One of the hottest new shows on the LGBT and drag queen scene is AJ and the Queen. Starring RuPaul Charles and kid actor Izzy G, this Netflix series has captured the hearts of its audiences in just ten episodes! AJ and the Queen is about a man named Robert who’s going on tour as a performing drag queen after getting his heart broken and his bank account drained. He winds up looking after ten-year-old AJ after she escapes from foster care and hides in Robert’s RV, desperate to go to Texas to be with her father.

Fans loved the first season of this series, and it has recently been announced that the cast is coming back to make a second season. We’re really hoping it’s not a drag, but we’ve managed to come up with a few ideas in case the writers get stumped. Here are ten things we hope will be included in season 2 of AJ and the Queen.

Damien Going to Jail

Damien, also known as Hector, is a scam artist who stole over $100,000 from Robert’s bank account, leaving him broke and broken-hearted. He lied about who he was, where he lived, and what his real intentions were, instead posing as a gay man who started up a relationship with Robert.

We watched him toy with Robert’s heart, and with the help of Lady Danger, Damien has been stalking him, threatening him, and putting him in harm’s way. This guy is just asking for prison, and he better take Lady Danger with him.

A Dog for AJ

Young AJ has been through a lot. Her mom is a hooker and a drug addict, and they were recently evicted, leaving AJ in a foster home. It’s no wonder that AJ wants a puppy. She tries to earn money to buy one at a pet store in Tennessee, but that doesn’t go as planned. Then she finally gets one a few stops later, but she gives it back after it keeps crying for its original owner.

AJ is just starving for affection, and having someone to take care of would probably be good for her. We hope that wherever she ends up next, a canine companion ends up by her side.

Queens in Queens

Robert has been saving up his entire life to open his own club for drag queens. He plans to call it “Queens in Queens,” and was hoping to open it in New York with Damien when they were together.

However, plans changed once Damien stole the money and took off. Robert worked on his tour, trying to earn at least enough money performing so that he could survive, and it seemed like his dream club would never open. In the finale, Damien returns with Robert’s money, so could the club still happen? Robert could totally do it without Damien. His roommate Louis would make a great business partner!

More Traveling

This one comes directly from the queen of all queens, RuPaul Charles who plays Robert/Ruby Red. When he was a correspondent for Entertainment Tonight with Izzy G (AJ), the two spoke about what they wanted to see happen in season 2 of their show.

RuPaul said that in the first season, he loved the element of travel. “I’d love for us to continue to travel. Maybe AJ and the Queen go to Europe.” He also mentioned outer space and Mexico as two possible places their characters could go. Fans certainly loved watching their shenanigans in the RV, so we welcome the idea of another trip!

Brianna Getting Her Life Together

Poor Lady Glitter Butterfly Top. We don’t know her entire story, but we do know that she tends to spend a little extra time with men for money, and she’s addicted to drugs. While being a bit down in her luck, she also lost her daughter to foster care, who then ran off with a drag queen to tour the country.

Towards the end of season 1, Brianna seemed to be doing a little better. She was coming off of the drugs, and she got money for a new phone. We would love to see her continue to go up, hopefully getting a good job and somewhere to live.

Queens from RuPaul’s Drag Race

Last season, we saw many drag queens in the various clubs that Ruby performed in as she toured the country. Fans of RuPaul’s other show, RuPaul’s Drag Race, may have recognized a few familiar faces; AJ and the Queen featured around two dozen drag queens that appeared on Drag Race, and audiences just loved their cameos.

With eleven seasons of RDR, there are plenty of other queens that RuPaul could bring onto the show! Viewers have their fingers crossed that we’ll get to see a few more in season 2!

AJ Breaking Robert Out of Jail

When Izzy G appeared alongside RuPaul on Entertainment Tonight, she was also asked what she would like to see happen on season 2. “I would like to see AJ bail Robert out of jail,” she says, punctuating each word for emphasis. “I want to see that!” But what could sweet innocent Robert possibly go to jail for? Perhaps kidnapping charges, considering he transported a minor over several state lines without the consent or knowledge of her guardians.

As much as we love Robert and don’t want him to go to jail (he just wanted to help AJ!), we would love to see how clever scammer AJ would handle this situation.

Louis and Officer Patrick

Louis is Robert’s hilarious drag queen roommate and best friend, and he brings quite a bit of humor to the show. From the beginning, he was quite flirty with a policeman assigned to help Robert with his case against Damien, Officer Patrick.

Officer Patrick seemed to love the attention, and the two soon ended up spending some time together. However, tensions rose, causing Patrick to call off the whole thing. Then Louis tried to come back but found that Patrick had another man in his house. We want their relationship blossom again in season 2 because they’re so cute together!

AJ’s Extended Family

AJ ends up being taken from her mother and placed in foster care. When she hears that Robert is going to Dallas, she stows away in his RV and asks him to bring her to Texas with him. She explains that her pop pop lives there, and she wants to live with him. We learn that Pop Pop lives life “off the grid,” but he sends AJ a card for her birthday every year.

When AJ shows up at his house, she realizes that he doesn’t actually live there. At the same time, Robert realizes that the cards were fake as well. Because of this, we would love to see AJ connect with some extended relatives. She deserves some more family and stability in her life.

RuPaul’s Music

RuPaul Charles is not only a drag queen, actor, and TV host; he is also a singer! He’s been making albums since his first one dropped in 1993, and his thirteenth one was released the same day that AJ and the Queen premiered on Netflix. The show’s theme song is entitled, “Ruby is Red Hot,” and Ruby has performed to it several times in the show.

While the series features other songs from RuPaul, including “Walk it Off (I’m on My Way),” there is definitely room in season 2 for more of his tunes. Can anyone say, “You Better Work!”?