The MCU works as well as it does because the actors playing the iconic Marvel heroes are such a perfect fit for their characters that they seem like they’ve stepped directly off the pages of a comic book. Chris Hemsworth is not just a guy playing Thor, he is Thor. Right from the moment when Hemsworth first appeared onscreen playing the Son of Odin, audiences knew there was no one else who could do justice to the character.

Over the years, across multiple movies, Hemsworth has been able to expand and evolve the character that first started out in comics. Here are 10 mannerisms that comic Thor possesses, brilliantly portrayed by Hemsworth.

Braggadocious Exterior

Thor is the long-lived king/prince of one of the most advanced civilizations in the universe, whose legends are literally worshipped on Earth. Naturally, there is a certain arrogance that comes with such a legacy, and Thor has had many not-so-humble moments that show he is aware that he is certified hot stuff.

Whether it involves loudly, proudly, and repeatedly proclaiming his name and title to passersby or boasting about his and the Avengers’ victories to anyone who would listen, the MCU Thor is simply following in the footsteps of his comic counterpart.

Sensitive Interior

For all this bragging, Thor is a deeply sensitive person underneath. He felt intensely that he had disappointed his father and people in Thor’s first MCU movie by becoming unworthy of his hammer. He was able to empathize with Hela and realize she had got a raw deal even though she was the enemy.

Thor spent so many months beating himself up for not stopping Thanos before the “Snap” that he went into depression. Once again, Thor’s sensitive side, which makes him a true hero instead of an aloof demi-god, was first evidenced in the comics.

Friendly Nature

Thor is possibly the most friendly member of the Avengers apart from Tony Stark, and even Tony’s cutting humor turns many people off in a way Thor doesn’t. Despite being on Earth for only a few hours in his first film, Thor was able to get together a band of friends who were prepared to take on the government to help him. Back on Asgard, Thor is the popular choice to succeed Odin because he is friendly and open, and easily able to get along with his subjects and the Asgardian army.

In the comics, Thor is often one of the most trusted Avengers, who inspires so much loyalty that a bunch of heroes once piled on to Superman when he knocked out Thor during a DC/Marvel crossover and started pummelling him for daring to lay a hand on their beloved God of Thunder.

Love of Drinking

Thor has his sober moments, but to really see him let loose and become the life of the party, drinks must be involved. It was that way in the comics, and it’s the same way in the movies. Thor’s first taste of Earth beer in his first movie was one of the funniest scenes in the entire franchise, and later, like the most bro-worthy frat member, Thor was the one who brought a special Asgardian super-alcohol to an Avengers party celebrating the retrieval of Loki’s scepter, before Ultron crashed the party.

Comics Thor also has a legendary love of drinking, which once had him competing for the title of the most problematic alcoholic with Tony Stark.

Not Very Quick-witted

Thor is not the cleverest superhero out there. In fact, he is constantly duped by his brother Loki and relies on the planning and strategy of his human fellow-Avengers when on group missions.

In his own storylines as well, Thor often needs to have other characters connect the dots for him, like his father repeatedly explaining the true nature of his hammer and his powers to him. Thor has always relied more on raw brute strength rather than brains to win fights.

Generous Heart

Despite being born to royalty and with god-like powers, Thor never holds himself aloof from his allies. Instead, Thor is always generous with his time and abilities, helping anyone who needs him. He is also happy to share his hammer with Steve Rogers, despite it being his most prized possession, because he knew Steve would use it well.

Whether allowing Tony Stark to study Asgardian technology or giving Loki a chance again and again to redeem himself, Thor is all about putting himself out there to help others.

Experienced Fighter

You may think of Thor as a tank of a fighter, barrelling through every obstacle in his way. However, that is a misleading look. It is when Thor fights an equally strong opponent, like the Hulk or Thanos, that you see the immense level of skill in battle he possesses, accrued over thousands of years of participation in wars across the nine realms.

Chris Hemsworth had to work on not just building up his physique, but also practicing boxing and MMA moves to lend authenticity to Thor’s fight prowess.


Thor started out as a guy who lost his hammer and his legacy because of his hot-headed nature. But with each new movie, Thor became more and more aware of his duty towards his people and allies and worked hard to do justice to both.

In the comics, Thor is a guy who is very conscious of the burden of responsibility on his shoulders and is willing to do anything, even lay down his life, to fulfill his obligations.

Fiery Temper

Star-Lord gets a lot of grief for his quick temper being the cause of the heroes losing their battle against Thanos, but Thor has proven himself to be even more hot-headed than Peter. In the comics, Thor is frequently the first guy to jump into a fight due to a perceived slight by an enemy.

This is a guy who has fought almost every major hero and villain in Marvel comics, often because his honor was on the line or simply because he disagreed with the other party. Chris Hemsworth has ably managed to portray that temper on the big screen, whether against Thor’s father Odin in the first film or his frequent petty squabbles with The Hulk.

Heart of a Warrior

People cheered when Captain America proved himself worthy of the hammer Mjolnir, but Thor had already completed that particular journey in his first film years ago. Ever since then, Thor has gone on to show he has a true warrior’s heart.

In many ways, Avengers: Infinity War focused on Thor’s personal journey to get to the only weapon capable of withstanding the might of Thanos, similar to King Arthur’s journey to retrieve Excalibur. Captain America is a soldier born from a lab experiment, but Thor is the warrior born and raised in the crucible of fiery battles across the universe.