A Quiet Place was one of the most popular movies of 2018. Yes, having it be written and directed by Jim Halpert certainly helped, but it was also carried by its legitimacy. It was actually a pretty good movie, and while some internet “sleuths” like to poke holes in its plot, most people simply ignored its problems and went along for the ride.

It ended up grossing $340 million at the box office, and if there’s one thing this decade has taught us, it’s that we can’t just let a good movie lie!

Hence, A Quiet Place 2. These are ten things we learned from its trailer.

It Picks Up Immediately After The First

Some people questioned when the events of A Quiet Place 2 will take place. The answer seems to point to - immediately. We get a glimpse of Emily Blunt’s Evelyn walking on the sand, and her right foot is wrapped in a bandage. This is a result of when she punctured her foot in the first movie. This leads us to believe that the events of the sequel take place immediately, or at least very quickly, after the ending of the first movie. Either that or Evelyn just doesn’t change her bandage. Nasty.

Evelyn’s Hair

Another thing pointing towards the sequel taking place immediately after the first is the length of Evelyn’s hair. Evelyn had shoulder length hair throughout the entirety of the first movie, and that looks to continue in the sequel. Her hair is roughly the exact same length, and it’s worn in the exact same style. Granted, we don’t expect Evelyn to be styling her hair, given the circumstances. But regardless, her hair has certainly not grown, which seems to suggest that little time has passed between the first and second movies.

Everyone Is Still Alive

We didn’t expect the writers to kill off a major character in the interim, but hey, you never know. There’s always scheduling conflicts and contract negotiations to consider! Luckily, this movie seems to avoid the clunky “They’re dead and we’re not!” exposition.

Evelyn, Regan, and Marcus are all accounted for, but the baby is suspiciously absent (more on that later). This fact seems to further suggest that the events of the movie take place immediately following the ending of the first. You never know when a monster can sneak it and get someone!

The Map

In the teaser trailer, Regan can be spotted holding a map. Once Evelyn turns to look at Regan and Marcus, we can see the contents of the map itself, which consists of various red circles with x’s crossed through a few of them. What do these circles represent? Why are there x’s through some of them? Are Evelyn and her children venturing out to one of these locations? It’s possible that this map was in the first movie, but it certainly wasn’t a major item.

Where Is The Baby?

Eagle-eyed viewers may notice a significant lack of baby in the teaser trailer. This could cause some viewers to grow concerned, but fear not - the accompanying poster seems to suggest that the baby is doing just fine. At least, we think that’s a baby’s head poking over Emily Blunt’s left shoulder! But this still begs the question - where is the baby in the teaser? Did they leave it back at home? That doesn’t seem safe! Did they place it in the middle of the forest somewhere with plans to return later? Guess we’ll just have to wait and find out!

Similar Setting

Because the events happen so close to those of the first film, the story hasn’t had enough time to expand outside of its comfort zone. Some may have expected A Quiet Place 2 to take place far in the future, with Evelyn and her family on the hunt. Or, you know, at least in a different location. But that doesn’t seem to be the case. They’re still in the forest, and judging by their sand path, they’re still very close to their farm. However, the ending of the teaser promises some new developments on that front…

They’re Venturing Out

The very end of the teaser trailer seems to suggest that Evelyn and her family are finally leaving the comforts of their farm behind and venturing out into the unknown.

The final shot of the teaser is Evelyn’s foot leaving the sand trail and stepping on a crunchy leaf, which serves as both a literal and metaphorical image of venturing into the unknown (and noisy) world. We suppose they have some sort of plan or defense mechanism to defend themselves. We just don’t know what…

Evelyn Is Still Wearing Her Wedding Ring

As you can tell from the above picture, Evelyn is still sporting her wedding ring. This seems to suggest that she is not over the death of her partner Lee. That, and she simply wants to respect his memory and the sacrifice he made for his family. It’s a small detail, but a very important detail nevertheless.

Evelyn Still Has The Shotgun

The teaser shows Evelyn holding the shotgun she used at the end of the last film in her left hand, which seems to suggest that she is still constantly on the defensive. She certainly didn’t kill all the monsters, and it doesn’t look she’s been out hunting around the farm. The monsters are still very much a persistent threat, so much so that she needs to HOLD the shotgun in her arm lest she need to use it in a pinch.

Yes, Lee Is Dead…

Some Jim Halpert devotees may have theorized that Lee survived the monster assault at the end of the movie. We’re not sure about that, but this is the internet. Theories like that are always running rampant. It’s also not rare to have a sequel pull off the whole “he’s not really dead!” twist, but it looks like that isn’t the case with A Quiet Place 2. Granted, we would never expect the teaser trailer of all things to reveal that Lee is actually alive. But yes, by all accounts so far presented to us, Lee is still dead. Sorry!