Game of Thrones is one of the most popular shows of our generation and it will continue to hold that distinction for, well, the remainder of time, really. With every great show comes a whole lot of criticism, though, and the same points tend to be made about Game of Thrones by those that, for lack of a better term, despise it.

Fans of the show are going to back it to the hills regardless of what they hear, and blocking out that noise is part a good way forward - in the eyes of some people.

Winter is coming (or so we hear).

So, So Many Characters

We understand the need to inject a different flavor into proceedings from time to time, but once the show started to really get into a rhythm, it got to the stage where it was kind of difficult to keep up with everything that was going on.

Then, from week to week, side characters would wind up being thrust into storylines that didn’t even really make sense for them, mainly because fans didn’t have any sort of emotional attachment to what it was they were watching. It was too much, too soon.

Ramsay Bolton

Ramsay Bolton rose up through the ranks to become one of the most hated villains in the history of Game of Thrones. The portrayal of the character was a huge part of his ‘success’ if you want to call it that, but he was also written to perfection with the masses jumping in to hate on him.

The Battle of the Bastards served as the final nail in his coffin, in what many still regard as one of the very best episodes of television in the last decade. That’s quite the compliment.

Jon Snow Fake Death

For the watch.

Jon Snow’s stunning death at the end of Season 5 sent shockwaves through the GoT universe, with many being convinced that he’d make it through until the end of the show’s run.

However, even immediately after he died, there was a sense of optimism as many fans theorized that he was going to be brought back to life once Season 6 rolled around.

That’s exactly what happened, and in truth, it made the whole thing feel like a bit of a pointless exercise and a cheap cop-out to end the season with.

Fan Attachment To Books

George R.R. Martin has obviously done a phenomenal job when it comes to building this franchise, with millions of fans from around the world being pulled into this series from beginning to end.

Of course, when a show is based on a series of books, things can become a little bit more complicated as dedicated readers of the book will want to see every single little detail being included in the episodes.

That hasn’t always been entirely possible, as was the case with Harry Potter back in the day, which has led to a string of complaints from a handful of GoT supporters.

Self-Titled Best Show Ever

There’s an arrogance that comes with being a diehard supporter of any given television show, and Breaking Bad fans will tell you the exact same thing – because we’re talking about shows that reach ‘the next level’.

Game of Thrones reached that level a long time ago, but even with that being the case, it doesn’t necessarily mean we want to hear about it every two minutes. Sure, you can appreciate the product, but dismissing everything else on television just seems a little bit off and adds an aura of arrogance into proceedings.

Bran Stark

The development of Bran Stark through the seasons was certainly intriguing to watch, but very few fans would honestly suggest that they wanted to see him at the top of the mountain when it was all said and done.

That’s not necessarily a knock to the character himself, but he just wasn’t really portrayed in a manner that made us yearn to see him. As opposed to being exciting fans would find themselves sighing at the prospect of having to watch him slowly but surely make his way towards the throne.


Joffrey was every privileged kid we’ve all known over the years turned up to 500%.

He was easily one of the vilest characters to have featured on Game of Thrones and aside from a tremendous acting performance here and there, the redeeming features were few and far between.

When he was eventually poisoned and killed it was viewed as a moment of great triumph for, well, anyone that wasn’t Joffrey or his family.

Is he the greatest villain in the history of the show? We personally wouldn’t give him that distinction.

Red Wedding Obsession

The Red Wedding was arguably the most famous scene in the history of the show for all the right (and wrong) reasons. It was a complete and utter bloodbath, and we understand that.

But putting it up against some of the other great scenes in television history feels a bit cheap and, as has been a running theme throughout this show, seems to stink of fans putting it on a pedestal far above where it actually should be.

The chaos of it all was shocking, yes, but there are many other wonderful scenes in this show, too.

Side Plots

Remember Ros? Remember Gendry? Remember the dragons being locked away and everything about Loras?

Side plots, or general storylines that wind up not making that much sense, really do confuse us in every way imaginable – and Game of Thrones is completely and utterly littered with them.

Of course, there’s a whole lot of good, but the bad that goes alongside the good outweighs it.

They kept trying to do too much, in our opinion, and that’s always going to backfire when you’re trying to take the show in a million and one different directions.

Last Season Laziness

You can make up for a lot of things on television, but you can’t make up for a poor final season to a show as famous as Game of Thrones. Not even close.

From the editing mistakes to the poor writing to the Starbucks coffee cup that made an appearance, the whole thing really did feel like a giant waste of time.

They should’ve spread it out and given it more time to breathe with a few more episodes thrown in there for good measure. Instead, we’ll probably all be left wondering what could’ve been.