Ever since it premiered in 2015, Supergirl has been a massive hit for CW. The series follows Supergirl’s cousin Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) who is also a journalist. After 12 years of hiding her powers, she is forced to wear a red and blue suit like her cousin in order to protect National City from the stubborn supervillains who enjoy destroying things.

Would you rather miss a doctor’s appointment than an episode of Supergirl? We’re happy to suggest to you ten similar shows. You might now have to miss family reunions as well as you binge-watch them all. Say sorry to your uncle and grandma in advance.


The show follows Kirsten Clark, a woman who is able to “stitch” herself into the brains of the recently deceased and use their memories to solve murders. She is recruited to join a covert government agency where the head Maggie Baptiste, tries to get the best out of her.

Even though she’d rather work alone, Clark is placed in a team where the members work together to solve complex murder mysteries.  The show aired on Freeform and lasted for three seasons. It’s definitely one of the closest things to Supergirl you’ll be able to find. The action moves swiftly, making it a worthy binge.


This CW series which is also set in Arrowverse follows the life of Kate Kane. After her cousin Bruce Wayne disappears from Gotham for three years, the city is left at the mercy of criminals. Kate thus decides to follow in his footsteps and fight crime.

Inspired by Bruce, she becomes the vigilante known as Batwoman. Kate is also a proud member of the LGBT community, so the show does a great job of championing gay rights. If you’ve missed seeing Batman on screen, Kate is an even better alternative. Bruce might have no job to do when he eventually gets back.


Like Black Panther, this web series that is also set in the Arrowverse has a character that hails from Africa. The superhero here is Mari McCabe, a girl who inherits her family’s Tantu Totem—a mystical Zambesi power—after her parents get killed.

The Tantu Montem enables her to acquire the abilities and powers of animals. She can have the strength of a lion or the climbing abilities of a leopard. Vixen takes us through Mari’s journey as she tries to understand her powers and use them to save the world. Mari has also appeared in a few episodes of Arrow and Legends Of Tomorrow.


Very few superhero shows take the time to address burning social issues of the current era but Impulse does that very well. This Youtube Originals show does a great job of empowering everyone who has ever gone through any form of sexual assault.

In it, 16-year-old Henrietta/Henry discovers she has superpowers that can make her teleport. This realization hits her when she is in a truck with Clay a popular boy from her school. He tries to rape her but she overpowers him, thanks to her special abilities. Impulse also serves as a sequel to the movie Jumper.

Agent Carter

It’s a shame that despite being highly praised by critics, this awesome Marvel series was canceled. It was the closest thing to the MCU movies and it definitely deserved at least five seasons. So, let’s hope it makes a return on Disney +.

With events taking place in 1946, Agent Carter follows Peggy Carter who is not happy for a number of reasons. She is still heartbroken after losing, Steve Rogers/Captain America, who was the love of her life. She is also disgruntled about doing office work for the Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) in New York City. She’d rather be in the field. She also does secret work for Tony Stark’s father Howard Stark.

Birds Of Prey

This 2002 TV show has a very different premise from the upcoming Harley Quinn movie. The TV show focusses on an entirely different set of characters. Its storyline is also a bit far-fetched but decent.

In it, the Joker kills Catwoman and injures Batgirl, leaving her in a wheelchair. A grieving Batman who was dating Catwoman decides to leave Gotham ( he really likes leaving). Later, Batgirl recovers and rebrands as “Oracle.” She also takes Huntress, the daughter of Batman and Catwoman, under her wing. Dinah, another woman with psychic abilities finds the other women and together, they become the Birds of Prey.

Black Scorpion

Black Scorpion aired on Syfy in 2001. The creators of this show were clearly inspired by Batman. In fact, they were very high on Batman and it shows. That doesn’t mean that the show isn’t good. It is.

In it, Darcy Walker’s father gets murdered (sounds familiar?). This makes her pretty mad at the bad guys who roam Angel City. In order to get justice, she becomes a police officer. This is definitely not enough for her so she also becomes a vigilante who deals with criminals at night. Her name is Black Scorpion.

Jessica Jones

A superhero that has a serious health issue that’s currently affecting many people in real life? Very much relatable. Jessica Jones was one of the many great shows that were born out of the Marvel-Netflix collaborations.

The premise? Jessica’s career as a superhero comes to an end when tragedy strikes. She decides to settle in New York City where she opens a detective agency, called Alias Investigation. The agency is tasked with solving cases involving humans with special abilities.

Even though she truly wants to do good for the world, Jessica’s main focus is survival. She just wants to make a living, save her apartment and rid herself of her personal demons. Fair enough.


Tired of all the seriousness that DC shows are known for? Try Powerless. Set in the DC Universe, Powerless follows Emily Locke (Vanessa Hudgens), a young woman who gets a job as Director of Research & Development at Wayne Security in Charm City. The company is a subsidiary of Bruce Wayne’s Wayne Enterprises.

Ever wondered what happens after superheroes and supervillains destroy cars and buildings while fighting? Who does the cleaning? Well, Emily’ does part of it. Her job is to assist victims of these destructive battles. The series is a comedy, so be prepared for serious laughs.

Black Lightning

With a strong 95% score on Rotten Tomatoes, Black Lightning is a must-watch. The CW show is about Jefferson  Pierce, a former high school principal who happens to be very influential in his community of Freeland. He is said to have acquired meta-human capabilities after being given a vaccine when he was young. As a result, he has electricity-based powers, which he uses to fight crime.

What makes Black Lightning stand out is its strong female supporting characters. Both of Pierce’s daughters also end up discovering that they have meta powers that they genetically acquired from their father. One of them is reluctant to use her powers while the other acquires the name Blackbird and joins daddy in fighting crime. Pierce’s wife Lynn, who is a neuroscientist focussing on the study of metas, is also a recurring character on the show. All the actors in this show give stellar performances. Seriously, go watch it if you haven’t.