Netflix brought back a beloved ‘80s series in Voltron: Legendary Defender. Following a group of young paladins as they pilot spaceships that resemble lions that can come together, the series has drawn comparisons to everything from Power Rangers to Avatar: The Last Airbender. One property that it doesn’t get many comparisons to is Harry Potter. 

That’s likely because Voltron is so firmly in the science fiction realm, while the Harry Potter franchise is more fantasy. The way the paladins of Voltron find themselves drawn to specific lions, however, isn’t unlike the students at Hogwarts being sorted into specific houses. The black lion is that of the leader, for example, and bravery and leadership skills tend to be associated with Gryffindor. With that in mind, we’ve sorted the main characters of Voltron into their Hogwarts houses.

Keith: Gryffindor

Keith is definitely the hot-head of the group. He is quick to allow his emotions to form his judgment, and at the beginning of the series, he’s also quick to anger.

Keith, however, is a natural leader who grows to learn to trust his instincts but also to listen to his team. His tendency to be led by his emotions, but his need for justice, and his staunch moral compass, make him a lock for Gryffindor.

Corran: Hufflepuff

For a long time, Corran and Allura believe they are literally the last of their species. Corran doesn’t let that stop him. Instead, he remains by Allura’s side and bolsters her confidence every chance he gets.

Corran’s loyalty, first and foremost, is to the princess. Voltron comes second. He’s willing to do whatever he has to do to keep Allura safe, but he’s also unwilling to push back against her commands. Corran is truly her hardworking assistant, which makes him a very capable Hufflepuff.

Acxa: Ravenclaw

Initially introduced as someone the audience isn’t sure can be trusted, Acxa grows a lot over the course of the series. Despite being a Galra loyal to Lotor, she’s also a pragmatist who understands the odds of her survival. She works with Keith the first time she meets him alone - in the belly of a celestial beast. Acxa is a strategist who works out what she needs to do to survive another day, even if she doesn’t like it.

When Acxa eventually joins the Voltron Coalition to take down Lotor, Honerva, and her puppets, she makes the decision on behalf of her people. She sees that the Galra following Lotor and Honerva will only lead to their destruction as the two crave more power. Acxa is definitely a Ravenclaw, allowing her head to lead her instead of her heart.

Shiro: Gryffindor

Shiro is actually one of the most difficult characters in Voltron for the sorting hat to place. His hard work and loyalty make him a candidate for Hufflepuff, but his strategic mind and his willingness to analyze options could lean him toward Ravenclaw. Ultimately, it’s his ability to lead and inspire others to do the right thing that wins out.

Even when Shiro is not himself and influenced by Haggar/Honerva, he still inspires his team to do the right thing. His fierce determination in the field, and his tendency to put himself in danger before the rest of his team, demonstrates his bravery. He’s certainly a Gryffindor.

Pidge: Ravenclaw

Like Shiro, Pidge has a lot of Hufflepuff traits. Family and loyalty are incredibly important to them, as is connecting with others. Pidge, however, also has a bit of a Slytherin streak, using the Voltron celebrity when returning to Earth to get things they need since they have nothing else to trade.

Ultimately, Pidge belongs in Ravenclaw. Their scientific mind and their endless quest to learn more about alien civilizations and technology means Pidge is always ready to download data. Pidge also shows a great capacity for understanding how things work instead of just memorization as she’s able to mix human and alien technology on several occasions.

Lotor: Slytherin

Not all villains land in Slytherin, but Lotor would end up in the house before the sorting hat even fully landed on his head. His ambition is so great that nothing is ever allowed to stand in his way.

Lotor manipulates Allura and the rest of the paladins to get what he wants. He uses the last remaining Altean colony to achieve his own ends. Lotor’s ambition is, of course, also his own undoing, but he doesn’t see it that way. All he wants is more and more power.

Romelle: Ravenclaw

When Romelle is first introduced in the rebooted series, it’s not entirely clear if she can be trusted. Similar characters in the original series, after all, turned on the paladins. Likewise, Lotor’s betrayal meant the audience thought any new character could be hiding something.

As Romelle’s backstory is revealed, however, it’s pretty clear that the audience doesn’t initially give her enough credit. Romelle is more observant than most. She’s the one person in the Altean colony who knows there’s something strange going on. Romelle is also one of the few people to read Allura correctly and know exactly what the other Altean needs and when. Her cleverness and keen observation skills indicate she’s a Ravenclaw.

Hunk: Hufflepuff

Hunk is one of the easiest paladins to sort. Sure, he’s extremely intelligent and finds his own source of bravery as the series goes on, but he’s definitely not a good fit for Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. Instead, Hunk is pretty much the perfect Hufflepuff.

He’s willing to put in the hard work with research, training, and augmenting technology. Hunk is also the real caregiver of the group. It’s Hunk who makes sure everyone stays fed and healthy when they’re on missions in space.

Lance: Ravenclaw

Lance begins his time on the show largely as comic relief. Throughout the series, however, he grows into a capable leader and a true hero. That could make him a candidate for Gryffindor. His ability to turn on the charm and pretend to be exactly who people expect could also indicate a bit of Slytherin in him. Lance could easily end up in either of those Hogwarts houses, but he’s also a surprisingly good fit for Ravenclaw, which is ultimately where our sorting hat places him.

He knows exactly how to hide his real feelings under his humor. Lance is also a pretty good reader of people, knowing he can trust Keith, despite his initial intense rivalry with him. He’s also someone who can analyze a situation and figure out multiple courses of action fairly quickly. He’s not the traditional academically smart or artsy Ravenclaw, but the solid head on his shoulders that allows him to use his emotions to feed his logic makes him a Ravenclaw all the same.

Allura: Gryffindor

Like Lance, Allura can fit into multiple houses at Hogwarts. Her deep connection to Altean culture and her willingness to exhaust herself in order to learn more speaks to a Hufflepuff. Allura’s intelligence, and her ability to adapt to and understand Altean alchemy would speak to a Ravenclaw. It’s her bravery that lands her in Gryffindor.

Allura isn’t initially a paladin of Voltron but instead exists as a link between the modern paladins and the past when Voltron was created. Her commitment to stopping the Galra from conquering the entire galaxy initially draws her to the Voltron lions. She continues to look out for people who can’t defend themselves, trying to find a way for the universe to live in peace, right up until her final moments in the series. She’s willing to sacrifice herself to save, literally, the entire universe. There’s nothing more Gryffindor than that.