The Arrowverse has become more and more complex as shows and characters have been added to its ever-growing roster. With that complicated range of settings and people, a lot of things have started to not make too much sense about this universe.

While sometimes great explanations have been provided as to why these narrative issues occur, there are some things that make absolutely no sense. Here are 10 things about the Arrowverse that we will always struggle to understand.


The use of the Lazarus Pits will always be confusing to us as their effects and when they can be used have been so inconstant. For a time any character death was met with the use of a Pit. However, after they are brought back to life they suffer from severe bloodlust.

But some characters like Sara and Thea, end up almost forgetting about their bloodlust, whereas Roy still struggles in the far future. Not only this, it’s not used on every character and they’ve apparently all been destroyed. That is until they are needed for the plot once more, of course.


Time travel will be confusing in any universe, but the Arrowverse made it even more confusing after Flashpoint and other speedsters started interfering with the timeline. The Legends on the Waverider have not helped matters in this department.

The timeline is now so confusing that it’s easier to not even bother trying to understand it. Some characters probably shouldn’t exist anymore while others have been changed so much by the differences. There’s even a new member of Team Flash that was never spoken about again.


Savitar’s identity was always going to be a struggle for people to work out because the actual reveal was so out of the box. However, so many people were left scratching their heads when it was revealed the villain of the series was actually Barry Allen himself.

Savitar was actually a time remnant of Barry who had survived the previous events of the show. However, does this mean he is actually the original Barry that has turned evil or some kind of time clone? Either way, it’s quite a confusing concept to get one’s head around.


The crossovers are always a big event for any DC fan and allow for a lot of nerd moments to take place. However, the rest of the year, the lack of crossovers actually makes no sense at all. It’s an issue that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has consistently had to deal with.

If some of these heroes are in the trouble they believe they are in, why wouldn’t they call in their super friends to help? Oliver Queen could call the Flash in at any point, or in fact any number of random heroes from Constantine to the Human Target, but he never does.


Team Flash, Team Arrow, even the Legends, all have to run on some kind of funding. They have unlimited resources, brand new technology all the time and secret bases that need maintenance. And yet, none of them actually seem to have any financial aid.

Team Flash and Arrow especially make barely any money. While they all have jobs, this won’t be enough money to fund their super hero lives. So how on Earth are they actually paying for it all, or do they have a secret millionaire helper with a fondness for vigilantes?


We’ve seen the Reverse-Flash, or Thawne in many different guises. His most famous are of course undercover as the original Harrison Wells and as his true appearance. However, those two things are sometimes interchangeable which is very confusing.

During his fight with the Legends Thawne appeared in his original form. Despite his many deaths he still managed to re-appear in the future, under the appearance of Harrison Wells. How is this possible and is it likely that the Reverse-Flash still appear again on the show?


Every time a new non-powered hero is added to the mix we ask the question, where did they learn to fight like that? When Laurel Lance first became the Black Canary fans questioned how she learned to fight so quickly and become a vigilante.

The same is true of the likes of Jimmy Olsen who suited up as the Guardian and a range of other characters who all suddenly decided to join the super hero life and became so good at it so quickly. It seems that there was a narrative oversight in many cases.


Star Labs has been imprisoning people ever since the show started and it usually leads to fans questioning how humane that really is. While many prisoners are now handed over to ARGUS, for some time they are just locked in glass boxes.

Team Flash has no actual right to do this and there’s not even a trial for many of these criminals. There’s a problem here with human rights and how do the creatures, villains, and monsters even survive in there without a toilet and lack of access to food? It’s almost like they are forgotten.


The secret identities of people in the Arrowverse are pretty poor at best. This was a major part of the shows during their original formation but over time the nature of a secret identity has been completely forgotten. In fact, it’s pretty obvious who many of these heroes are.

Half the supers don’t even wear masks anymore, while some of them wear headgear that barely even hide their face. It’s strange the general public didn’t work out the identity of the Hood sooner considering Oliver just used some green or black face paint.


On some alternate Earth, Felicity might be in a wheel chair still, yet on Earth 1 she is very much walking, despite the life-threatening injury that took place. It seems that the writers of the show have actually forgotten the injury that was caused to her.

For some time Felicity couldn’t even walk and it was only the use of some kind of nano technology that she was saved from this fate. But how on Earth has this not gone wrong since, especially since we see her in the far future, still with absolutely no problems?