When it comes to disappointing franchises, Jurassic Park certainly has a claim to fame. While there are fans of The Lost World, and the first Jurassic World was a box office behemoth, no sequel or continuation has since captured the magic of the original dino adventure.

When it comes to the worst of the worst, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom might be it. Filled with plot holes for days, cheesy dialogue, and a lack of commitment to the narrative goals, the most recent sequel might be the one to push the franchise to extinction. There are many aspects of the film that make absolutely no sense, these ten being the biggest.

The Indoraptor’s Love Of Lasers

One of the most mind-boggling things about Fallen Kingdom comes down to its evil dino: The Indoraptor. This ferocious beast, like the Indominus Rex before it, is a frightening amalgamation of the worst dinosaurs out there. Its ability to kill is unmatched, and it is an abomination of genetic engineering.

It’s no wonder that armies around the world would want to use it. The only problem? It only kills specific targets when you have someone pointing a laser pointer at it.

The Perfectly Preserved Indominus Rex

Another plot hole is the fate of the Indominus Rex. In Jurassic World, the animal was eaten alive by the Mosasaurus, the giant beast living in the lagoon. The creature consumes it, tearing the dinosaur apart. Now normal when giant monsters eat other giant monsters, they don’t come out as a perfectly arranged skeleton.

Well, apparently Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom didn’t realize this. When the team is exploring the lagoon looking for DNA Samples, they find the perfectly arranged and preserved Indominus Rex skeleton at the bottom. Now, we’re not biologists here at Screen Rant, but it’s probably safe to assume that those bones would not be arranged perfectly.

The Location Of The Lagoon

While Jurassic World isn’t perfect, it had some excellent set-pieces. One of the best was the Mosasaurus lagoon. It harkens back to an idealized water park but with a hint of Jaws. The inclusion of the Mosasaurus was one of the best decisions both films had, as it is a terrifying monster to watch.

But, if only they remembered where they put it. One of the biggest goofs of Fallen Kingdom was how the Lagoon completely changed locations. in the first film, the pool was located somewhere near the center of the park. By the time of the second, the pool has moved far closer to the entrance, not to mention it gives access to the ocean. It’s an obvious oversight.

That’s Not How Volcanoes Work

One of the defining moments of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom centers around the eruption of a long-dormant volcano on Isla Nubar. This peak, Mt. Sibo, exudes both molten hot magma and plumes of ash. It covers the island, consuming all of the prehistoric inhabitants.

For all its fantastical elements, Jurassic Park has almost always attempted to keep its science semi-believable. but when it comes to this volcano, they got it all wrong. Volcanoes can not erupt both in a pyroclastic way, with gigantic plumes of smoke and ash as well as just exuding hot magma. They can only do one or the other.

Bad Auctioning Layout

This point is just a remark on the lack of thinking that went into some of the set design. After the explosion on the island, the gang follows the stolen dinosaurs to the home of Lockwood, where they are set to go to auction around the world. The auction room is arranged like a runway, with audience members on either side to observe the caged beasts and the auctioneer at the head of the room.

The animals were housed in giant cages that completely block the view of one side of the audience for the auctioneer. It makes no sense for an auction to be arranged like this because the auctioneer needs to see when someone is interested in making an offer.

Double Locking Doors

There are tons of continuity errors in movies. When it comes to massive blockbusters, the inevitability of running into them increases tenfold. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom had its fair share of these issues. Going back to the explosion scene, Claire and Franklin are escaping in one of the Gyrospheres from the first film.

When they are flying down the hill, the doors lock in place, trapping them inside while they plummet. After the pair splash into the water off the cliff, the camera once again shows the doors locking on their own. It is one thing to have a small error like this, it is another though to show it so deliberately with the camera twice.

Where Has Lockwood Been?

The presence of Lockwood as a character is just annoying. Playing him off as a long term partner of Hammond while never showing him once in previous films makes no amount of sense. If the pair had been close friends and he had been essential in assisting Hammond in the tech, one would think he would be around or at least mentioned in a throwaway line. But no, Lockwood is never alluded to once in a previous film. It would have made perfect sense to have just made him a massive fan of Hammond’s work, completing his own experiments with cloning and such.

Maisie Is Smart, Except When She’s Not

Maisie is a mind-numbing character. For a franchise that had two of the best child performances in its first film, it has never delivered since. Maisie, the cloned granddaughter of Lockwood, is shown to be a brilliant young mind, acting ingeniously throughout the film.

Yet she continues to make big stupid decisions that put herself in danger, not to mention countless others. When she is chased by the Indoraptor, she decided to hide under her covers in plain view of the monster is all she could do. Later, she releases the dying dinosaurs upon the world, without a thought of the immediate casualties from this action.

Lethal Tranquilizers?

The tranquilizers in this film don’t make an ounce of sense. Once again, the science behind this franchise is being completely left in the dust. It is mentioned constantly that the tranquilizers used on humans contain carfentanil.

This chemical is incredibly lethal to humans, even in small amounts. Yet in this film, there is only a minor sedative effect on its victims. Multiple characters come back later on after being shot with darts of the stuff. Why mention the specific chemical if its not even right? It is just one more instance of these movies forgetting their past, and refusing to put the hard work in to know what they’re talking about.

Why J.A. Bayona Was Wasted

Ok, this might not be a plot hole, continuity error, editing cut, or another nonsensical issue, but it is just as frustrating. Why on earth did Universal bring on a director such as J.A. Bayona for this film if they were barely going to utilize him? Bayona’s vision as a filmmaker was certainly present at times, giving audiences some excellent visuals.

But his storytelling ability, so apparent in his previous works, was completely gone. In its place was a buffoonish film that offered nothing new or exciting to the franchise. Looking beyond the signature nightmare vision which appears in a shot now and again, this film criminally underutilized the abilities of its director.