After too long of a wait, the return of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is finally upon us. And it looks like season 3 of this fantastic Netflix series could be it’s best season yet. The mission of the moment is to rescue Nick Scratch from the Devil himself, and it looks like Sabrina might have to sacrifice a lot, or even take on the role of queen of all Hell, in order to make that happen.

The trailer for part 3 of CAoS looked thrilling and fun, but the potential for this upcoming season of the series isn’t full of wonderful possibilities either. There are some things that we desperately want to see in this forthcoming installment into the series, but there are also things we desperately don’t want to see. These are 10 things we really don’t want to happen in this season of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.

Prudence Blackwood

The Spellmans may be the baddest witches in all of the land, but if anyone could ever give them a run for their money, it’s Prudence. Prudence spent most of her life as Prudence Night, an orphan of the Church of Night who loved her sisters and loved to torment pretty much everyone else.

But when she discovered that she was the daughter of the High Priest, Faustus Blackwood, she embraced that familial title wholeheartedly. She seems to have realized her mistake, and we hope that from this day forward Prudence will forge her own path, since she was already head and shoulders above anyone who ever bore the Blackwood name.

Harvey & Sabrina Part 2

Anyone who was a fan of the old Sabrina probably feels like Harvey and Sabrina were the ultimate couple to end all couples. But in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, the chemistry just isn’t there.

Harvey and Sabrina’s relationship was ideal for their first loves, but they both have moved on to relationships that seem much better suited to them. Harvey seems great with Roz and Sabrina seems perfect with Nick, so doing anything to mess with that relationship or fall prey to the nostalgia of Harvey and Sabrina would be a mistake for the story and characters.

Lilith’s Fall

Like many of the characters on CAoS, Lilith is someone that we’ve hated, loved, loved to hate, and everything in between. Her manipulation of Sabrina didn’t get her off on the right foot, but once it became clear that she had spent centuries as nothing more than a tool in Lucifer’s tool belt it was hard not to feel bad for her.

And thus, when Lilith usurped Lucifer’s throne and became queen of Hell herself, it was pretty thrilling to watch. It doesn’t seem like her reign will be eternal, but it would be nice to see her enjoy the role for a little while after years of servitude.

A Protracted Nick Rescue Mission

You never get out of a deal with the Devil without paying some kind of price, and Sabrina may have escaped her betrothal to her dad (which is still so GROSS), but sacrificing her relationship with Nick seems to be the pound of flesh that Satan has taken in exchange for her rebellion.

And from the trailer, it seems obvious that rescuing Nick will be one of the main goals for the season. However, it would be nice if it wasn’t the entire focal point of the season. Nick needs to be back at Sabrina’s side post haste, so hopefully Brina figures out a solution sooner rather than later.

The Return Of Faustus Blackwood

It’s pretty much a foregone conclusion that Faustus Blackwood will make an appearance in this season of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. But if we had the option to forego him, then we would. He has consistently been the actual worst, abusing his own family, the Spellmans, and the church that he led, in addition to be a misogynistic asshat at every opportunity.

He didn’t leave the Church of Night on the best of terms and clearly his story line needs to be resolved, but it’d be great to see as little of him as possible, and Faustus eating up 0% of the screen time is the ideal scenario.

Sabrina Vs. Lilith

Can’t we all just get along? It seems like, despite the rocky road of their relationship, Sabrina and Lilith left off the last season on pretty good terms. However, Sabrina isn’t going to stop until she gets Nick back, and that puts Lilith’s rule and even her safety at risk.

Ideally the two of them could combine their resources and tackle both of their problems together, but it seems more likely that they’ll wind up going against one another. Plus, the trailer for this season heavily hinted at Sabrina as the queen of Hell, which probably isn’t going to go over too well with Lilith.

Dark Sabrina

Sabrina’s character has always been a pretty beautiful set of dualities. She has her foot in both the mortal and witch worlds, and she seems to be a pretty solid balance between the dark and light.

But once you start going down the path towards literal Hell, it seems only natural that Sabrina won’t be able to hold on to her better parts all that well. What makes Sabrina such a fun heroine is that she wants to do everything on her own terms, and surrendering herself to her darkest impulses in order to get what she wants doesn’t feel true to the character.

A Deal With The Devil

Sabrina squared off against the literal Devil and came up the winner, but forgive us for not having as much faith in Miss Spellman as she might deserve. Because honestly, it’s called a deal with the Devil for a reason.

Sabrina weaseled her way out of marrying the Dark Lord for now, but there is no way that he spent so long working on this plan without having a few fail-safes. He has shown how masterful he is at manipulation, so Sabrina’s resistance to him may mean that she walked right into one of his traps. That seems likely, but we hope it’s not true.

Or A Marriage With The Devil

Game of Thrones is over, and hopefully the trend of incest on TV ended with it. The revelation that Sabrina is not only the daughter of the Dark Lord himself, but that the Dark Lord intended to make his daughter his wife, was unexpected and utterly repulsive.

And although it’d be great if Sabrina getting out of his clutches was the end of this weird story, it seems very unlikely. The Dark Lord still has something that Sabrina desperately wants, and he’s more powerful than any witch who ever lived, so the likelihood that Sabrina might wind up wedding him is uncomfortably plausible.

Hell Queen Sabrina

Sabrina Spellman is one plucky, badass teenage witch. However, for all of her successes and power, she is still just that. A teenage witch.

At the beginning of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Sabrina wasn’t even willing to give up on going to her mortal high school. So to go from that to a girl who is willing and able to rule all of Hell seems like too much of a leap, and it’s a move that Sabrina just isn’t ready for. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, and no teen girl, even one as awesome as Sabrina, can bear that weight.