There is a new CGI movie being released called Cats, and it has recently undergone a subtle change. The original trailer caused a huge backlash from fans, which prompted the animators to say how the final look of the characters will be changed. They listened to their potential fans and made some adjustments, but we are still left with the aftermath that hit Twitter.

We have compiled a list of some of the most savage tweets about the movie that we all know the cast and crew behind the movie saw. They rip them to shreds with a few simple words and images which we hope doesn’t foreshadow the turnout of the movie. Keep reading to learn about the ten most savage tweets about the new CGI Cats movie!

Fans Prefer The Original Cat Costumes

The original Broadway musical didn’t have fancy CGI to render their actors and actresses as cats. Instead, they used costumes and makeup to turn them into these furry creatures. This Twitter user is ripping the movie to shreds in a single sentence by saying that all of the money they spent on these cool animations was a waste. It says something about the state of the movie’s animations when people would rather see a low budget rendering, then this multimillion-dollar fiasco.

 This Wasn’t A Bad Dream

Some wish the idea of the movie was all a bad dream and that it was not a real thing coming to life on Christmas morning. It is supposed to be fun, a little weird, and full of life. Instead, people view it as a horror film.

We have no doubts that the cats in the trailer already haunt some of the dreams of the living and we can only imagine what the new CGI will look like once it is released. Patrons of the arts were hoping for the cute and cuddly, not whatever this has become.

It’s Borderline Disrespectful

The reason why the musical was so successful was that people loved how the actor’s used their costumes and makeup to bring their characters to life. They are confused by the CGI characters who leave little room for emotion and true acting.

Fans also feel it is disrespectful to perform it this way as it is not how the original creator had intended for it to look. It almost makes a mockery of the entire thing and this savage tweet points these key things out to us.

They Don’t Want To Make Money

People are starting to wonder if this film wants to make money at all. First, they create a film that people feel might be too scary for their children, and then they decide to release it on Christmas day. It might not be so bad, except the Rise of Skywalker will definitely be the fan-favorite for families.

No one predicts it to do well in the box office for this reason and we hope they enjoy their lack of profits. It is obvious a lot of effort went into making this movie, but we hope they reconsider their release date.

Some Have Mixed Feelings

The cast list is phenomenal with people like Jennifer Hudson, Judi Dench, and Idris Elba. Those alone have people raving about the movie, but the second they saw the animation they were out.

Fans want to love this movie and it is really hard for them to get on board after seeing the graphics that make up the film. This Twitter user lays it out perfectly as a first glance makes you fall in love, while the CGI has everyone running for the hills.

Hermoine Was A Better CGI Cat

Harry Potter fans will never forget when Hermoine plucked a cat hair from the robe of Millicent Bulstrode which turned her into her cat after she drank the Polyjuice Potion. This Twitter user compared the CGI back then, to the CGI included in this new Cats movie.

They are saying that Hermoine wore it better back in 2002 when her cat-like features appeared on-screen. It is hard to disagree as both are frightening, but Hermoine’s still looks more cuddly than those included in the movie.

Call The Producer

If the number of the producer was released to the public, there is no doubt in our minds that several fans would be calling to complain. This image fits our feelings perfectly as we demand an explanation for the atrocities that made it onto our screens at home.

We want to know what exactly went wrong or what was going through creators’ heads when they created these animated cats. A hotline would be a great way for fans to put in their suggestions as people could share where they think the creators went wrong.

It Was A Hot Thanksgiving Topic

Thanksgiving is usually a time for discussing sensitive matters like politics, when you plan on having children, or asking what someone plans to do for the rest of their life. It came up on Twitter that the CGI in this movie was a hot topic around the table this Thanksgiving.

This is the one thing that truly determines just how bad the animations were as families put aside their differences to agree on how horrible the movie looks based on the trailer. They demand a change, and we hope to see one by the time this movie comes out.

  Dog People Hate It

Dog people are already on the fence about cats in general, but this movie puts them over the edge. They have no desire to see horrifying cats dance and sing around a screen in this movie. It is their worst nightmare as they await the time when cats do finally take over the world.

This user even states how she would rather “sit in a haunted house” than watch the nightmare unfold on the big screen. We want to disagree, but it is hard too after seeing just how awful these cats look in a short clip.

  Release It And Pray

We know there are some movies that receive bad reviews, but they release them anyway to recoup some of their profits. This seems like one of those movies as we already know they have put well over $100 million into this movie.

We can already see investors sweating as they think about how poorly the movie will perform in theaters, as they pray for a miracle so people will pay to watch it. We are doubtful of its success, but this savage tweet points out what we already know in our hearts to be true.