“I don’t know who you are, but I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you.” This statement was supposed to be taken very seriously when it was uttered by Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson) to Albanian gangsters who had kidnapped his daughter in 2008’s Taken. Surprisingly, neither kidnappers nor the internet took Mr. Mills seriously.

The kidnappers paid dearly for this. Luckily for us, Mills doesn’t seem interested in finding and killing those of us who enjoy creating and sharing his memes, so we’ll keep doing it. It’s hard to find another actor who has inspired more memes than Liam Neeson. As the Taken franchise keeps growing, the memes keep coming. The following are some of the most hilarious ones.

When Your Picture Gets ‘Taken’ At The Party

What do you do if a cool picture of you gets ’taken’? You look for it, you find it and you post in on Instagram. It’s hard to imagine Mr. Mills begging for anything but pictures might just be his soft spot.

We’ve all been to parties or events where lots of pictures of us were taken by other people. Maybe your phone was off. Maybe your camera had a deficiency of megapixels. Maybe there was a professional photographer who you felt would do the job better. So, what do you do when that person is taking too long to send the pictures? You call them to beg them.

You Don’t Want To Move Out Of Your Mama’s House, Huh?

Adulting is expensive. Paying bills and buying food can toss you into a state of economic turmoil. It thus isn’t rare to find twenty something-year-olds who have decided to stick with mummy and daddy. Would you blame them? These people have heard about the horrors of adulting, so they’d rather stay at home.

If you are part of the “I’ll move out later” movement, Mr. Mills might just find you and get the perfect house. Don’t even think about saying no. You do not want to offend this man. It won’t end well.

He Must Have ‘Taken’ Some Dance Lessons

We’re confused here, Liam. Come again, please. It appears that when he’s not fighting crime, Mr. Mills might have a secret gig as a dance instructor. Sadly, he doesn’t come highly recommended and the above meme is the reason why.

You might just break your legs while following those instructions. But maybe we are just being lazy. If you are keen enough, you might just be the next winner of Dancing With The Stars or America’s Got Talent. So, go ahead and out your left leg in, then take you left leg out and… We give up.

The Franchise Has To Continue

In order for Taken 4,5,6,7,8 and 9 to happen, people have to keep getting kidnapped. In future Bryan Mills’ daughter, Kim might have to start knocking at the doors of kidnappers and offer herself for captivity in order to keep the action going. After hearing what he did to previous kidnappers, no new kidnapper will be willing to take Kim again. And this will create a huge problem.

This might actually be the reason why Taken 4 has taken so long to come out. We suggest that dogs get taken instead. Oh wait! John Wick has this covered.  We have a crisis here ladies and gentlemen.

The Backstreet Boy… Or Is It, Backstreet Man?

This meme is a very creative take on the popular 1997 song As Long as You Love Me by Backstreet Boys. It’s hard to picture Liam Neeson’s character being romantic but what if he were? He is a divorced man in the movies so maybe he’s just trying to find ’the one’ again.

Even tough guys need love too so don’t judge Mills too harshly if you spot him singing his heart out. His voice might be the type to guarantee him an early elimination in The Voice and draw plenty of laughter during a Karaoke session but the important thing is the message.

Run Liam!

Horror fans are very familiar with Michael Myers, the only villain to rival Friday The 13th’s Jason. Michael is a psychotic killer who first appeared in the 1978 slasher film Halloween.

Myers started out as a troubled boy who murders his sister and gets locked up in a psychiatric facility. Fifteen years later, he returns to murder his family as well as more teenagers. The character has gone on to appear in ten more films. Would Bryan Mills stand a chance against Myers? Well, the murderer’s response in the meme says it all.

Who Needs Google Maps?

With his ‘finding’ skills, It’s a shocker that the CIA allowed him to retire for family reasons. What happened to ‘country over family?’ They should have let him continue with his finding streak. But it is what it is.

So, don’t mess with him. He will find you, even without GPS. Google Maps? Forget about that. He doesn’t need it. Don’t even think about relocating to Alaska like Jesse Pinkman in El Camino. He’ll get there too.

Sounds Like He Put His Apartment On Airbnb

If you are visiting America and staying in Bryan Mills’ apartment, don’t even think about damaging the cabinets and fleeing. He will find you and he will bill you, even if you are from Pyongyang.

Rather than pay for the damages, just take good care of his furniture, will you? Of course, getting billed is better than getting killed but we highly suspect that you’ll be the recipient of a couple of punches from him before the billing gets done. Better yet, just avoid his apartment.

He Threatened The Wrong One

Mills needs to apologize and hang up the phone or else he’ll be missing in action. Remember in Expendables 2 when Chuck Norris narrated how he was bitten by a cobra and after a few minutes of agonizing pain, the cobra died? Classic moment.

Chuck Norris has always been the Lord of Tough Guys. If Mills finds him, we have a pretty good idea who will end up dead. Hint: It’s not Chuck Norris. Go back to threatening kidnappers Mills.


As a kid, there was never a sadder moment than when you hid your food only to come back and find that your sibling ate it. Mills is threatening to do the same thing here, so if you’re related to him, just eat all your chocolate at once or carry it with you.

Chocolate is precious. Don’t let Mills eat yours. After all, doesn’t he have enough pension from the CIA to buy his own? Come on Mills. Buy your own chocolate.