One of our all-time favorite 80s cartoon shows has just enjoyed a comeback, and there’s no time like the present to share in the She-Ra appreciation. She-Ra has always been about doing the most good, whether it’s handling a misunderstanding, being truthful and kind or even appreciating the friends in your life who matter the most. It’s about sacrifice and service and every episode even ended with a little life lesson.

Each character in the show emulated specific character traits and helped to teach children lessons. If She-Ra, Bow, Glimmer and the gang decided to do the same for the students at Hogwarts, which Houses do you think they’d be sorted into?

Kowl: Slytherin

Perhaps one of the most surprising sorts for the She-Ra characters during their first night at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy would be Kowl, who would be earmarked as one of those cunning serpentine Slytherins. Kowl is a cowardly creature, often taking cover to save his own skin, but he’s also rather clever and known to make caustic remarks.

While this is meant to serve as comic relief in the show, we have to recall that not only is he on the side of good, but that he’s also basically She-Ra’s Secret Keeper in regards to her true identity. Is he truly as trustworthy as he seems?

She-Ra: Gryffindor

Is there any doubt that She-Ra, the Princess of Power herself, would be in Gryffindor? It’s true that Adora, her alter ego, might find herself in Hufflepuff give how loyal and dedicated she is. Adora’s friends and family are everything to her, and she’s all about fairness and equality.

That said, once Adora transforms into She-Ra by the honor of Grayskull, she’s daring and brave, launching herself into battle and saving her friends even if it’s dangerous. She’ll make sure the vulnerable are safe while she uses her powers for good, knowing that she is often the only person to save people from the Horde.

Madame Razz: Hufflepuff

A witch of the Whispering Woods, Madame Razz is so loyal to Adora that she’s one of the few trusted people who gets to know that she’s also She-Ra. Often used for comic relief, Madame Razz is known to be forgetful and to mispronounce words, which introduced some unfortunate ageism into the classic 1980s show. Still, she’s always loyal to the Rebellion and uses her powers and potions for good.

The new She-Ra and the Princess of Power series gives her a bit of an update as a beloved crone whose face we can actually see. Like the original Madame Razz, this Razz is still old and forgetful, but she dispenses much more solid advice.

Shadow Weaver: Ravenclaw

At first glance, of course Shadow Weaver would find herself in the Slytherin House; where else would she be able to brew fame and bottle glory? But the fact that she’s one of the cleverest characters on the show may land her into the Ravenclaw House just yet, and it might even help her channel that ambition and cleverness into good.

Shadow Weaver is the second in command of the Horde, but she often seems to be the only truly pulling the strings. It was her idea to give Adora the Stockholm Syndrome spell that made her believe the Horde was working for good. She does have the ambition of a Slytherin and would likely be forced to choose during her sorting.

Glimmer: Hufflepuff

As vapid as Glimmer appears on the surface, she’s actually a dedicated member of the Rebellion who is not only the Princess of Bright Moon, but was its leader until Adora came along. She has incredible light powers that are underutilized in the show, as well as the ability to fly, perform minor spells and teleportation, all of which could make her even more powerful than She-Ra.

Yet Glimmer isn’t a battle-hungry leader. Instead, she’s more on the naive side, but extremely dedicated to her mother, friends and cause. Her update on the Netflix show is a much feistier version of the 1980s Glimmer.

Hordak: Slytherin

Is there any doubt that Hordak belongs in Slytherin? He was the mentor of one of the most well-known villains of all time, Skeletor, and lives every day resenting his entrapment by his former student and attempts to take over Eternia out of spite.

Hordak may not have a true loyal bone in his body, and he really isn’t all that clever. While he can be brave and impetuous on occasion, he’s definitely more of a scheming plotter who’s always looking out for number one. He also doesn’t care who he has to step on to get there, and he’s not above deceiving his own people to do it.

Queen Angella: Gryffindor

Queen Angella of Mizar is one of the most powerful people in Etheria, let alone the Whispering Woods. Many fans still find it hard to believe that she was ever kidnapped by the harpies who held her captive, or even by Hordak who could’ve given her to them as a gift. She is tough as nails and runs the government of her people in exile along with her daughter, Glimmer.

Angella can kick some serious butt and has incredible powers that really should have been used more often on the show. She even speaks like a heroic Gryffindor, with lines like, “Your vile minions have met their match.”

Catra And Scorpia: Slytherin

Catra and Scorpia are the formidable hench-women of the Horde who were happy to use Adora as one of their own. Catra’s the cleverer of the two, but both of them could easily be the Crabbe and Goyle to Hordak’s Malfoy. They often do bidding for bidding’s sake, even without fully understanding what’s going on, although they usually have their own goals in the mix.

Catra might have had a chance in Ravenclaw without her evil ambitions, but Scorpia does seem pretty Slytherin to the core–especially when given a modicum of power, which both women crave. Their modern updates in the Netflix series are some of the most prominent of the cast.

Bow: Gryffindor

Brave Bow didn’t hesitate to join She-Ra in the action, sometimes to the point of ridiculousness. He would have to be reminded when to act and when to wait on occasion, and especially to not hog all of the glory. Bow is the kind of Gryffindor who would make us all roll our eyes at Hogwarts, barging in on trolls in the girls’ bathroom while completely ill-equipped to deal with the situation as a First Year.

Bow is definitely loyal, and he even has the Slytherin streak of a glory chaser, but ultimately he wants to be the hero and his ultimate desire would probably be to sacrifice himself in battle.

Frosta: Slytherin

She-Ra’s cast was led by some incredibly strong, if lazily named, women, from Perfuma and Mermista to Peekablue and, perhaps the worst name of all, Castaspella. Frosta was one of these heroic women, but unlike many of the characters with a gentler nature, she was the headstrong Queen of Castle Chill with great powers that allowed her to control ice.

It wasn’t just her icy nature that would land her into the Slytherin dungeon, however, but her selfishness. She routinely came onto He-Man despite how uncomfortable she made him to the point where she not only reminded us of Severus Snape, but she made us uncomfortable, too.