You don’t always have to make an Oscar-winning film for it be a classic, and The Room has proven that even bad films can become legendary. It’s such a silly film, that we actually have to recommend it for a watch just for you to understand the experience.

In this list, “aging well” means the evergreen quality The Room came up with, and we’ll be checking out the aspects of the movie that have kept fans coming back for repeated viewings. These include the film’s themes, best scenes, and moments that keep The Room relevant to this day.

The Character Of Steven

If you’re watching The Room for the first time along with someone who’s watched it before, then you can be certain they’re waiting till the end of the movie - specifically about 10-15 minutes before the climax.

This is because Steven makes his appearance, a guy with zero backstory who suddenly shows up and drops philosophical insights as if he were a modern-day Aristotle. Nobody knew where he came from or why he was so invested in things, but everybody agrees his over-the-top performance and overall irrelevance is a treat to watch. It’s hilarious to see him attempt to jump in the film mere minutes before it ends, although he does accomplish in being memorable.

The Appearance And Style Of Johnny

You don’t even need to hear Johnny talking, all you need is a look at his appearance and you know he’s quite a character - maybe a reverse version of Kramer from Seinfeld. Johnny’s vampiric appearance has made him a hit over the years, with many even dressing as him for Halloween.

His long locks, pale complexion, surly style of talking, and baggy suit all make it seem as if he really might be a vampire. At least that would explain why he was the way he behaved, but we wouldn’t have him any other way.

The Rooftop Scene With Chris-R

Out of all the terrible performances in the film, it is widely agreed by viewers that the actor portraying Chris-R was the only one who did a commendable job. For this reason, the rooftop scene is the one people watch if they want to see actual acting.

Making this even better to watch is the fact that there’s no explanation why Denny owed Chris-R money in the first place, so watching the latter completely lose it and almost beat the former up is hilarious. It’s also seen as a bit cathartic for those fans who always wanted to punch Denny for being so annoying.

Every Conversation Between Johnny And Mark

Maybe Tommy Wiseau wanted Johnny and Mark to come across as vitriolic best buds like Batman and Superman are, but he mainly managed to achieve in bringing out nonsensical conversation pieces that fans love watching for reasons they can’t explain.

Each time these two talked they would bring up stuff that had nothing to do with anything. From Mark talking about women being unfaithful (which Tommy merely laughed at), to Tommy asking Mark about his intimate life out of nowhere, all of these moments make for a highlight reel for people who love wasting time and have no regrets over it.

Johnny And Lisa’s Argument

If you ever want to know what a circus of emotions looks like, then go on up to YouTube and check out the final argument between Johnny and Lisa. Here, we saw Johnny morph from amusement to trauma to acting like a crybaby, all the while with Lisa remaining stoic. 

Of course, the cherry on top is Johnny’s infamous “tearing me apart!” line that has been repeated tirelessly, but it’s all of the elements together that makes this a win. If you ever attend a screening for The Room, this is the scene you’ll find that fans love watching the most.

The Overall Point Of The Film

Putting all the jokes aside, Tommy Wiseau did mean to bring in a story that had some substance; it was the fault of his direction and dialogue that got in the way. Now, since fans have spared some time to think of the story, the point of the film does come across.

The moral is about losing one’s naivete and stopping oneself from living in denial, and that being a good person doesn’t mean good things will happen to you in return. Those who have given this a thought over the years have appreciated this outlook the film provides.

The Behind-The-Scenes Details

This was such a point of interest that it got turned into a movie that won James Franco a Golden Globe award. The Disaster Artist was all about the making of The Room, and this was only possible because fans badly wanted to know how this film was made. 

There are hundreds of articles dedicated to the behind-the-scenes happenings, along with footage that is sought after by fans to provide another perspective over the filming. This kind of interest still lives on, and fans love whatever they can find.

All The Times They Wore Suits For No Reason

We mentioned how people like to wear Johnny’s costume for Halloween, but it doesn’t stop there as fans of The Room have been known to wear tuxedos together as a sign of solidarity as well. 

This stems from the bizarre scenes where Johnny, and then later the whole gang, wear suits and toss around a football. There was no indication of any wedding or event happening, so donning these tuxes had no purpose. And yet, watching these moments play out has been one of the favorite parts of the film for fans.

The Screenings For The Film

If you’ve been in an area where screenings of The Room have taken place and didn’t go, then you missed out on an experience of a lifetime. These screenings have brought fans from all around the world together and are perhaps the best part of watching the film.

These offer chances of making new friends, catching up on The Room trivia, and furthering interest in the movie. Over the years, screenings have lived on and aged remarkably well since even videos of these screenings on YouTube from a decade back still log in thousands of views.

All The Catchphrases

Without a doubt, The Room has managed to stay fresh in the minds of fans because of all the unintentional catchphrases that were birthed from the dialogue. You can take your pick from “Oh, Hi Mark!”, “I don’t want to talk about it”, “Hi, Doggy”, among many others and still feel as if they were made yesterday. 

If these quotes didn’t exist, then there would never have been any craze over The Room to begin with. Sure, they’re all supposed to be unintentionally funny, but they’ve still become part of pop culture and live on.