Laughter may not be the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to reacting to an episode of tear-jerker This Is Us. It features very real struggles that audiences of various backgrounds can relate to. There’s not much of a chance you can get through an episode without crying unless you’ve rendered yourself numb beyond human capacity. It’s a crime, really, how emotional every episode makes us.

At least it gives us a good cry every week to let out whatever we may be holding onto. Still, there are some funny aspects about the show, such as these 10 memes of which will have you dying of laughter.

Waterproof Mascara Fail

Just look at how melted that SpongeBob popsicle is. It’s actually disturbing, especially with the melted teeth stretched out enough to resemble fangs and the eyes looking like black holes. The funny thing is, a melted SpongeBob popsicle is an apt example of how we must look after an episode of This Is Us. 

Let’s face it: it’s just not a pretty picture. Good thing it’s close to Halloween, because if you watch an episode and just leave your look as is, you’ll be able to scare a few trick-or-treaters.

Bad Romance

Hopefully watching This Is Us each week isn’t sending you too far off the deep end. In this particular example, it’s insinuated that it may be encouraging you to develop bad habits. Namely, participating in what you know is a doomed relationship.

This analogy is rather perfect considering the circumstances of the show itself; you know you’re going to be a wreck during and after every episode. So why do we keep going back to it? It’s like a bad relationship–we just can’t get enough!

Excuses, Excuses

If only this were a valid excuse, right? For many people, they’d give anything to have a good reason to get out of work. Wouldn’t you rather spend the day shopping, having fun, or just sitting at home and taking a permanent seat on the couch to watch Netflix?

Or, as this meme says, tell your boss there’s been a death in the family and skip out? Jack’s (Milo Ventimiglia) death hit us all very deeply on a personal level; the quintessential father and husband didn’t deserve to die, especially so tragically. We’ll forever be grieving over this marvel of a man.

Milo’s Fanbase

Milo didn’t always play Jack Pearson. He had roles on other shows, obviously. One of those shows was beloved fan-favorite Gilmore Girls, in which he played Jess Mariano, the rebellious and angsty teenage nephew of Luke Danes (Scott Patterson).

Fans that have been watching him since his days as Jess have only fallen more in love with his characters (or perhaps Milo himself) over the years, especially when he began playing the lovable role of Jack. Funnily enough, Jack is the complete opposite of Jess. Like most actors, Milo has a wide range of acting capabilities, and we’re glad he was given a shot on This Is Us.

Where’s Jack!?

One of the best things about this show is that its actors participate in the fanbase. Look at them here; this was exactly what our faces looked like to find out that Rebecca (Mandy Moore) was no longer with Jack and had moved on to Miguel (Jon Huertas). Miguel may be a good guy but he isn’t Jack. It’s no question as to why fans were outraged.

Granted, we later found out why Jack was no longer in the picture, but many fans would almost prefer that Rebecca remain single forevermore, lest her relationship with Jack be forgotten because she married another man. She moved on, which is what Jack would have wanted. Acceptance isn’t easy, so we’ll wear these shocked faces a little longer.

What I Think I Look Like When…

Yes, sometimes we get a little too invested in TV shows. We watch TV to wind down from our own days, our own realities. It’s one of the most common methods of escapism we have, and when we find others who love the same TV shows as much as we do, well, a fandom is born. Following a show so closely that you debate with others over what symbols mean or what a character really meant when they said something, you know you’ve gone too far.

Or have you? Is there such a thing as going too far? You can love something, but where is the line drawn before it hits a point of obsession? Apparently if you’re the guy on the right in this meme, you’re a little too obsessed.

The Saddest TV Deaths, Ranked

Okay, Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) vs. Jack Pearson. This is a tough one to debate. Grey’s Anatomy and This Is Us fans may just have one of the most intense duels ahead of them. Each man has equally made his impact in television history.

Each man was beloved by their communities. Even people who haven’t watched one or both shows have heard the names of these men somewhere. They’re just that significant. Who’s to say whose death was the saddest? The world may never know…

In The Beginning…

Remember way back in the day, or perhaps even recently, when you sat down to watch an episode of This Is Us to see what all the hubbub was about?

You’d heard about it a zillion times from your friends, your family, or perhaps even your co-workers. You decided you’d give it a try so you’d at least have some idea of what they were talking about. You didn’t really see the point until you got through the whole episode and understood everything so clearly. You would do anything for the Pearsons, simple as that. They are the kind of family, fictional or not, that make you feel like family even if they don’t know you. That’s why we love them so much, and that’s why this meme is so funny: it’s the truth.

Halfway Into The Episode Like…

If this doesn’t accurately capture how you look and feel halfway into an episode, we don’t know what does. We love that we have Donna (Lara Flynn Boyle) from Twin Peaks ugly crying in the background (she’d just learned of her best friend’s death at that moment) because hello, that is so us.

You think you can keep it together, but the show throws you in for a loop and proves you wrong. Better to accept it than try to fight it.

Making Husbands And Fathers Look Bad Since 2016

Jack Pearson has created a new level of standards for husbands and fathers. Husbands beware: if your wives are watching, they’re unconsciously (or maybe purposefully) trying to get you to be the next Jack Pearson. Who wouldn’t want a Jack, after all? He’s loving, caring, and pretty much a modern-day superhero.

The “Big Three” are lucky to have a father like him, and Rebecca’s lucky she had him for a husband, even though their time was sadly cut short. All hail Jack Pearson!