A next-level high school comedy, Superbad stars Jonah Hill and Michael Cera as characters based on teenaged versions of comedian Seth Rogen and his long-time friend/collaborator Evan Goldberg. Directed by Greg Mottola, Superbad was both a critical and theatrical triumph, garnering $168 million during its box-office run and making multiple “Best Of” lists.

In the movie, Seth and Evan are about to graduate high school, and they have one thing on their minds: sex. While Seth is much blunter and cruder than Evan, both are horny, awkward seniors who hatch a plan to party and flirt as much as possible in their final weeks as high schoolers. Superbad developed a reputation for its hilarious and excess raunchiness.

To this day, people still make jokes about McLovin and reference the innumerable R-rated one-liners that fly from the casts’ mouths. As the memes below prove, Superbad may be over a decade old, but it’s definitely not forgotten.

“Are You Crying?”

Superbad highlights all the embarrassing interactions teenagers grow through, and this meme focuses on one of the best such exchanges in the movie.

Seth tries to impress his crush Jules, played by Emma Stone, by securing alcohol for her party, but the nervous Nelly gets so blasted on booze he ruins his chance to get with her. Instead, he accidentally headbutts Jules and gives her a black eye as he’s passing out. Good work, bud.

Then And Now

This meme makes a joke out of the flirtation between the characters portrayed by Emma Stone and Jonah Hill in Superbad. The image on the left shows them in the film, while the image on the right is taken from a much later collab, the Netflix miniseries Maniac.

In Superbad, Seth gets the alcohol for Jules’ party, and this meme implies it ultimately worked out in Seth’s favor since they were both spotted together much later. Talk about fan fiction.

“People Don’t Forget!”

This meme emphasizes the style of comedy that made Superbad stand out in the 2000s. The film makes no attempt to sanitize its humor. Instead, the script was written with the intention to provoke as many people as possible.

Superbad includes some of the best insults that ever made it to the big screen, including this diss directed toward one of Seth and Evan’s classmates, Greg.


Another thing that makes Superbad such a rare high school comedy gem is that the main characters actually look like normal high school students. They aren’t hot actors with six-packs and perfect hair. Instead, they are disheveled and nerdy. Thus, they are more relatable.

This meme shows three teenage guys hanging out at a street corner who bear a striking resemblance to the main trio in the Superbad movie: Seth, Evan, and Fogell. Go to any high school in America, and replicas of these boys will abound.

Superbad Vs. Lady Bird

A mash-up between Superbad and another teen flick that came after it called Lady Bird, this meme showcases the character tropes that exist in these kinds of movies.

In Superbad, Evan is the thinner, more attractive of the pair, while Seth is less refined and heavy-set. In Greta Gerwig’s 2017 Lady Bird, Christine mirrors Evans and her friend Julianne mirrors Seth. What’s hilarious about this is that the actor who plays Julianne, Beanie Feldstein, is Jonah Hill’s real-life sister. Imagine that.


A  top comedy scene from the 2000s, Fogell’s exchange with the daft police officers played by Seth Rogen and Bill Hader manages to poke fun at men and women in blue while also bringing to life one of the best alter-egos in history: McLovin.

In order to buy booze, Fogell gets a fake ID. Instead of trying to get a realistic one, he decides upon a Hawaii ID for a much older name with only a first name: McLovin. Things turn out well for this wannabe lover, and the cops buy his bogus identity.

2007 to 2017

If you’re Michael Cera, not a lot changes in 10 years in terms of your physical appearance. At least that’s what this meme suggests. While that, of course, is just a joke, the meme does a better job of highlighting Jonah Hill’s physical transformation. It seems the actor decided to lose a few pounds in between filming Superbad and 2017.

As far as Cera is concerned, he’s still as lanky and baby-faced as he ever was.

“Here’s To Respecting Women!”

Superbad may include more references to penises than any other film, so it’s good its phallic-heavy humor is balanced with Evan’s sweet, drunken toast to women.

Evan has a crush on Becca, but when he realizes she’s had a few too many at Jules’s party, he refuses her sexual advances. Talk about a role model for horny young men around the world.

The Joker

Whoa! Who would have thought Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker was actually McLovin in another life. Feel old yet?

From the tan button-up vest to the 1970s collared shirt to the black slacks, these two would be quite a pair. Maybe it’s time for some Hollywood execs to get working on the McLovin/Joker cross-over. How’s Old Enough To Party for a title?

Tiger Got Out Of The Cage

Joe lo Truglio plays Francis in Superbad, a borderline creep who helps the guys score booze for Jules’s party, but it turns out he’s got some bad dudes after him. After punching his adversary Mark in the face, he blurts out the iconic line, “Tiger got out of the cage, man. All right? I’m sorry. Come on, Mark.” Mark doesn’t really buy it, and he gives Francis a taste of his own medicine.

Weirdo men are everywhere in Superbad, and its ability to predict the oncoming #MeToo movement with this fortuitous expose of toxic masculinity makes in a comedy film to remember.