Come next year, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim would be a decade old. Even so, there seem to be no signs of a deteriorating cultural impact for the game. Because nothing is quite like it and really, the only thing that can replace it The Elder Scrolls VI. So, while we hopefully wait for that game to release in our lifetime, we’re confined to playing Skyrim over and over again like Sisyphus pushing the rock to the top of the hill repeatedly. Every. Single. Day.

Of course, one must imagine Sisyphus happy and if that rock is Skyrim, then it’s easy for all of us to be in a constant state of Skooma-induced bliss during the process. So, to remind you of how great this Bethesda game is, here are 10 of the funniest memes that the Skyrim community has crafted.


Skyrim’s character creator back in 2011 was a thing of beauty, a work of art that lets players customize their characters no matter the race. Of course, the first race presented is the native of Skyrim, which is the Nord. It just so happens that the Nord’s default random preset gives off a lifeless and blank look, making him resemble a certain Irish musician.

It’s a limitation with the game engine that became a small cultural phenomenon. Of course, the same can be said for most of Skyrim’s graphical shortcomings. Many of them are worthy of memes and have even become iconic in the process. The same can be said for the numerous bugs and glitches which “enhance” the game.


Here we go, the legendary Skyrim skill meme format that has become the standard for describing some odd feats and ridiculous decisions made by people in real life. Most of the time it’s Sneak, Illusion, and then Destruction when people do absolutely savage things, enough to boost the skill to the max.

As for the dude who inspired this meme, in this case, they are a triple threat. However, any self-respecting Khajiit or Skooma merchant in Skyrim knows full well that the authorities are not be trifled with. Otherwise, it can be a one-way trip to the dungeons of Whiterun.


Anyone who has played Skyrim extensively will know that it’s artificial intelligence is no smarter than a pile of rocks. We don’t even recommend calling it A.I., as it’s more like a set of instructions and reactions. Still, that’s not so bad; such a technological shortcoming has even led to some interesting encounters, to say the least. Most of them are bound to be funny and erratic.

One example is that chance encounter at a random road. As we all know, Skyrim is full of bandits who don’t care who they rob…which is probably why they picked a werewolf. Perhaps they wanted the werewolf’s hair to sell? Or maybe they simply have a deathwish because of all the dragons tearing the world apart.


Speaking of dragons tearing the world apart, it’s all caused by Alduin, the edgy ancient black dragon who wants to dominate all of Tamriel. Most Skyrim players probably don’t care much at all about Alduin’s plans nor understood it. The player just kills dragons and goes to the next quest marker, no questions needed.

In hindsight, Alduin has already doomed himself and his own plan by saving the protagonist. He notably did so at the very beginning of the game while the player’s head is next in line on the chopping block. By interrupting the execution and destroying Helgen, Alduin basically ruined his own plan and even paved the way for the Dragonborn.


Everyone has been there. Skyrim is simply one of those games that can easily be played from dusk till dawn with the number of things to do in-game. However, one activity that’s monumental in scale which many players might end up quitting is finding all the nirnroot in Skyrim.

A standard plant that has been part of the franchise since The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, nirnroot has plagued completionists ever since. That’s because Nirnroot is highly rare and usually only appears at hidden places in Skyrim. Even so, it’s a good activity for those who want to channel their inner obsessive herbologist.


Lydia is one of the first and most popular choices for a companion in Skyrim. She’s a housecarl or a Thane’s right-hand and you get to receive her once you become a Thane of Whiterun. Like most companions, however, Lydia doesn’t care much about your preferred playstyle or skills.

Lydia’s philosophy in life is to bash enemies first and ask them questions later. This can get troublesome when the player prefers to be the shady and sneaky type, as good luck trying to ply your trade with Lydia around, especially in Draugr-infested dungeons. You’ll soon be trading the daggers and bows for swords and shields because Lydia wants you to and you can’t refuse.


It seems Skyrim took a page from The Legend of Zelda franchise when they designed their chickens. Whereas in The Legend of Zelda, attacking a chicken repeatedly will result in a dangerous chicken squad’s retaliation, in Skyrim, attacking a chicken will result in the whole province descending its fury down on the culprit.

Even just hurting the chicken will put a bounty on the player’s head. A guard will then try to arrest you for a measly crime but since the notion is ridiculous, you will refuse. Before long, your bounty is going up by the thousands and a pile of dead guards keeps falling in front of you like dried leaves. By then, there’s no turning back. It’s you against the whole province of Skyrim. Finish the job. Leave no witnesses.


Not all guards are unreasonable, of course. Spend a long time in their city doing local quests and doing the Jarl some favors and they just might reward you with the title of Thane. It’s an honorary designation for you, one that carries weight and reputation. After all, you’ve made friends with nobility.

Then along comes a guard and tries to lock you up for a measly 100-gold-bounty on your head. This time around, however, you have more power and prestige. You can tell them to go take a hike and they might just do it depending on the weight of your crimes.


There’s no doubt that Skyrim’s music is just awesome. It’s a grand orchestral score written and made by Jeremy Soule, a celebrated composer of many video game soundtracks. Of course, it is safe to assume that Bethesda spared no expense in making his music a part of Skyrim.

That’s probably why Skyrim accepts every opportunity to play Jeremy Soule’s exhilarating music whenever a combat encounter happens. There simply are times when the encounter is so laughably pathetic or weak that the music feels overly dramatic. Did those cheap bandits really deserve to be hyped that much?


A few hours into Skyrim and you’ll soon be making your way into the jewel of the province, the city of Whiterun. For the most part, it’s a nice place; it’s radiant, clean, and complete. It would have been a perfect place if it not for one guy that hangs out near the main gate. His name is Nazeem, the village idiot.

Nazeem will ensure that you know of his highbrow escapades in the Cloud District where he rubs elbows with Whiterun’s nobility. He’ll also do it condescendingly and the whole city hates him for it. So, do the people of Whiterun a favor and shout Nazeem off the top of High Hrothgar with Unrelenting Force.