After a long and difficult road to getting his own solo film, the Deadpool films are currently among the biggest of superhero franchises. The R-rated, fourth-wall-breaking nature of the character was a risk but ended up being a much-needed fresh take on the genre. While some worried how the franchise would fare with the Disney-Fox deal, Disney has confirmed they plan to make more Deadpool films in the future.

There are so many exciting places to take the character, and plenty of great comic book stories the future films can draw from. Deadpool and Deadpool 2 drew a lot of inspiration from particular comic arcs to great effect. Looking forward at the franchise’s future, here are some of the best storylines from the comics that the Deadpool movies should use.

10. Deadpool Vs The Hulk

Though some fans worried that joining Disney would result in a watered down version of Deadpool, the merger also provides a lot of potential for the future. The comics have always had great fun showing Deadpool interacting with other Marvel heroes. Now they can do that in the movies without being restricted to just the X-Men universe.

Deadpool Vs Hulk is a great story that is now a possibility. The story follows Deadpool who, after becoming bored and depressed with his life, picks a fight with The Hulk in an effort to end it all. Just the thought of these two very different characters facing off is enough to set the box office on fire.

9. With Great Power Comes Great Coincidence

One of the greatest aspects of Deadpool is his penchant for meta-comedy. His tendency to break the fourth wall allows the comics to comment on the medium itself and the history of Marvel comics at large. The story With Great Power Comes Great Coincidence is a fantastic example of how well this can be done.

The story finds Deadpool and Blind Al trapped in another dimension, which just so happens to be within the pages of a classic Spider-Man comic. While it might be a difficult story to transition to live action, an animated take on this story could be a real winner.

8. Night Of The Living Deadpool

Deadpool is one of those rare characters who can be transplanted into just about any genre. Not only will he fit in any world, but he’ll likely breathe some new life into it as well. Case in point, this comic story that has Deadpool in the midst of a zombie apocalypse.

Zombie movies can be a bit tiresome, but a Deadpool zombie movie just sounds like a whole lot of fun. It could be a superhero version of Shaun of the Dead. Since Deadpool isn’t weighed down but reality, why not have the movies see how wild they can get?

7. Dead Reckoning

So far, the Deadpool movies have found success in telling smaller, more personal stories. Indeed, Deadpool is not really the kind of character that needs to be involved with the world-saving adventures of the other heroes. However, a movie based on the Dead Reckoning story would give Deadpool a chance to be that kind of hero, albeit in a very Deadpool way.

A movie based on this story could fully explore Deadpool’s heroic nature or lack thereof. Does he have the capacity to be utterly selfless and try to save the world? Or would he rather see it all come crashing down just for the fun of it?

6. A Kiss, A Curse, A Cure

One of the most interesting aspects of the Marvel universe that has yet to be explored in the films is Death. In the comics, Death is a personified character who plays a big role in several storylines. She is famously Thanos’ muse and inspiration for wiping out half the universe. But she has also had a very interesting relationship with Deadpool.

This storyline explores the attraction between these two and the many complications that come with it. They want to be united, but Deadpool is a character that cannot die. This might be the ideal way of finally bringing Death to the big screen.

5. Dead Presidents

The comics can be really weird. And as much as the MCU does justice to the source material in various ways, sometimes the comics are just too “out there” for them to tackle. But if any character could fully embrace the insanity of the comics, it’s Deadpool. And the Dead Presidents storyline is the perfect opportunity to go all out.

The title of the story is not misleading. It is about all the past and deceased presidents of the United States being resurrected as zombies and Deadpool is tasked with re-killing them. It’s bizarre, it’s violent, it’s violent – the perfect Deadpool story.

4. Whatever Happened to the White Caption Boxes?

The voices inside Deadpool’s head have been a big part of his character and an aspect that has not yet been explored in the films. In the comics, those voices inside his head are referred to as the “little white boxes”. In this amazing storyline, those voices actually become personified.

A part of Deadpool’s personality breaks off and comes to life in the form of Madcap, a forgettable Captain America villain from the past who shares a lot of similarities with Deadpool. Not only would this be a great way to look at Deadpool’s mental issues, but the face-off between these two characters would be highly entertaining.

3. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Deadpool is one of the funniest characters in the Marvel universe, but it’s easy to forget that he is also a very tragic character. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly offers a lot of Deadpool’s trademark humor, but it is also incredibly heartbreaking.

After learning that the Weapon X program has been revived in North Korea and they are using Deadpool’s organs to create new mutants, he is forced to confront his dark past. With memorable appearances from Captain America and Wolverine, this is an epic story that added a lot of depth to the character of Deadpool.

2. Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe

One of the most exciting things we’re looking forward to with the next Deadpool movie is how he’ll comment on now being a part of the MCU. While they need to handle his involvement in that universe carefully, this famous storyline could be the perfect commentary.

In Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, Deadpool begins hearing a new voice in his head that instructs him to carry out a specific mission – killing everyone. What follows is Deadpool dispatching all our favorite heroes in violent ways. It would be hard to pull off but it could serve as the perfect end to the Deadpool trilogy.

1. Deadpool Kills Deadpool

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse showed how much fun could be had by exploring the multi-dimensions of the Marvel universe. Deadpool could have a similar adventure by adapting Deadpool Kills Deadpool for the big screen.

The story centers on an evil Deadpool from another universe who sets out to kill all other versions of Deadpool. It’s up to the Deadpool in our universe to stop him. There is so much potential in a story like this and imagine the fun of Ryan Reynolds getting to play every strange version of Deadpool that appears.