Within the world of Star Wars there is a literal galaxy’s worth of settings that are ripe to explore. And within the world of The Mandalorian, it seems that Mando and his newly adopted child will be doing a lot more traveling than the average father and son duo, on account of the fact that they’re going to be on the run from the former Empire and whoever else catches on to the powers of baby Yoda for the foreseeable future.

And since Mando and Yoda Jr. have a lot of time and space to kill, we thought it would be neat to consider all of the amazing places that they might go while they’re on the run. Some of these places are narratively interesting, some of them seem like vital pieces of Mando and baby Yoda’s story, and some of them just seem cool. So here are 10 planets we hope Mando and baby Yoda visit.


Dantooine is one of many planets in Star Wars that has been mentioned in canon, but has never actually been seen.

According to Star Wars Legends, Dantooine was a sparsely populated planet of rivers and grasslands, and as Leia admitted to Darth Vader, was temporarily home to a Rebel base.

No one knows what came of that Rebel base before or since, but considering that Mando and baby Yoda are on the run from the remains of the Galactic Empire, it seems natural that they might seek out refuge in places where Rebels were known to be at some point.


For those who aren’t familiar with the Star Wars expanded universe, there is actually a Sith homeworld. Korriban, also known as Moraband, was where the dark Jedi and what is now known as the Sith were born.

The Sith are best known as dark Force wielders, however there were actually a species called the Sith, native to Korriban, that were Force sensitive and were essentially enslaved by and bred with the dark Jedi until they became one in the same. This is of course literal ancient history, but it would be interesting to see the state of Korriban now, and see if baby Yoda happens to be more Sith than Jedi.


Han Solo is one of the most beloved characters in all of Star Wars history, so it seems weird that we’ve never even gotten to see his home world.

The entire Corellian system is a vital component of the war between the Rebellion and the Empire, and while it seems like a reach to think that The Mandalorian could score Harrison Ford for a guest starring role on a TV show, it might at least give the audience an opportunity to get a glimpse of Chewie or the Millennium Falcon or something, and for most Mandalorian fans that is more than enough reason to make the pit stop.

Mon Cala

One of the coolest aspects of the different worlds of Star Wars is the variety of surroundings characters can find themselves in on different planets. Every setting is an interesting one, but we’re particularly partial to the water planets of Star Wars.

There have been some interesting water worlds in the series already, but one planet that we’ve seen the species from (but haven’t seen the actual planet yet), is Mon Cala, also known as Mon Calamari and Dac. Admiral Ackbar is one of the most recognizable Rebels in Star Wars history, and it would be fantastic to get a glimpse into his home world.


In a galaxy that seems to be exploding with hospitable and populated planets, it makes a lot of sense that planets like Coruscant would eventually develop. As anyone who is familiar with the Star Wars prequel trilogy would know, this is a planet that is covered in one continuous city, and it is the capital of the galaxy.

Theoretically since the Empire has collapsed, Coruscant should be a friendly planet to the Mandalorian and the Yodlet, and what better place could there be in the galaxy to blend in? Even for a duo as recognizable as the two of them, finding them would be like spotting a needle in a haystack.


A lot of the planets on this list have a lot of potential relevance to the Mandalorian, the child, or to the history of Star Wars in general.

And that’s not to say that Bespin is not as relevant, however to be honest we just want to see Mando go there because it looks so insanely cool. George Lucas is obviously a creative genius, but coming up with a world that floats on top of the clouds of a gas giant planet was truly a stroke of ingenuity. Plus, if Lando Calrissian set up shop there, it has got to be pretty friendly to sneaks and scoundrels.


It may be getting to far ahead of the series to assume that baby Yoda will at some point become a Jedi, however it’s clear that his Force abilities are astounding, so it’s only natural that he might wind up running into some Jedi at some point in the story.

But what better way to tie baby Yoda and Mando to the greater Star Wars story than to have the two of them roll up on the first Jedi Temple? At some point Mando is going to have to learn more about the Force if he’s going to be raising a Force baby, and this is the perfect place.


When anyone pictured the planet that the Sith would call their home, Exogol was a pretty perfect representation of that nightmarish evil made into a reality.

But now that we have canon confirmation that Sheev Palpatine was alive, lying in wait and pulling the strings of the Force across the galaxy for decades, it only makes sense that baby Yoda would be drawn to Exogol in some way.

Mando is one of the baddest warriors in the galaxy, but the Sith on Exogol would actually pose a legitimate threat to him and the Yodling, so that would be a really interesting path to follow in the series.


There are some planets that we’d love to see Mando and baby Yoda visit, but there are some that they absolutely have to go to at some point. And Dagobah is one of the latter.

No one knows what Yoda is or where he comes from, but the original Star Wars trilogy made it clear that Yoda has some kind of significant connection to Dagobah. Now, that may just be because Dagobah is strong in the Force, or it could possibly be because that is the home world of Yoda’s species (which is also apparently strong in the Force, so perhaps that’s not a coincidence), but either way we need to know.


If there is one place that Mando and baby Yoda need to stop off at more than Dagobah, it’s Mandalore. For god’s sake, the show is called The Mandalorian. Obviously he needs to go to the home world of his culture.

The exact state of Mandalore at this point is unclear, and it really needs to be clarified. But more than anything, after that epic display of solidarity when the Mandalorians helped Mando and baby Yoda escape, it’s clear that Mandalore may be one of the few safe havens where everyone on the planet will be as ride or die for baby Yoda as Mando is.

next: Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Darksaber