The show’s title should give it all away really, but it should come as no surprise that Friends is all about friendship, with the group featuring; Monica, Rachel, Ross, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe, all being the best of friends who share life’s ups and downs together.

While Friends has plenty of emotional moments, the overarching theme is comedy, and during the show, there are tons of moments shared between this group where they really do prove they are the best of friends.

The group is what everyone hopes their friendship group will end up becoming, with the group really being the ultimate goals when it comes to friendship, and these 10 examples will prove that.

Being Nap Partners

Everyone loves having a quick nap every now and then don’t they? But if you really want to have the ultimate friendship goals, then the key is to have one with your friends, just like Joey and Ross do during Friends, with the pair enjoying a quick snooze.

While it might seem like a slightly strange thing to do, Joey and Ross clearly prove that not only is it completely normal to have a little cuddle with a friend and fall asleep but that it actually feels great.

Even though this is probably something that very few friendship groups are actually doing, if it’s okay on Friends, then it is okay in reality, get cuddling people.

Saving the Christmas Trees

Throughout the course of Friends, we learn that Phoebe has a bunch of things she is passionate about, and one of those just so happens to be Christmas trees. Phoebe is passionate about them not being destroyed and does her best to stop it happening.

When she sees what happens to the old trees at Joey’s work, where he is selling Christmas trees, she really is horrified as they are put into the chipper and destroyed for good.

Noticing how upset the situation is making her, Joey and Monica come together and take all the trees that are set to be chipped to Monica’s apartment and set them up inside as a gesture towards their friend.

The Sibling Dance

Just because Ross and Monica are brother and sister, doesn’t mean they can’t also be friendship goals, because people’s siblings are quite often their best friends, and that is certainly the case with this pair.

Their incredible dance routine is one of the most hilarious moments in the entire history of Friends and perfectly sums up the Geller duo, who are awkward, clumsy, yet incredibly loveable. The pair prove they can bust a move with their unique dance, which certainly turns a few heads on the dancefloor.

Everyone knows someone who has created a matching dance at some point in their lives, and this is something that is totally normal and shows that they are the ultimate friendship goals. Although, most people’s dances aren’t quite as insane as this one.

Learning To PIVOT

If you want a true test of your friendship or relationship, help someone move into a brand new house, or build up some flatpack furniture, it will push your levels of patience, trust, and respect to totally new levels.

Friends highlight this to perfection when Ross moves into his new apartment and attempts to carry a sofa that just does not fit, all the way up the stairs, which include several sharp corners and twists.

Here, the patience of the group is fully tested, creating one of the show’s most iconic moments as Ross screams “PIVOT” over and over until there is no more pivoting to be done.

The Jellyfish Sting

Everybody knows what you have to do when stung by a jellyfish, it is one of those pieces of information that gets passed around and everyone talks about, simply because of how gross it is, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

During the episode titled ‘The One With The Jellyfish,’ the friendships within the group are firmly shown when Monica is stung on the leg by a jellyfish, as someone has to step up and save the day.

That heroic person winds up being Chandler who puts aside the awkwardness and takes a wee on Monica in order to calm the sting down and help her. If that isn’t friendship goals, then I don’t know what is.

Joey Falls For Rachel

The Joey and Rachel relationship was something that a lot of fans could have done without, with this not being a firm fan favorite. You may also be thinking, how can this possibly be friendship goals, but the fact is that this is quite a common situation for close friends.

A major pitfall many people fall into is falling in love with people simply because they’re so close and spend so much time together and sometimes that works out (Chandler and Monica), and other times it doesn’t (Joey and Rachel).

Even though Rachel and Joey do try to make a go of things as a couple, in the end, they realize they are better off as friends, and thankfully, this little blip doesn’t bring an end to that.

Poker Games

Every incredibly close friendship group enjoys a games night every now and then, and so does the Friends gang, with their choice of game being poker, with the men teaching the women how to play at one point during the series.

This is the ultimate friendship goals as they just hang out, enjoy some drinks and each other’s company, playing poker and trying to win money or something else, depending on what is put on the line.

The gang also end up creating their own game at one stage, with a series of questions about each other, really proving how well they know one another.

Smelly Cat

Another way that the group always prove that they are the ultimate friendship goals is the way they always support each other in their work, fully committing to whatever another person in the group is doing.

A great example is how they always support Phoebe with her singing career, even though it isn’t a major focus on the show, the group can always be found in the audience when it comes to her gigs at Central Perk.

That is true friendship goals, fully supporting each other no matter what, which is always shown with Joey in particular, with his acting career that doesn’t always go to plan.

Joey Gives Up Meat

While Joey never does find his true love during the course of the show, it could be argued that deep down, his real love is food. As we know, he doesn’t share food, but he is prepared to give it up for the sake of his friends.

When Phoebe craves meat during her pregnancy, she is forced to give up being a vegetarian in order to feed those urges and begins to feel incredibly guilty. This is where Joey, the meat lover, steps up and shows how good of a friend he is by agreeing to become a vegetarian during her pregnancy.

Considering how much he loved meat, this was an amazing gesture of friendship, showing just how much he cares about Phoebe and the health of the babies.

Thanksgiving Episodes

The Thanksgiving episodes of Friends are always amongst the very best, where the group not only showcase that they are absolutely friendship goals, but that they are were much more than that, and are in fact pretty much a family due to how much time they spend together.

Not every friendship group spends major holidays together, but the Friends gang always do and even though they might argue during those episodes at times, they are always filled with heart and love.

Every Thanksgiving episode is a must-see episode, and whether they’re all turning up late to dinner or playing a game of football outside, it is always hilarious.