When it comes to the many weapons that Sam and Dean Winchester employ on the CW series Supernatural, nothing beats our old standby favorites: salt and iron. The brothers have discovered and found success with plenty of other cool weapons over the span of the show, though, including the famous Colt, a gun created by Samuel Colt in 1835. With its supernatural bullets, the Colt is definitely a powerful weapon that can take out many different creatures and comes in quite handy.

While the Colt may have been the first major weapon introduced in the series, it’s definitely not without its problems. The gun has several issues that fans won’t let go, and they probably never will be fully explained on the show.

It Doesn’t Take Out Everything

For something that was made to be powerful enough to take out any monster by its maker, the Colt disappoints. The gun is not flawless and is not capable of offing just every old monster the Winchesters come across, although it does come close.

To be fair, the show would be pretty boring if Dean and Sam could just point and shoot everything they come across, so we understand why the gun isn’t invincible. That said, to claim that it can off anything isn’t factual, and we have to wonder if Samuel Colt could have been a bit more conscientious in its design.

Samuel Colt Only Made 13 Bullets

Why would you only make 13 bullets for a gun that’s supposed to be able to take out anything, but only with the bullets it requires? Fans have speculated as to why this may have happened, from the bullets requiring Halley’s comet as part of its creation to them needing a complicated Enochian spell that could only be given by an angel, but we don’t really know the answer.

We do know that Bobby was able to help the boys forge new bullets by copying the original sigils, so how complicated could it have been for Samuel Colt to drum up a bunch of boxes of ammo?

It Disappeared For Almost Six Years

During season six, the Colt disappeared from the show, where it was pretty much ignored until they suddenly seemed to remember it existed again. How could they let this amazing weapon that lets them take out anything they want slip their minds?

The answer is simple: again, so the show wouldn’t get boring. Having a weapon that would take out every single monster that easily would get old pretty fast and we needed to see the boys struggle for it to be interesting. While that makes sense from a directing standpoint, it still makes zero sense in the show itself. Maybe give the idjits Colt amnesia or something?

Azazel Let Jake Point The Loaded Colt At Him

It seemed like the stupidest move the yellow-eyed demon had ever made in the series: Azazel handed Jake the Colt, complete with its loaded bullet, before coaxing the boy into serving him for a lifetime of ease and comfort for him and his family if he refrained from destroying Azazel himself.

Fans point out how this just proves Azazel is super cocky, but it really makes no sense. He’s a deceptive demon; it’s literally his job to give people guns they think are loaded when they’re not, and he knew he was putting his own life in jeopardy while handing over the loaded gun.

The Winchesters Just Left It With Ramiel

It makes absolutely no sense that the Winchester brothers would leave the Colt with the prince of the underworld but that’s exactly what they did with the Colt after Crowley gave the gun to Ramiel.

We’ve witnessed the brothers steal things from powerful beings time and time again on Supernatural and you would think that they would be concerned about the gun remaining in Ramiel’s clutches all of this time, yet they never even tried to get it back. The weapon remains there until Mary stole it herself in season 12 in an incredibly “Duh!” move.

It Makes Them Lazy Hunters

First of all, it makes no sense that Sam and Dean would waste the Colt to off demons in the first place, especially before they were able to create more bullets for the gun with Bobby’s help. But why would they continue to use it, or the angel blade, to wipe out angels and demons when they could do it the hard way and save people in the process?

While it’s true that these supernatural beings are hard on their host bodies and they may not be able to be healed afterwards, the brothers should still at least try to give each victim a chance. Their business isn’t just hunting monsters, after all: they are supposed to be saving lives, too.

It Requires Magic Bullets

The Colt itself isn’t as powerful unless Sam and Dean can use the magic bullets that are required to make it work. Not only did Samuel Colt not make enough of them, but he really designed more of a magical ammunition than a supernatural gun if it’s only as good as its ammo.

Dreaming up the Colt in the first place was a stroke of genius; nobody’s denying that. But to build it where it not only depends on one specific type of ammunition to work and simultaneously creating so few bullets based on that info seems much more like a plot device than a sensible solution to monster hunting… which, of course, it is.

Crowley Thought It Would Off Lucifer

Crowley obviously doesn’t think everything through, and the demon doesn’t have all of the answers, either. When he tells the Winchesters that the Colt will knock off Lucifer, it’s not just another one of his tricks; he means it. So he’s just as surprised as they are to learn that it doesn’t work or help in his own nefarious plans.

It also makes no sense that the Colt could take out angels but not Lucifer, who was also an angel, or that Crowley, who knew exactly where the Colt was, didn’t use it himself to take out Dick Roman in season seven when the Leviathan made it clear he wanted nothing to do with him.

They Haven’t Repaired It

Since the Winchesters went up against Dagon, the Colt has been broken and useless. You’d think the boys would employ the Bobby Singer way and attempt to fix the thing to use it against all of the manners of wickedness they come up against to make their lives a bit easier, but nope. They’re going back to the basics once again.

Look, we love the basics, but Sam and Dean seem a bit masochistic–well, a bit more than they normally do–by ignoring the one weapon that ensures victory nearly every time it’s used in battle. Gotta keep the audience interested, boys…

Who Else Is Immune From It?

According to Lucifer, the Colt is dangerous to anyone except for “five things in creation,” one of those being himself. Fans have speculated for years over who the other five things in creation might be, but the answer remains a mystery. We know that the Alpha Vampire, who tried to convince Sam that he was immune from the Colt, was completely vulnerable to it.

Some possibilities obviously include the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Eve, Cain and Michael, especially since we learn that these creatures need specific items to do them in, but we can’t know for sure until someone confirms it on the show.