The Harry Potter series may be set in a magical world far from anything that exists in reality, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have real life lessons. Many of us grew up on these books, and J.K. Rowling made sure to instil some moral values into us that we’d want to follow for the rest of our lives. She did this by having ethical, brave characters, who would often preach their traits and tell others it was the right way to behave.

And these characters usually came out triumphant, in the end. The good guys certainly won overall, and we can be inspired by them - and these ten quotes.

 On Thoughts And Scars

“Thoughts could leave deeper scars than almost anything else.”

It’s said by Madam Pomfrey in the hospital wing, and is a good reminder to watch your words and how you speak to someone. It’s easy to justify abuse or bullying by keeping it on a mental and emotional level; some people make the dire mistake of thinking that everything harmful is physical. But that’s not true. Words can affect people deeply, can seep into their thoughts and do a number on their self-esteem, and a bad mental state can easily be as damaging as a bad physical state.

It’s perfectly put, and so true. The world would be a nicer place if everyone was willing to bear this in mind.

 On Differences

“Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open”

It’s easy to be intimidated by different cultures or people who’ve grown up in a different way from what you might know, but Dumbledore is here to remind us that different cultures and different values are nothing if everyone is willing to be open-minded and everyone wants to live and co-exist in peace. Wouldn’t the world be a better place if everyone was willing to remember this?

He says it in regards to the European schools of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons coming to join Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament, but it can be related to in pretty much any situation where people from different places come together.

 On Pointless Worry

“What’s coming is coming, and we’ll meet it when it does.”

Hagrid isn’t often particularly eloquent or articulate, but it’d be a mistake to assume that this doesn’t mean he has some good lessons to teach. Although he can be clumsy and tactless, he’s extremely well-intentioned and all round good person. And he has it so right here.

It’s far too easy to fall into an anxious state, worrying about something that may or may not come. Hagrid reminds us all in the simplest terms that there’s no point worrying about the future and then when it comes, you can meet it then.

On Dark Times

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” 

Dumbledore with another eloquent quote here.

Although it’s a metaphor, the meaning is pretty obvious. He means that even when times seem most dark, there’s still a bit of happiness to be found if people are willing to look for it. And this is a particularly important thing to remember for all of us, because everyone goes through dark times in their life and it’s important to remember that happiness can be found again, and there is a way out.

It can be hard to remember in the moment, but this is definitely one of the most inspiring quotes in the series.

 On Birth And Background

“It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be”

No one chooses where they’re born, or what family they’re born into, but some people get stuck in the mindset that this determines who they are. There are people born to parents who aren’t well-equipped to take care of a child, or people who have an otherwise bad start in life and can’t seem to shake themselves out of that hole.

Dumbledore reminds us that what matters is who a person grows to become, and it is possible to become anyone regardless of your circumstances. It’s choices that determine who someone is, and no-one has to feel stuck because of birth.

 On Possibilities And Nerve

“Anything is possible if you’ve got enough nerve”

A quote from the sixth book from Ginny, this one is very short but very apt.

Sometimes, dreams seem impossible. Sometimes, they may even be something that feels so far off it’s impossible to reach; whether it’s career goals, family goals, whatever. But here, Rowling says that anything is possible if someone is willing to be brave and persistent enough to reach for it.

Nothing worth having comes easy in this world. It takes developing traits and effort to get to those things. But if someone is willing to be brave and put in that effort, it’ll pay off in the end.

 On Bravery

“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”

We’ve all been there. We’ve all had that friend who’s doing something wrong, sometimes something reprehensible. And the easy thing to do is to sit back and say nothing; to avoid the confrontation, because no-one wants to get into an argument with a dear friend, and because a fight might upset both people.

But Dumbledore is spot on here when he talks to Neville. It takes a lot of strength to say, “hey, that thing you’re doing is wrong,” but it’s also sometimes necessary. If someone’s bad behavior is never corrected, they’re going to keep doing it. Sometimes, it takes a good friend to let them know the truth.

 On Doing The Right Thing

“We must all face a choice between what is right and what is easy.”

It’s sometimes easier to sit back rather than say something - as we saw with the previous quote. It’s not always with friends, though - sometimes, someone might see something happening that they know is wrong and not want to get involved.

It’s a choice we definitely all face at some point in our lives, whether consciously or not. There’s always a time when it takes some courage to stand up and say the right thing, and in some way, the books kind of give us the courage to do it here. Reading this quote is almost validating that sometimes, confrontation is necessary; even if it’s not wanted.

 On Who We Really Are

“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

When Harry discovers he’s a parselmouth, and that his qualities made the Sorting Hat consider putting him in Slytherin, he’s horrified. He’s terrified at the thought that he might be someone who shares some qualities with Lord Voldemort. And we’ve all been there; disliked something about ourselves, or been worried about what we’re inherently capable of.

Dumbledore makes an excellent point when he says that what dictates who we are is our choices, not our abilities, and that as long as we make good choices in life, that’s what matters. It’s good motivation to make good choices, as that’s what determines who we are as people.

On Strength In Unity

“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided”

One of the most important quotes in the series talks about the importance of working together rather than being hostile towards each other. It implies that we should foster supportive environments for people, make friends instead of enemies, and it’s so true. People get so much more done in teams, if they aren’t working against each other.

Wouldn’t the world be a much better place if everyone was willing to live by each of these ten quotes? Maybe one day, we’ll get there. In that sense, the series is almost a moral handbook. It should be mandatory reading for kids! Maybe we’d see a vast improvement in the world.