When Pokémon first became established in America in the 1990s, there were only 151 creatures in the animated show. That number has more than tripled throughout various generations, giving fans even more to love (and to catch if you’re playing Pokémon Go).

Because there is so much diversity in this one fandom, Pokémon characters are actually very common in the cosplay community. Sometimes the designs are based on artwork, while other versions are completely original takes made by cosplayers themselves. So we thought we would take a look at what cosplayers have come up within the realm of fire-type Pokémon.

And we have to say, they’re pretty lit. Check out these 10 powerful fire Pokémon cosplays!


As one of the OG Pokémon evolutions, Charizard is a favorite to cosplay. This one, in particular, is very interesting. It’s an armored Charizard; a concept that originated by the cosplayer, Jenn.

Jenn’s Pokémon cosplay is one that you can revisit again and again and find more details each time. From her platform shoes to the styled orange wig, everything about this design is fierce. The tail is probably the most noticeable feature with the charred details with a faux torch on the end. Some of Jenn’s other cosplays include Jasmine, Winston from Overwatch, and Kida.


It’s fun to cosplay Pokémon because there are seemingly endless opportunities to bring these characters to real life. Olivia of @avantgeek defies the odds with this inventive version of Moltres. Her wig is very telling of which animated creature she’s representing, especially combined with her feathered corset. And while her entire ensemble is elaborate and chic, it’s the wings that draw in a crowd.

Her mobile contraption really gives away which flying fire Pokémon she’s dressed up as. It seems as if she’s able to puppeteer her wings with a discreet pull of the string, which draws the wings up and away from its base. Olivia is famous for her fashionably geeky cosplays. Be sure to take a look at her avant Wonder Woman, Spongebob, and Vanellope cosplays as well!


This Rapidash cosplay brings in so many different forms of fashion into one costume. From the jeweled bustier to her flared bottoms, Kayla certainly knows how to get creative!

Kayla has an impressive list of cosplays on her portfolio. She has a knack for replicating original artwork into cosplay form, like her Scar cosplay based off of the artist, Sunset Dragon. Some of her other wholesome cosplays include Hermione, Ariel, and Supergirl.


It may be hard to differentiate one fire Pokémon from the other when it comes to cosplay. However, there’s no second-guessing when it comes to this adorable costume.

As the adolescent form of this original fire Pokémon, a Charmander cosplay can be as simple or intricate as you make it. This cosplayer made a simple, yet recognizable Charmander cosplay that includes orange daily wear. However, she takes it a step further with custom Pokémon shoes and a beautiful life-size tail!


If you’re a professional fire-breather and a cosplayer, isn’t it just instinct to cosplay as a fire Pokémon? That certainly seems to be the case for Luna Argenta. She’s a UK based cosplayer who is clearly a woman of many talents. Yes, she actually breathes fire (here’s proof) and she’s also a skilled burlesque dancer!

Luna combines all of these traits into her Flareon cosplay. The design appears to be directly inspired by burlesque fashion and her fan flames add a really special touch to her cosplay as a whole. By the way, you definitely want to take a look at Luna’s Flareon cosplay in action!


Vulpix is a favorite amongst the fire Pokémon. With its innocent facade and curled tail, Vulpix is a friendly pet that you’d want to have in real life.

That’s why it’s come as no surprise that this character is popular in the cosplay community. Fox Rots is a cosplayer from the Philippines who demonstrates a stunning anthropomorphic version of Vulpix. The design is based on artwork from fellow cosplayer, Dinny Grayson.

Yes, there is already a Charmander cosplay in this lineup, but we had to include Jak Cosplay’s rendition. The trendy fashion design for this fire Pokémon is based on Hannah Alexander, whose chic artwork is often replicated by cosplayers.

This cosplay has everything you could want in a costume: armor, colors, and sparkly gems. The head-to-toe execution of this cosplay is borderline perfect. Jaqi is an established cosplayer, whose YouTube tutorials have helped many in the community. She’s especially gifted at wig styling, but judging by her other cosplayers (Hades, Anna, and Cersei to name a few), her craftiness is limitless.

Entei Cosplay

There are so many elements to the fire Pokémon, Entei. Taking on this cosplay would probably seem intimidating to most. But for Pokémon enthusiast, Luca Jack Donati, that challenge was readily accepted. And mastered.

It’s obvious that the sharp neck and chest piece are impressive, as are the details on his armored boots. But aren’t we really all here to marvel at that sword? The prop looks as if its emanating fire from the inside. The features of the sword share some of the same aspects of Entei as well, which is pretty ingenious.


Ponyta is the fire Pokémon that bears a resemblance to an average horse– if that horse had fire as a mane and a tail. This is a cosplay based on the designs of Sunset Dragon. Ponyta and Rapidash came highly requested by Sunset’s fans. The artist said about her designs, “One of the re-occuring ones was Rapidash and Ponyta! I love these two so I jumped on the idea of some long elegant ombre gowns with some gorgeous white and gold lacework for their tops.”

Yumikosplay and her friend, Assilem Cosplay, were quick to lace together designs for their own cosplays. Each of them holds a burst of flames that works beautifully with the ombre orange wigs and dress.


Cosplay is a hobby that is indulged by men and women of all ages. And, naturally, dogs.

Mochi is a Diabetic Alert Service animal and a talented dogsplayer. Mochi has only cosplayed a few times, but it’s clear that his Growlithe cosplay would win some cosplay competitions. Besides Pokémon, Mochi is a fan of Star Wars, Harry Potter, Disney, and Overwatch!