Disney has been responsible for some of the greatest villains ever brought to the big screen. Maleficent, Jafar, Frollo, and Scar are just a few of the members of Disney’s Rogues Gallery. Every one of them is as unique and distinct as they are devious and diabolical. But, at the same time, something seems oddly familiar.

Don’t get us wrong, Disney has villain-making down to a science, but, with every science comes a specific formula, right? Though they all have their own flavor, certain factors tend to overlap. Don’t take our word for it, have a look at these ten things almost all Disney villains have in common.

Motives Involve Vengeance or Power

Some villains do what they do for money, some for an act of self-gratification, and some just do it to be spiteful or vain. Disney’s villains, though with their own manner of accomplishing their goals, go for mainly two motives behind their evil deeds. They desire either vengeance, power, or both.

Look at characters like Jafar, Ursula, Scar, or Hans and Bellweather for a more recent example. All of them want some form of power to pull themselves from the depths. To add a little extra, some like Scar and Ursula want vengeance and recognition from being cast aside for decades. Either way, it’s a common motif.

Master Manipulators

Not all villains are hulking monsters with nefarious plans for domination and revenge. In fact, a lot of Disney’s best villains use their charm and manipulative tactics to get what they want. Look at the examples set by Frollo, Mother Gothel, and Dr. Facilier. They’re most evil when manipulating others to do what they want.

Frollo and Gothel practically brainwash Quasimodo and Rapunzel into obedience, and Faclier uses his silver tongue to manipulate Lawrence and even his Friends on the Other Side to do his bidding. Little magic or force is used, but with their words alone they are able to conjure some wicked deeds.

Sidekicks/Henchmen are Incompetent

Good help is so hard to find these days, isn’t it? It always seems whenever the villains have to enlist the help of other minions, henchmen, or lackies, they always get the most clumsy and dim-witted apples in the bunch. Whether it’s the Hyenas, Horace and Jasper, or Pain and Panic, they always seem to be a few bananas short of a bunch.

If Maleficent’s goblins and goons can’t keep track of a teenaged princess, Pain and Panic can’t keep Herc as a mortal, and Horace and Jasper are outwitted by a pack of puppies, it’s a wonder any villainy gets done at all in these conditions. They are, as Maleficent would say, a disgrace to the forces of evil.

One Faithful Minion

Though most of their henchmen might be as useful as Gandhi at the Golden Corral, there always seems to be at least one in their party who gets the job done right. Usually, it’s either a faithful pet or a trusted sidekick. Because, at the end of the day, you can always count on one friend to get with the program.

Where would Captain Hook be without Mr. Smee, Shan-Yu without Hyabusa, or Gaston without LeFou? Two heads are better than one, as the saying goes, and these guys, though they might not do the most grunt-work, do help their respected villains achieve their goal… or, at the very least, get them close to victory.

They have At Least One Fiery Outburst

It’s not easy when you’re evil, that’s just a fact. Sure, most villains can keep a straight face or even get down-right giddy about their work. But sometimes it’s hard to maintain that calm, cool, and collected visage when you’re henchman are bumbling, heroes get in the way, and you’re nowhere near close to accomplishing your dastardly deeds.

With all that in mind, it’s no wonder some of Disney’s biggest and baddest are capable of some rather tenacious temper tantrums. Have a look at the hot-tempered Hades, the cringe-worthy Cruella, or the pitiful Prince John if you want to see some malicious meltdowns.

They All Have a Sense of Style

It’s not enough just to have an evil attitude, an army of minions, and a devious plot, scheme, or ploy. If you want to be a sinister stand-out, you’ve got to look the part. Yes, black capes are all well and good, but true articles of Disney villainy are so stylish they deserve their own clothing line.

How many pieces of Disney Park merchandise have been inspired by the wicked wardrobes of our favorite villains? Maleficent’s horns, Cruella’s coat, and Dr. Facliler’s Samedi-styled suit all carry a very fashionable quality with them. Who says evil doesn’t look good?

EVIL: Every Villain In Lime

If you’ve been steeped in Disney fandom for as long as we have, you’ll know that there’s an unspoken rule regarding classic Disney villains. Lime-Green is always the mark of a truly evil character. We don’t know why the Disney artists chose to do this, but, as far back as the evil queen, most villans have been absolutely slathered in the color.

Maleficent is engulfed in green flames, Scar slinks through slime-colored steam, and both Ursula and Facilier’s spells require a heaping helping of the lusciously lime shade to further heighten their evil deeds. It’s one of those things where it works despite us not knowing exactly why.

They Enjoy Their Work

Some villains commit evil for money, power, or fame, but, when you look at the really great villains—and we mean villains with a Fantasmic came—they all get absolutely overjoyed when performing heinous acts of evil. If they’re not casting an insidious smile or a creepy cackle, they’re not having a good time.

One of the biggest selling points of the best of Disney’s worst is their approach to the job. When we think of characters that really enjoy their lives of crime, we think to Captain Hook, Jafar, and most famously, Professor Ratigan. They aren’t just doing what they do for the name of evil, they do it because they absolutely love it.

They Each Have a Monologue

Yet another common mark of practically all of Disney’s villains, you can stall for time if you get them monologuing. The Disney writers truly show their stripes whenever they create a stage-worthy soliloquy for their animated antagonists. Especially if they’re characters like Scar, Jafar, or Maleficent who have colorful voices behind them to deliver the lines.

Some are cruel and malicious, others are honestly a little thought-provoking, but if it’s one thing a villain has to do, it’s give a proper speech. Depending on whether or not that furthers their plan… well, that’s on them.

They Know How to Belt Out a Show-Stopping Tune

It goes without saying that many a Disney fan’s favorite moments in any animated musical from the magical company has to be the villain’s song. Why get “Topsy Turvy” when “Hellfire” ignites the flames of passion? Forget about “Under the Sea” we’re here for the “Poor Unfortunate Souls.” With titles like these, how can we not want more?

Disney doesn’t get dark as often as some of us would like, but when they do, they do it right. Some of their darkest work comes from these malicious musical numbers. Whether you feel like belting out the final notes of “Be Prepared” or swinging away to “Friends on the Other Side” a true villain can carry a tune.