It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is a television series that stars Rob McElhenney as Mac, Glenn Howerton as Dennis, Charlie Day as Charlie, Kaitlin Olson as Dee and Danny DeVito as Frank. These characters run Paddy’s Pub in Philadelphia, and they are always getting into some kind of trouble.

This show has been on since 2005, meaning it has had time to rack up a good amount of fans… and that fans have had time to get some good tattoos that are inspired by It’s Always Sunny! From graphics of rum ham and spaghetti to character quotes, these works of art are as hilarious and legendary as the series itself.

Paddy’s Pub

Most episodes take place at Paddy’s Pub, since all of the main characters work at this made-up bar. Therefore, some may think that getting ink of this locale could be a good idea, since the show would not be possible without it.

This one is big and bold, with dark lines and detailing. It really just looks like a nice and normal building… not a place that has held fake funerals, dance competitions, interesting inspections and events that drew in underage drinkers. 

The Implication

Dennis Reynolds is very into himself, and he thinks he has quite the way with the ladies. So when The Gang had a boat, he was excited to host women on this vessel, and he thought they would not be able to turn him down, due to the implications. 

This is one of his most iconic quotes, and it really sums up who he is as a person. Those who are particularly fond of Dennis may want to consider a tat that references this moment!

Rum Ham

Frank Reynolds loves to eat and drink, and he combined the two pastimes with rum ham: It was, as the name suggests, a big ol’ ham that was soaked in rum. However, a sad day occurred when the ham floated away in the ocean.

Everyone knows about this unique snack and about this episode, and while some may look at this ink and just see a piece of food in some water, true fans will know its real meaning. Furthermore, the color and style of this one is very attractive!

Mac’s Cat Eyes

Perhaps the most popular episode of all time is “The Nightman Cometh”, when Charlie wrote a rock opera. The Gang had parts in this performance, and Mac played a cat-like character who wore a sleek black outfit, who slunk around and who had these creepy eyes. 

While there is lots to love about Mr. Ronald “Mac” McDonald, his role in this play is certainly something to remember and to maybe even put on a body permanently. 

Troll Toll

Another important aspect of that rock opera was the troll toll; as the song said, a troll toll had to be paid, and that is referenced in this next tattoo. It may not be for everyone, but fans can agree that it is quite funny.

Would everyone want Frank Reynolds inked onto their bodies? No. would everyone want a troll-inspired piece of art on their bodies? No. But for just the right fan, this is just the right artwork.

Pepe Silvia

Up next are a few tats that are all based around Charlie Kelly. He is one of the most interesting characters on the show, and there are tons of moments and objects and lines that are inspired by him and that could lead to tats that honor him. 

First up is Pepe Silvia, words that Charlie saw on many pieces of mail when he and Mac decided to get new jobs. As everyone knows, this is also when Charlie thought there was a conspiracy involving Carol and Barney and a ghost town of an office. What a classic Charlie moment, and what an incredible tat. 


If Charlie’s role had to be summed up, it could be in one word: wildcard. That is what his friends said about him and how he thought of himself, too, since there was no telling what he was going to do or how a situation would end up, if he was around and involved. 

That being said, some fan decided to get a playing card put onto their body, and it featured Charlie and the letter “W” since he is the wildest of all cards and characters.

Spaghetti Policy

One more Charlie moment that deserves some attention would be his spaghetti. Dee was going to take him to a spa, but he thought she was trying to say “spaghetti”. Then, at a movie theater, he asked what the spaghetti policy was, since he wanted to bring some sauce-covered pasta into this place.

So if anyone is looking for a subtle way to show off a love for It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, consider this tattoo, which is so much more than just some Italian meal!

Sweet Dee

Another member of The Gang is Dee Reynolds. As the only female of the group, she is often the butt of jokes, and the guys always call her a bird. Therefore, the tat example that is focused on this character displays a bird. It also has a pretty script underneath it, which reads “Sweet Dee”, since that is one of the nicer things she is called.

Remember that there are nicer and prettier and even funnier pieces of art that could celebrate this character, though… She is a great one!

The Gang 

Last but not least, there is this artwork that honors all of the main characters from this series. It features a black outline of each of their heads, meaning Charlie’s messy mop, Mac’s facial hair, Dennis’ long face, Dee’s long hair and Frank’s glasses can all be seen. And while there are many versions of tattoos that show off The Gang, this silhouette idea is just fantastic. 

This tat is not big and flashy, but it is a unique and wonderful way to tell the world how much this show is loved.