The Expanse recently wrapped up filming of its fifth season and fans of this complex political space-opera are eagerly awaiting its return. The previous season, largely derived from James S. A. Corey’s book, Cibola Burns, saw the various factions battling with the consequences of the open Ring Gates and ended on a major cliffhanger that saw Earth on the brink of annihilation.

How Dangerous Is Marko Inaros?

The fourth season introduced the charismatic Belter extremist and OPA pirate Marco Inaros (Keon Alexander) who firmly believes that the Belter’s freedom can only be achieved by striking down the Inners. Throughout the season, Inaros is seen building up his capabilities and ruthlessly killing anyone in his way, including Klaes Ashford (David Strathairn).

At the end of the season, Inaros uses stolen Martian stealth technology to launch an asteroid at Earth. Seemingly, there is no end to what Inaros would do for his cause, therefore it is unclear how far and how many people will die for him to get what he wants.

Will The OPA Maintain Their Alliance?

Season four takes place within the delicate alliance between Earth, Mars and the Belters, with the OPA finally having the political legitimacy that they have desired for years. In the Ring Space, the OPA extends its legitimacy by acting as the guardian and communication relay for the Ring through the ship, the Behemoth.

However, as throughout the earlier seasons, peace among the factions of the OPA has always been fragile. At the same time, the UN starts to distrust the OPA after Camina Drummer (Cara Gee) and Ashford are unable to take control of Inaros. Consequently, it is unclear if the OPA will still have as much control in season five.

Will Naomi Turn Filip Away From Marco Inaros?

One of the biggest reveals of season four was Naomi Nagata’s (Dominique Tipper) relationship with Marco Inaros and their child Filip (Jasai Chase Owens) who Naomi was forced to abandon. Filip is shown to be his father’s right-hand man with the potential to be equally as ruthless.

Naomi asks Fred Johnson (Chad L. Coleman) to help her reunite with her son so that she can save him from Marco’s extremist ways. However, is it already too late as Filip seems dedicated to his father and his plans for a Belter revolution?

Will Alex Reunite With His Family?

The cheerful and talented pilot, Alex Kamal (Cas Anvar) along with Naomi and new character Lucia Mazur (Rosa Gilmore), spend most of the season orbiting the newly inhabited planet Ilus.

While helping his crew try to battle both the Protomolecule and the tensions between the Belter settlers and Royal Charter Energy (RCE), Lucia and Kamal bond over their regret for abandoning their families. Alex, who early in the series had his family believe that he was dead, is seen clearly missing his wife and son. However, will he be able to fix what he has broken?

Do Amos And Clarissa Mao Have A Relationship Blooming?

Nadine Nicole who plays the highly skilled but devious Clarissa Mao has been made a series regular for season five.  As of season four, Mao is imprisoned on Earth for her plot to falsely incriminate James Holden (Steven Strait) and his crew.

Early in the season,  Mao uses her monthly video call to contact Amos Burton (Wes Chatham) to thank him for how he treated her while she was being transported to Earth. The two are seen developing a fragile but yet important bond.  However, how this will play out in the new season is still to be seen.

What Will Happen To Mars?

During season four, the former Martian Marine Bobbie Draper (Frankie Adams) finds herself despondent after her dishonorable discharge and ends up with a group that steals Martian military stealth technology, led by crooked detective Esai Martin (Paul Schulze).

Later, Bobbie finds out that they are working with high-profile members of the Martian military. Bobbie initially appalled, realizes through Esai that the new habitable planets on the other side of The Ring effectively ended any plans to terraform Mars. As more Martians realize this, does Mars still have a Future?

Can Avasarala Recover?

At the end of season four, Chrisjen Avasarala (Shohreh Aghdashloo) is left without the two loves of her life: her job, and her husband.  Avasarala spent most of the season in a tense election over her job as Secretary-General of the United Nations against the young and ambitious Nancy Gao (Lily Gao). Gao wanted to open the Ring Gates so that the citizens of Earth could capitalize on the new planets on the other side of The Ring.

However, Avasarala still afraid of the dangers of the Protomolecule was very cautious of this plan. Throughout the election, Avasarala makes a variety of risky moves in order to prove her point, including exploiting her son’s death. In the end, Avasarala loses the election and her husband is sickened by her actions. Can Avasarala come back from these defeats and help Bobbie?

Will There Be A Fight Over The Ring?

At the end of season four, the Belters on Ilus are free of the RCE and Protomolecule thanks to Holden and his crew. The Belters have already started mining and seemingly will be able to build a livable and importantly, profitable world.

Therefore, all over the system, people like Nancy Gao are gearing up to voyage to the new systems. However, it is uncertain if either Earth, Mars or the Belt will try to take control of The Ring and effectively, all the planets on the other side. Therefore, is it possible that there may be a major conflict over The Ring?

Is All The Protomolecule Gone?

A large part of The Expanse has focused on trying to understand the Protomolecule. In the last episode of season four, all known existence of the Promomolecule is wiped out. Holden spends most of the season trying to figure out how to stop the destructive Protomolecule on Ilus and eventually is led by Joe Miller (Thomas Jane) to an ancient bomb that was meant to kill the original creators.

Through the help of RCE researcher Elvi Okoye (Lyndie Greenwood), they are able to detonate it. Effectively, the bomb destroys all traces of Protomolecule and finally, Miller is set free. As a result, have the crew of the Rocinante had their final battle with this alien super substance?

Who Destroyed The Protomolecule Creators And Will They Return?

After season four,  fans of the show are still left wondering exactly what the Protomolecule is and who created it. However, an even bigger question has emerged - who are the Ancient beings who destroyed them?

As Okoye was helping to detonate the bomb created by those ancient beings on Ilus, she accidentally fell “into” the bomb and she is able to feel some kind of foreboding entity. Later, Holden reveals to her that he experienced the same feeling when he triggered The Ring Gates. Therefore, is it likely that we may see the return of the beings who killed the original creators?