Phineas and Ferb was the monster hit show from Disney that ran for nearly a decade and left an indelible impression on fans. Ever since it went off the air, there have been pleas to have the show back, and Disney has finally listened. A Phineas and Ferb movie will be released on Disney+ called Phineas And Ferb: Candace Against The Universe.

The movie will reportedly be set in the time during the show’s original run, so we may not get any hints as to what the gang from the series is up to in the future. But here are 10 questions we want the movie to provide answers for:

How Do The Brothers Fund Their Projects?

Almost every episode in the show had the tiny prodigy brothers create one impossibly giant construction after another. Yet, it is never made clear how exactly Phineas and Ferb get the money to fund their projects.

In the first episode, we see Phineas remark to Ferb that they should have charged more for a ride on their roller coaster, implying they might be monetizing their inventions. That said, the duo never appears to charge people for their inventions in later episodes.

Why Doesn’t OWCA Arrest Doofenshmirtz?

Doofenshmirtz is a self-proclaimed evil scientist with dreams of taking over the Tri-State area. And yet, despite spending practically every episode making a new device to take over the Tri-State, he goes back to square one at the end of the day, after Perry the Platypus has foiled his scheme, plotting a new rise to power.

So why doesn’t OWCA, the organization Perry works for, knock on Doofenshmirtz’s door and carry him off to jail? They know where he lives. They know he is a threat. How about neutralizing him before he finally succeeds in his evil mission?

Where Does Perry Keep His Fedora?

Perry’s secret agent disguise consists of a Fedora. The hat comes on, secret agent! The hat comes off, a normal everyday platypus who doesn’t do much. We never learn where Perry keeps this magic hat that immediately grants him an unbreachable disguise.

We only ever see him whip out the hat from behind his back and put it on. So does that mean he… keeps it inside his butt? Is that why he has difficulty moving quickly while in innocent pet mode?

How did Phineas And Ferb Never Discover Perry’s Hideout?

Perry has a giant secret hideout underneath the house where he lives as a pet. That means that Phineas and Ferb, arguably the two smartest humans on the planet, are unaware that there is a vast underground cavern beneath their house containing all manners of sophisticated gadgets.

You would think the brothers would have noticed the hideout while carrying out the many, many detailed constructions in their backyard in every episode. Or maybe they do know, and in fact, have been helping themselves to Perry’s best government-issued tools and weapons to create their own stuff?

Don’t The Parents Ever Discuss The Boys’ Inventions?

Candace is always trying to convince her mother that the boy’s inventions are real and as outlandish as she claims. Her mother Linda never believes her, and the one time she saw them herself, she freaked out and sent the boys to a reeducation camp.

Conversely, Linda’s husband Kurt is perfectly aware of Phineas and Ferb’s inventions. Hasn’t Kurt ever even casually mentioned to his wife the fact that he spent the afternoon driving on a monster truck racecourse the boys created in one afternoon? Seems like a somewhat conversation-worthy topic to us.

What Job Does Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc Do?

Whenever we cut to a scene showing Doofenshmirtz’s lair, we hear the jingle “Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc” play in the background. Clearly, the building is an office of some kind, with Perry even speaking to Doofenshmitiz’s secretary at one point.

So what exactly would a professional organization like Evil Inc. do? We never find out. We might think Doofenshmirtz would be using his genius to create all kinds of gadgets that people would want to use, but considering how clumsy and full of flaws his ‘Inators’ usually are, something tells us that’s not it.

Why Did Phineas Change After Episode One?

The Phineas we see in the first episode of the series charges his friends for allowing them to ride the rollercoaster he and Ferb built. He also feels no remorse in lying to Candace about doing homework so she wouldn’t discover what the brothers were actually up to.

Phineas never intentionally lies to Candace again throughout the series, never tries to hide what he and his brothers are doing nor charges his friends for using his cool contraptions. So what happened to present Phineas to bring about such a dramatic change of heart?

Do The Boys Ever Use Their Inventions To Help Anyone Out?

Phineas and Ferb have proven themselves to be much more ingenious than Doofenshmirtz, an adult scientist when it comes to inventions. However, we rarely see them using their gadgets to help others, beyond occasionally helping to repel an army invasion from another dimension or Isabella to lose her hiccups.

Just once we’d like to see the boys use their natural genius to help rid the world of any of the dozen global-level issues plaguing the planet currently. We’re pretty sure the two could solve global warming in an afternoon if they set their mind to it.

What Was Up With The Giant Floating Baby Head?

The giant floating baby head remains the most enigmatic thing in the series. It was originally thought to have been created by Phineas, Ferb or perhaps even Doofenshmirtz, but that is not the case. It just… is.

Eternally floating with a glazed smile plastered across its face, the baby head is seemingly animated by a conscious and sentient will that draws it towards the tri-state area. There are whole levels of creepy left to be explored regarding the Giant Floating Baby Head.

Did Baljeet Ever Make A Move On Isabella?

Baljeet is one of the closest friends that Phineas and Ferb have, and is shown to chiefly lead a life of the mind, completely wrapped up in his grades and assignments. But there was a rare occasion when Baljeet revealed he is not above experiencing the softer emotions when he hinted that he likes Isabella.

We’d like to see more of this side of Baljeet. Even though we know Isabella gets together with Phineas after the series ends, it would be fun to see her exploring her options with Baljeet, perhaps on a date or two.