Since releasing on Netflix in 2015, Grace and Frankie has gone on to six seasons (with its seventh and final season releasing next year) and inspiring women of all ages that they can do anything they put their minds to.

As best friends, roommates, and business partners, Grace and Frankie have overcome the odds since their nasty divorces and have gone on to become unapologetically themselves. They have proven time and time again that having a significant other doesn’t define you. Sometimes all we need is a best friend. Let’s take a look back at the series’ six seasons that prove these women are better together (sorry, fellas).

They’re Financially Independent

Viewers can argue that Grace and Frankie only live in the beach house because they won it (and share it) in their divorces. However, if they didn’t have the means to run a home of that size (and that expense) on the beaches of California, they would have sold it.

Before creating two companies with Frankie, Grace was a business pioneer herself who created Say Grace and handed it over to her daughter when she retired. When she was in charge, it was made known that Grace did very well for herself. Frankie, on the other hand, was an artist and a stay-at-home mother but she’s crafty enough to bring home the bacon when she wants to.

They Created Two Businesses

Grace may have the logical brain in this duo but all of their fantastic ideas are all Frankie. Together, they balance each other out and encourage each other to come up with their best work. Frankie thought of vibrators for older women after hearing Grace’s issues with pleasuring herself due to her arthritis and joint pain.

And as per usual, Grace thought the idea was embarrassing and nonsensical but she came around to it and Vybrant became a hit. The same thing happened with the Rise Up! Frankie thought of an easier way for people like Grace to relieve themselves without getting stuck and Grace backed it.

They Can Protect Themselves

In the episode “The Burglary,” Grace and Frankie’s house was robbed. As two elderly women, the detective noted that women like them are often targeted because they can’t defend themselves. The thought of those robbers coming back again scared Grace and Frankie but they held their ground and stayed in their home. They even took part in a self-defense program to take care of themselves in case something like this happens again.

In later episodes, Bud tries to hire a home healthcare nurse to stop by every once in a while to check on Frankie but that clearly ended in the women verbally assaulting the nurses and firing them… One thing’s for sure: these two can handle themselves.

Who Needs Attention From A Man?

Displays of affection are a perk for many couples. The snuggling, hand-holding, and late-night pillow talks are desired for many but not for Grace and Frankie. Sure, feeling the embrace of a man they’re attracted to is a bonus but it’s not their end goal.

These two sleep in the same bed when they want to, they check each other for lice, they pay for the other one’s meal, they give each other pep-talks… They do everything a person’s significant other does, so why rush with a man when they have each other?

Grace & Frankie Have Only Become More Successful Since Getting Divorced

This is especially true for Frankie. Frankie was an artistic free-spirit when she was married to Sol but raising Bud and Coyote took up a lot of her time. Now that she’s living with Grace, she has finally found her voice and her passion.

She has thought of some incredible business ideas that can help the community and Grace encourages (once she adds her logical spin on it, of course). Grace has also become reacquainted with the business world after retirement, finding her place in society again.

They Fought For Members Of Their Community

Grace and Frankie may be two totally different people but they always come together as one. In the earlier seasons after their respectful divorces, Grace and Frankie realized how hard it was for women their age. They’re completely dismissed and treated like they’re dead.

To stick it to their families, they started standing up for members of their community. More notably, Frankie took charge and got the time extended at a popular crosswalk, ensuring the safety of those who walk at a slower pace.

They Can Pleasure Themselves

Grace and Frankie prove women don’t need a man (or a significant other, for that matter) to get physical. They created a series of vibrators for women their age to make pleasuring themselves more erotic and less of a hassle.

While members of their family—and even the man at the bank—laughed in their faces and felt uncomfortable, Grace and Frankie are normalizing the stigma. They wanted the world to know that women their age have desires and they shouldn’t be written off as being non-sexual simply due to ageism.

They Got Sheree Her House Back!

Grace and Frankie’s minds work so well together. These BFFs could take over the world!

In the fourth season, Frankie moved away to be with Jacob and Grace found herself a new roommate, a lovely woman named Sheree. Frankie was, of course, jealous and wanted to find problems with Sheree but she ultimately ended up liking her and helping her in her time of need.

After the death of Sheree’s husband, his kids kicked her out of her house to sell it but not before Grace and Frankie came to the rescue. These two were able to break into the house, connive Sheree’s stepson, find the will, and get her house back. Who needs a man to fight a lady’s battles? Not these two.

Successfully Got Their Beach House Back From Their Kids

It was troubling in the fourth and fifth season when Grace and Frankie’s kids try to take their independence away from them. The four kids essentially convinced their moms that they were too old and incapable of living alone. They put them in an old-folks home, sold their house, and called it a day.

Our two favorite leading ladies complied for far too long before fighting back and showing their strength. They escaped the home and squatted in their beach house until they were the rightful owners again.

They’re More Confident Together

It took the women some time but they eventually became thick as thieves. They never used to be best friends but it was obvious that their differences actually made each other stronger. In the sixth season, Grace is now re-married and living with Nick but it’s made obvious that she’s more confident when she’s with Frankie. She loves the version of herself that she is when she’s with her best friend.

It’s hard for Grace to be that person around men but Frankie—like the amazing pal she is—reminds Grace to do things differently in her second marriage.