With Frozen 2 still taking cinemas by storm across the world, it’s likely that a sequel is on the table for Disney. However, the company may only want to move forward with a third film if there’s a solid story to work from.

Although there have been plenty of dodgy Disney sequels that have since been forgotten, the formula for a third movie has to be right. Here are 10 ways that there could still be a Frozen 3 in the future that brings back the famous characters from Arendelle.


The sequel film played with the idea of killing off one of the major characters, with both Elsa and Olaf seemingly dying before being brought back to life. However, this is a Disney film after all, so such a dark, shocking moment like that couldn’t last very long.

However, what if one of the main characters experienced a sudden death and this is what brings these characters back together? Perhaps it could be Elsa or Anna, or maybe it’s a newer character such as Ryder, who the queens will have to investigate.


It’s never been confirmed that the mother of Elsa and Anna is actually dead. In fact, it’s one of the unresolved mysteries of the second film. Her return could absolutely warrant another sequel.

Although we believe that their dad is definitely dead, there’s no telling what bringing their mother back into the fold could do. Perhaps she’s not the woman they remember, or maybe she has changed significantly since she’s been away for so long.


There have always been ideas for crossovers within the Disney world and sometimes we actually get them. But what if the third film in this series decided to look at some of the other princesses in the Disney universe that also have special powers?

Princess Moana is the obvious example to have a crossover with, as she of course controls the element of water. However, other princesses such as Rapunzel, who has been spotted in the Arendelle in the past, could also make an appearance.


We’ve seen various villains surface over these two films, but they’ve never really been the driving force of the story. In fact, there was barely an enemy to speak of in Frozen 2. A third film in the franchise could change all that, though.

It’s almost like the last two films have been preparing the team for something even bigger; perhaps a more dangerous user of the mysterious powers. This new threat could turn their world upside down, especially if it’s someone like an unknown sibling.


Olaf has been questioning his existence for quite some time. In the previous film he seemed to have somewhat of a crisis, trying to understand what life is all about — despite the fact he hasn’t been alive for that long, of course.

However, a little spin-off film featuring the snowman could be an interesting move forward. He’s a popular character and we could see it much like Pixar’s Dory looking into her own past. Perhaps Olaf needs his own adventure to understand his existence better.


Elsa is the only sister to have powers right now, but since her mother clearly passed them on, perhaps there’s a chance that Anna will also experience a change of sorts. It’s very possible that Anna could develop powers in a third film.

While this wouldn’t be the most original of ideas, it would certainly move the plot forward. Anna would have to find her own place in the world, Elsa may struggle with some jealousy, but ultimately the two sisters would come back together once more.


The people of Arendelle have been through a lot over the past two films. Their kingdom has been turned to ice, they’ve been threatened multiple times, they are ruled by two reckless young women, and they were moved away in case their home was destroyed.

If things keep up like this, there’s a possible outcome that the people decide to rebel against their leaders and try to overthrow them. This is a twist both audiences and the queens did not see coming but one that would be more impactful.


Elsa has always flirted with the dark side and the story this is all based on is Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen. What if an event changed the psychology of Elsa, turning her into that heartless icy villain once more and completing her journey into a betrayal?

It would be difficult for this family to bounce back after this and it would replay some of the themes of the first film while showing how far they have actually come. This would also provide the third offering with a threat worth facing.


Frozen 2 is perhaps going to be considered as one of the best animated sequels that we’ve ever seen, but there was one flaw — the villain of the piece wasn’t exactly well developed. He was just a king from the sisters’ past.

All sorts of things can happen in this universe and we wonder if time travel is one of them. Perhaps the third film would see the return of this dangerous king as he tries to overthrow everything that Elsa and Anna have built.


The world has already changed so much between sequels, so why not have another time jump? This time, though, we should see genuine changes as we believe a time jump of at least 20 years would completely change this franchise.

Older versions of these characters would be facing new challenges and threats. Perhaps the circle is complete once again and Anna or Elsa have a child who is experiencing the same powers and must be taught how to harness them.