Both Twilight and Harry Potter are immensely successful literary and film franchises, especially among young people who are of the same age as its heroes. The books got even more reknown thanks to the film adaptations. So it was only a matter of time before fans of these series decided to connect them.

After all, before the British actor Robert Pattinson became famous for playing Edward Cullen in the Twilight film series, he played Hogwarts student Cedric Diggory who competed against Harry in the Triwizard Tournament and was killed by Voldemort in the end. Here are some of the most intriguing fan art reimaginings of Twilight characters as Hogwarts students.

The Ball

The lavish ball which took place in the fourth book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire presented a lot of tension for the main three characters. Harry was upset because he didn’t get to go the ball with his then-crush Cho Chang. Ron was jealous of Hermione having fun with Viktor Krum. And Hermione argued with Ron afterward. Now imagine putting vampires into the mix, like the Pinterest user AnoynmousPinner did. In this picture, Hermione is dancing with Krum and Edward with Bella, while Harry, Jacob Black, and Emmett Cullen are sulking and look absolutely miserable. It seems that the evening is far from pleasant for these three.

Love Triangle

Imagine the scenario. You’re having a peaceful date with your boyfriend when this crazy woman suddenly appears, calls your boyfriend by a different name, and then lashes out at you when she notices you and your boyfriend are holding hands. This is exactly what happens in this fan art by the DeviantArt user daekazu. Harry and Cedric are hanging out with their friends as a couple when Bella aka Bellatrix shows up and goes crazy at seeing the two of them together and clearly in love. Things only go downhill from there when Bella uses the deadly curse against Harry in a fit of rage. But hey, if Voldemort wasn’t able to kill him, perhaps she won’t as well.

Mistaken Identity

As seen above, Edward Cullen should probably stay as far away from Hogwarts as possible, if he doesn’t want to get confused for Cedric Diggory. Or maybe Edward actually pretended to be Cedric back in the 1990s before he moved to Forks and met Bella? Hmm…

Either way, this fan art posted by Movie Pilot shows what happens when you mix the two worlds together. An embarrassing moment follows and nobody quite knows what to do. So basically it’s the same thing that happens when you meet someone you were hoping you would never see again in your life and are forced to talk to that person.

Two Blacks

Sirius Black is one of the most tragic characters in the whole Harry Potter series. He lost his best friends at a young age and was sentenced to prison for a crime he didn’t commit. He spent years locked up and when he finally got out, he was forced to hide in a house he hated. And then Bellatrix Lestrange killed him. Meanwhile, Jacob Black crushed on Bella… and then crushed on her daughter. It’s not even a stretch to guess while Sirius might not want to be associated with his namesake. While Jacob seems pleased by Bella’s attention in this fan art by daekazu, Sirius looks like he would rather be anywhere else.

Confused Voldemort

While this picture isn’t a drawn fan art like the previous ones, it still deserves a spot on our list. Why? Because it’s absolutely brilliant. Its creator Maddux shows that Edward can apparently get anywhere and cause chaos. Even if it means he will face the Dark Lord himself. Voldemort, of course, mistakes Edward for Cedric and gets confused because he’s certain he had already killed Cedric once before. Don’t worry, Voldemort… this happens even to the best of people. His face expression is priceless and the fan art itself is hilarious enough to almost make everyone regret that there wasn’t an official crossover between the two worlds.

Not Again

Here’s one more second meeting between Cedric/Edward and Voldemort, this one by Kate Sanders. Except, unlike in the previous picture, Edward doesn’t look happy to face Voldemort. Instead, he chooses to run away from the man who already tried to kill him once before.

To be honest, this is a perfectly reasonable reaction and if Edward stayed in his place and waited for Voldemort to try and kill him again, there would be something seriously wrong with his judgment. The only question which remains is whether Edward managed to escape Voldemort once and for all or whether he died in the end.

Killing In Progress

It seems like Harry and Ron don’t really like their new classmate Edward in this fan art by an unidentified author. Maybe it’s because Edward looks just like the unfortunate Cedric Diggory… except, you know, he sparkles, never eats and has the unfortunate tendency to watch people while they sleep. Harry tried his best to help Cedric in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but when it comes to Edward, neither Harry nor Ron are hesitant and try to kill him. No, there’s no other way around this - these three guys will never become best friends. One also has to wonder what would Hermione think about all this, whether she’d approve.

Origin Story

It’s time to go back to drawn fan arts. The DeviantArt user BelialMadHatter created this one and it shows us Edward’s real origin story. Stephenie Meyer wrote that Edward became a vampire when he was dying during the first world war, Carlisle Cullen found him and changed him. But the truth is that Edward studied in Hogwarts as Cedric and Voldemort almost killed him… would have killed him if Cedric didn’t become a vampire and took on the identity of Edward Cullen. Do you think it sounds too complicated? Well, just like Edward said to Bella… It’s a long story.

Handsome Couple

Let’s escape all the death, drama, and new identities for a moment and just take a look at Bella and Edward together at Hogwarts, as drawn by the DeviantArt artist uppuN. While uppuN believes that Bella and Edward look like Hermione and Ron in the picture, anyone who read Twilight couldn’t possibly mistake these two for anybody else. Bella seems cheerful and inquisitive, while Edward gazes soulfully into the distance. Overall, they look very handsome in their school uniforms. And the fact that they’re both in Gryffindor is interesting since Cedric was in Hufflepuff, for example, so one might expect that Edward would follow in his footsteps.

Second Meeting

And finally, here’s another second meeting between Harry and Cedric/Edward. The cute colors and a hint of anime-style make both the boys look adorable, even though neither of them seems very happy at the moment, especially Edward. It certainly makes you wonder - would Harry and Edward become friends if they met? Most likely not. Just like Hermione and Bella probably wouldn’t see eye to eye. So in the end, it’s for the best that these two fandoms remain separated. Except for the fan arts, of course. That’s a whole new category, as this cute fan art by the DeviantArt creator FawkesTheSkarmory can attest.