When The O.C. premiered in 2003, the teen drama was considered ahead of the rest of the shows in this genre. The story of poor bad boy Ryan Atwood (Ben McKenzie) joining the wealthy Cohen family and becoming best friends with Seth (Adam Brody) is one that fans still love to this day. Add in some love interests (Marissa Cooper, played by Mischa Barton, and Summer Roberts, played by Rachel Bilson) and a lot of good music, and a classic series was born.

But since it’s been a while since the show was on the air (it lasted for four seasons until its 2007 finale), it makes sense that some characters, scenes, and plot points are lackluster by today’s standards. Here are 10 things from The O.C. that haven’t aged well.

Oliver Is Considered Nuts

Oliver Trask (Taylor Handley) isn’t the most well-developed character on the show. When he and Marissa meet each other in the first season, they’re in the same therapy office as they both suffer from depression. He has a huge crush on her from the beginning and it’s clear that he’s harboring unhealthy feelings toward her.

 Oliver’s character hasn’t aged very well, though, becuase he’s considered nuts by the other characters. The discussion of mental illness on the show isn’t very nuanced or detailed, and it seems that today, this storyline would be approached more respectfully.

Seth Doesn’t Treat Girls That Well

Seth is adorable, dorky, and loves indie music and video games with equal passion. But he’s not exactly a pro when it comes to dating… which becomes painfully obvious when he finds himself in a love triangle in the first season with Summer and Anna Stern (Samaire Armstrong).

Even though Seth is portrayed as a nice guy, he doesn’t always treat girls all that well, and he spends a lot of time with Anna and Summer separately without really making a decision about who his girlfriend is going to be. It’s not the way to treat people and it feels awkward. This might be explained as him being nerdy and inexperienced, but that seems problematic.

Summer Is Embarassed About Dating A So-Called Nerd

Being a “nerd” is totally cool. It’s great and admirable when someone has found something that they love and can talk about for hours.

But when Summer learns that Seth has been in love with her since forever, she hesitates to date him. Why? Because she’s a popular, fashionable girl with a ton of friends… and he’s a nerd. She worries about her reputation and doesn’t think that she should be seen dating him. This is awkward and hasn’t aged well. Today, everyone knows that nerds are the best.

The Good Vs. Bad Characters

The characters on The O.C. aren’t very nuanced and are split up into categories, namely two: good and bad. Ryan and his family, friends, and love interests from back home are presented as “bad” since they have criminal histories, substance abuse problems, and don’t have a lot of money. The Cohens and their Newport community are seen as “good” since they have money, nice mansions, and so on.

This aspect of the show hasn’t aged very well since it’s a very simplistic way of seeing people. Even Sandy Cohen (Peter Gallagher) is treated as a kind of silly person because he likes to be the kind of lawyer who actually helps people (yes, even if they don’t have huge bank accounts).

Summer’s College Friend Che Is Too One-Note

Some might remember the character Che who was actually played by Chris Pratt. He cares about the environment and is basically responsible for Summer completely changing from a fashion-obsessed ditz to a bohemian who protests for hours on campus.

Che is a character who has aged poorly because he’s so one-note. He doesn’t have any other personality traits other than talking about the environment, and he’s never a real threat to her relationship with Seth because fans know those two are meant to be together.

The Teens Really Have Zero Parental Oversight

Sure, it’s common on teen shows for the parents to be out of the house most of the time, but The O.C. really takes this to another level. Even though Sandy and Kirsten (Kelly Rowan) are “the cool parents” of Newport and they’re pretty close with their son Seth, it’s true that the teen characters seem to do whatever they want and go wherever they want.

At the beginning of the show, for example, they decide to hide Ryan in a model home. This storyline doesn’t hold up well today because parents really do like to know where their kids are.

Kirsten’s Drinking Problem

Kirsten’s alocholism storyline is another thing about The O.C. that hasn’t aged well. These types of plotlines are often very corny and that’s exactly what happened here.

Instead of an honest and realistic portrayal of how a parent’s alcoholism affects their family, Kirsten always looks completely wasted at a fancy event. This storyline was melodramatic and wasn’t handled the way that it most likely would be if this show had aired in 2019.

The Episode “The Secret”

In the first season episode “The Secret,” the characters discover that Luke (Chris Carmack) has a dad who is gay. Everyone in Newport and at the high school that Marissa, Luke, Ryan, and Seth go to is really mean about this.

It’s easy to see why this aspect of The O.C. hasn’t aged well. The fact that Luke gets angry at Ryan and believes he shared this with other people is really problematic. Luke shouldn’t be angry at all and should be able to show his dad love and support and compassion.

The Third Season Finale Is Pretty Ridiculous

Fans have always heard that Mischa Barton was going to leave the show, so her character had to die on The O.C. But honestly, did her death have to happen in such a silly, unrealistic, ridiculous way?

Probably not… but that’s what fans ended up with. In the third season finale, Marissa is off to Greece to live with her dad, Jimmy (Tate Donovan)… but there she is, sitting in Ryan’s car and about to make this big change in her life and they get into a car accident. After a crazy explosion, Marissa passes away.

Marissa’s Character Is Too Simplistic

Many teen drams have a character similar to Marissa Cooper. She’s a poor little rich girl, or a spoiled rich girl, or whatever adjectives you’d like to use. She has money but her parents don’t pay attention to her, so she really just wants someone to love her.

Marissa is a character who hasn’t aged well because she’s too simplistic. She never stops complaining or moping around, and it would have been nice if she had a personality instead of just whining and doing wild things so people would pay attention to her.