While everyone is madly in love with the main hero of The Witcher series, Geralt of Rivia, half the fun still lies in the amazing monsters and creatures he faces. Some of them are fearsome, blood-thirsty monsters and others are cursed innocents who deserve better. Wherever they land on the gray spectrum, they are all fascinating and really make Geralt’s story all the better.

Some of the best monsters, though, are the gruesome, terrifying ones that were blood-thirsty or very dangerous, but are actually revealed to be innocent or decent beings.

And yes, that means that infamous little monster from The Witcher 3 is definitely on this list.

Here are 10 terrifying Witcher monsters that are actually secretly good.


When fans first heard of the Striga of Temeria, it was a horrific monster tearing apart men with its teeth. Overtime, though, they learned that it was really just a baby girl cursed by a jealous noble. At the end of the day, she was just as much an innocent victim as the people she ate.

That didn’t stop her from being a fearsome foe that almost ate Geralt’s face, though.

For such a terrifying monster, its origins completely change how you look at it. But even if a Striga deserves to be saved, it’s probably fair to say being mauled by one still isn’t pleasant.

Gold Dragons

Dragons are powerful and intimidating creatures on the continent. They may be rare, but they can raze an entire hillside. Even rarer, so much so that many Witchers don’t believe in them, are gold dragons. These creatures can cause even more destruction than the average scaly beast. After all, they are capable of taking human form.

No matter how frightening the concept sounds, gold dragons actually aren’t some sneaky manipulators destroying the world. Sure, they sound scary, but they are actually mostly in hiding. And moreover, they just want to be a voice for dragon-kind, not threatening monsters.

They actually are good guys, at the end of the day.

Spoon Wight

There are a lot of monsters in the Witcher world willing to eat anyone at a moment’s notice. Cross the spotted wight of Trastamara, and that’s exactly what happens. She is a gruesome beast with a crown of spoons, with a muddy, dingy lair.

For any player that’s ever fought the spotted wight, she puts up a frightening battle. Her long limbs and ferocity are serious dangers.

However, for people more interested in curses, they can easily find out that this wight is actually just a woman, cursed to be a monster. If Geralt fulfills the conditions of her curse, she turns out to be a thankful old woman who works at his manor.


If a Witcher player knows anything about the Blood and Wine DLC, it’s that there’s vampires. Lots, and lots, of vampires. Turns out the creatures aren’t as kind as Twilight leads anyone to expect. It’s a safe bet in the Witcher to stab any vampire on sight. The whole battle’s easier that way.

That is, except Regis. Regis is a very old vampire who has a lot of regrets for the pain he and his kind have caused.

Throughout the DLC, Regis is happy to help Geralt make things right with his hungrier brethren praying on the wine-loving nation. He may be a monster, but he’s still a good guy.

Trollololo The Rock Troll

Anyone who says they don’t love Trollololo The Rock Troll is lying. While other trolls can be annoying enemies, Trollololo just wants to be a good soldier and guardsman. Is he a good one? That’s totally up for debate.

Either way, fans got another case of a member of a monster species having some goodness to them. Even though the Redanians were lying to him, he took their word readily and has happily protected the “Redanian” boats ever since. He even wants to paint the Redanian crest on them to make them look more official.

Rock troll or not, he’s just a wholesome, well-meaning dude wanting to do his job right.


Okay, this one may sound crazy, but it’s not. Dealing with a djinn did totally mess up Geralt and Yennefer’s lives and almost got Jaskier an early casket. However, it isn’t the genie itself that’s evil. Like Geralt mentioned in the Netflix series, caged creatures don’t do well.

In actuality, genies are fairly neutral elemental creatures that stay out of human affairs. It’s only humans trapping them in vessels to use their magic that makes them violent.

So, actually, genies are innocent, decent magical monsters. Per usual, it’s the humans’ fault. Always blame the humans.


On paper, succubi sound like nightmares. They are creatures who attract living beings to feed on their lust and life energy. If they suck too much, it can end a person’s life. Attraction never was so fatal.

However, it’s easy to find out that succubi rarely try to drain everything out of their hosts. Their own desires are about just that: desire. They don’t really care for ending the lives of the people that sustain them. Sure, they can be an annoyance and cause trouble, but at the end of the day, they just want to be fed. They aren’t inherently bad.

The Toad Prince

In the Hearts of Stone DLC, Geralt is tasked to slay a giant amphibian in the sewers, named The Toad Prince. He isn’t exactly violent, but the slime off him is contaminating the waters and hurting the locals.

The toad is nonverbal, so when Geralt meets him he can’t do much but to fight and end his life. However, as he’s bleeding out, the curse on him is broken and he becomes human again. He never meant to be a noxious toad, but he was hexed because he was betrothed to Olgierd’s girlfriend.

Guy never stood a chance, even though he never wanted to be a monster.


While The Witcher Netflix series might seem to say otherwise, Dopplers aren’t actually that bad. Sure, the show one was a little stabby. But most of the time, Dopplers are just creatures trying to live on the continent without trouble. With little in-series backstory, some fnas might be surprised to know that Dopplers are actually severely prejudiced against. In one short story, Geralt helps a man deal with a Doppler wearing his face, but the Doppler is actually just netting him merchant fame and fortune.

Understandably, after learning that, the guy lets the Doppler live. But still, the fact decapitation was on the table is pretty harsh. They’re mostly all well-meaning creatures, just born different.


One of the most memorable, iconic enemies in The Witcher, by far, is the Botchling. These creatures are baby corpses that aren’t given a proper burial, and then are cursed to become starving, monstrous creatures. The one fans meet in the Crookback Bog is honestly terrifying.

But, in honesty, The Botchlnig isn’t really the bad guy here. Geralt does have to rid it from the world, but the only reason it’s even terrorizing people was because other people treated it poorly.

The Botchling is just as much of an innocent victim as anyone else.