, which is one of the best opening moves in the game, thanks to its high damage and priority.

Golisopod is let down by its poor Speed stat, but its sheer power makes it a fearsome threat on the battlefield.

14. Weaker: Dusclops

Pokémon Diamond & Pearl introduced new evolutions for several Pokémon from earlier generations.

The addition of the Reaper Cloth in Diamond & Pearl allowed Dusclops to evolve into Dusknoir, which made it look a lot cooler, but it didn’t give much in terms of a stat boost.

Dusclops didn’t have to wait long to become relevant again, as the introduction of Eviolite in Pokémon Black & White gave it a huge boost to its defensive stats.

This means that Dusclops can tank pretty much anything that the opponent can throw at it.

This gives it plenty of time to inflict status effects or use buff/debuff moves in order to help it deal some damage.

13. Stronger: Poipole

The Ultra Beasts have been presented as Lovecraftian horrors in the Pokémon video games, which is backed up their frightening power on the battlefield.

Ash Ketchum has managed to acquire an Ultra Beast in the Pokémon anime, as he now has a Poipole on his team. Little does Ash realize that his cute new companion will one day evolve into an incredibly powerful monster.

Poipole evolves into Naganadel, which is one of the few Pokémon that was added to Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon.

Naganadel is Poison/Dragon-type Pokémon with a sky-high Special Attack and Speed stats, which allows it to fire off some incredibly damaging moves.

Naganadel possesses the Beast Boost ability, which means that it becomes stronger with each Pokémon it knocks-out in battle.

This means that it quickly increase its Special Defense stat to frightening levels of power.

12. Weaker: Type: Null

Type: Null was an attempt to recreate Arceus, which is one of the most powerful Pokémon in existence. Arceus possesses the ability to change its type, depending on what item it is holding.

The evolution of Type: Null is a Pokémon called Silvally, which has a similar gimmick to Arceus in that it can switch its type depending on its held item.

The problem with this ability is that Silvally has mediocre stats that aren’t much of an improvement on Type: Null’s stats.

The fact that Silvally needs to hold an item in order to use its ability means that Type: Null has the advantage, as it can use Eviolite and the Choice items to improve its strength.

Silvally does have a few things going for it, such as an expanded move pool that includes awesome moves like Parting Shot, but the lackluster stats and the fact that it has to use a held-item in order to switch types mean that there is no reason to use it.

11. Stronger: Eelektrik

The creators of Pokémon have often been accused of trying to make lightning strike twice by including a new cute Electric-type Pokémon in each new generation of games in order to try and make a mascot who will be as popular as Pikachu.

These Pikachu clones include the likes of Dedenne, Emolga, Pachirisu, and Togedemaru.

Eelektrik is not a cute Electric-type Pokémon, though. Instead, Eelekrtik is a horrifying worm that looks like a lamprey if it gained the ability to fire lightning from its body.

Eelektrik will eventually evolve into Eelektross, which has some amazing offensive stats and a move pool full of great moves that it can use to take advantage of its strengths.

Eelektross also lacks any weaknesses, as it would normally only be weak to Ground-type moves, but its Levitate ability protects it from them.

10. Weaker: Charjabug

Double Battles have been the dominant format in official Pokémon tournaments for a while now, which drastically changed how the game was played.

One of the Pokémon that benefits greatly from the Double Battle format is Charjabug, whose ability is designed around fighting alongside other Pokémon. Charjabug possesses the Battery ability, which raises the power of its allies special moves by 30%.

Charjabug can hold a unique position in combat as a defensive buffer, as its strengthening effect is always active.

A Charjabug that is holding an Eviolite can hide behind moves like Protect to keep it on the field for as long as possible so that it can fulfill its role and power up the other Pokémon on your team.

9. Stronger: Scyther

Scyther had the potential to be one of the best Pokémon in Pokémon Red & Blue, as Bug-type moves were the only thing that stood a chance against the dominant Psychic-type of the first generation.

Scyther had high Attack and Speed stats, which could have allowed it to take down the likes of Alakazam– if only a decent Bug-type move had existed back then.

Pokémon Gold & Silver gave Scyther a Steel-type evolution in the form of Scizor, which sacrifices speed for better Attack and Defense stats.

The true power of Scizor lies in the change of its type, as it switches from five weaknesses to one.

Pokémon X & Y gave Scizor another boost in the form of Mega Evolution, as Mega Scizor gains a further increase to its stats and the Technician ability, which empowers weaker moves (like Bullet Punch) and turns them into a threat on the battlefield.

8. Weaker: Piloswine

Piloswine is another beneficiary of Pokémon Diamond & Pearl’s new evolutionary forms for older Pokémon.

In order to evolve Piloswine, you need to level it up while it knows Ancient Power as a move, which will allow it to evolve into Mamoswine.

Mamoswine doesn’t offer much of an upgrade in terms of a stat boost, nor does it provide a new ability, which means that Piloswine can benefit more from holding Eviolite than from evolving.

The fact that Piloswine can use Stealth Rock means that the extra defensive power is incredibly useful to this Pokémon and its access to both Blizzard and Earthquake allows it to harm some of the most common threats in the competitive scene.

7. Stronger: Doublade

The Honedge line has often been accused of lacking imagination in their design. A floating sword might seem dull to most video game fans, but the same cannot be said for their combat ability, as this Pokémon line is devastating in combat.

Doublade is no slouch in battle, as it has amazing physical stats that allow it to punch a hole through its enemy. The addition of Eviolite can give Doublade the extra defensive stats that it needs to survive due to its abysmal Speed.

As powerful as Doublade is, it’s no match for Aegislash, which is one of the most feared Pokémon in the series.

Aegislash’s ability to switch between defensive and offensive forms gives it incredible versatility on the battlefield.

Aegislash is the only Pokémon that can use King’s Shield, which may be the best defensive move in the game, as well as being one of the best Sacred Sword wielders in the series.

6. Weaker: Chansey

Chansey might look like one of the friendliest Pokémon in the world, but it was an absolute terror on the battlefield in the days of Pokémon Red & Blue.

The introduction of Blissey in Pokémon Gold & Silver meant that you didn’t need to use Chansey anymore, as Blissey was the superior Pokémon in terms of its stats.

Chansey returned to the spotlight when Eviolite was introduced in Pokémon Black & White, as the bonus it gave was better than what it would receive from evolving into Blissey.

The boost to Defense was the most important upgrade, since it allowed Chansey to survive a lot of attacks that would devastate Blissey in battle.

Blissey is still a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, but Chansey holds the advantage when it uses Eviolite.

5. Stronger: Sliggoo

Sliggoo has one of the most unusual evolution methods in the Pokémon series, as the player needs to level it up in an area where it is raining on the overworld.

It’s worth getting a little wet, though, as Sliggoo will evolve into Goodra, which has some of the best special stats in the game.

Goodra’s strength can further be augmented with the Choice items, with moves like Outrage, dealing an incredible amount of damage to anything that doesn’t resist it.

The Goodra line has a unique Ability in the form of Gooey that lowers the Speed of any Pokémon that tries to hit it with a contact move. This means that taking down Goodra can be a risky prospect on its own.

4. Weaker: Vigoroth

When Vigoroth reaches level thirty-six, it can evolve into Slaking. This might seem like a good idea on the surface, as Slaking has some of the most impressive stats of any non-Legendary Pokémon in the game.

Slaking’s overwhelming power is balanced out by its Truant Ability, which prevents it from taking an action every other turn. This is a crippling weakness in a competitive Pokémon battle, where every turn matters.

A Vigoroth holding an Eviolite isn’t some major game defining threat, but it’s still better than a Pokémon with a debilitating weakness like Slaking has.

All it takes to shut down a Slaking is a move like Protect, as the other player can use the free round of action that Slaking provides in order to set up moves without fear of retribution.

3. Stronger: Lampent

Chandelure has received a bad rap as of late thanks to its appearance in the Pokkén games, where it earned a reputation for being a beam-spam character that can win matches from a distance.

The version of Chandelure that appears in the Pokémon video games isn’t quite as annoying, but it still has a lot of power that it can use against your team.

Lampent is a pretty mediocre Pokémon, except for its excellent typing.

When it evolves into Chandelure, it gains a huge boost to its Special Attack stat, which is an amazing addition for a Fire/Ghost-type Pokémon, as its moves will deal a ton of damage.

Chandelure also has access to some of the best status effect inflicting moves, which will bring back memories of fighting this annoying Pokémon in Pokkén.

2. Weaker: Pikachu

One cannot help but feel that Raichu would never have existed if Game Freak had known how popular Pikachu would become. Pikachu is the mascot of the Pokémon franchise and is one of the most recognizable fictional characters of all time, while Raichu is lucky if anyone remembers it exists.

Pikachu has received numerous different buffs over the years, while Raichu has remained a Pokémon of middling effectiveness in battle. P

ikachu is the only Pokémon that can hold the Light Ball item, which gives it a huge boost to its Attack and Special Attack stats, as well as gaining some unique and powerful Z-moves.

Pikachu has also received several variants in the form of Cosplay Pikachu and Pikachu in a cap, which have access to different moves.

The only new addition that Raichu has received since Pokémon Red & Blue is an underwhelming Alolan form.

Raichu isn’t a terrible Pokémon by any means, but it hasn’t received the benefits of its more famous earlier form.

1. Stronger: Cosmoem

Cosmoem is the overlooked Pokémon of its evolutionary line, as it evolves from Cosmog, which earned memetic status due to how it kept escaping Lillie’s bag and constantly needed to be saved from capture.

Cosmoem can evolve into either Lunala or Solgaleo, which are two of the best Legendary Pokémon in the game.

Pokémon Sun & Moon introduced the first Legendary Pokémon that could evolve (excluding Mega Evolutions) in the form of the Type: Null and Cosmog lines.

This means that you have to hang on to Cosmoem until it hits level fifty-three, at which point it will evolve into either Lunala or Solgaleo (depending on the game that you are playing) both of which possess amazing stats and powerful move pools.

Cosmoem is little more than a pitstop on the way to true power, as it possesses no offensive moves and only exists to be an annoyance on your Pokémon journey.

Are there any other Pokémon that become a lot stronger or weaker when they evolve? Let us know in the comments!