The first season of The Mandalorian has come and gone, but this story is far from over. In just eight episodes, Jon Favreau and company have crafted what looks to be the future of live-action Star Wars storytelling, combining all the grand scope of the universe in a much smaller and tightly woven package.

The finale left fans theorizing where the show will go next, but the season as a whole has guaranteed that tons of new stories and areas of the universe could still be explored. Looking over the entire seasons and its hints, here are just a few directions the story could go in season 2 and beyond.

The Continuing Origins Of Din Djarin

The finale of The Mandalorian finally revealed the fate of the young Mando Din Djarin. During an attack on his homeworld by Separatist forces, The Mandalorian Death Watch came to his rescue and took the Foundling as one of their own.

While how Din Djarin came to be a part of the Mandalorians is now known, we can’t help but wonder if any more flashbacks will be shown. We’d love to see more of his training as a future warrior and how his youth played out against the backdrop of two galactic wars.

The Homeworld And Species Of The Child

The introduction of The Child, aka Baby Yoda, was a gamechanger. No one expected to have a character like him in the series during the marketing, but come the end of the pilot, we were hooked to this cute little green one.

His existence still opens the door to more reveals though. Whether fans want it or not, there is a strong possibility that we might learn of his, Yaddle’s, and Yoda’s true species and homeworld. While we don’t want to learn everything about this little guy, it is intriguing to know we might learn the answers to decade long mysteries.

The True Fate Of The Mandalorians and Mandalore

This season has constantly hinted at a catastrophic event known only as The Purge. The exact specifics are unknown, but it can be inferred that the Empire destroyed or overtook Mandalore and its people. The reveal that Moff Gideon is the current owner of the Dark Saber proves this enough.

There is no doubt that over the course of the series the true events will be known. What were Moff Gideon and Din Djarin’s role during these events? How many more Mandalorians are alive? What befell the fate of Bo Katan and other known warrior leaders?

The Origins Of The First Order

With the series set five years after the events of Return of the Jedi, there are many galaxy-wide questions that it could explore. First and foremost is the current standing of the Empire and the future First Order.

As revealed in Chuck Wenidg’s Aftermath trilogy, the true remnants of the Empire retreated to the unknown regions, presumably to either form The First Order or Palpatine’s Final Order. Dave Filoni has stated that the series will explore these origins further. How exactly they will do so, and how they will connect to Moff Gideon remains to be seen.

Where Are Ahsoka And Sabine?

The end of Star Wars: Rebels saw Mandalorian Sabine Wren and Ahsoka Tano join together to search for Ezra Bridger in the unknown regions. These events could intertwine directly with this series for many reasons.

Firstly, The Child needs to be reunited with either the Jedi or its own kind. Ahsoka and Ezra fit that bill. Sabine and Din Djarin are both Mandalorians and could be powerful allies. Finally, it is believed both Ezra and Admiral Thrawn are located in the unknown regions. Perhaps this could connect to the origins of the First Order as well.

The Survivors Of Alderaan

Cara Dune, as played by Gina Carano, is a great new addition to this universe, offering a female hero unlike any in the franchise. The finale revealed a brand new fact about her background though, one that is sure to play a major role in the seasons to come.

Cara Dune it turns out is a child of Alderrann, the homeworld of Leia Organa destroyed by the Death Star in A New Hope. The theme of identity and community is one that has been introduced through Din Djarin, but it is sure to be further explored through Dune and other survivors of Alderaan.

The Status Of Luke And The Jedi

Going into the series, no one really expected any force users to be present. That all changed when Baby Yoda appeared. Now, as the Armorer sated, he needs to be united with his own kind, whether that be other force users or his mysterious species.

One possibility is that he is given over to Luke and his fledgling training temple. The status of Luke, Ben, and this academy has barely been explored as of now, and while it shouldn’t be the focus, some update would be more than welcome. But, it would also cast a dark shadow over the future of the Child, as where would it end up after the temple’s destruction?

What Does The Empire Want With The Child/Force Sensitives?

The driving story of season one was the remnants of the Empire attempting to obtain Baby Yoda for something. What that exact something was that Dr. Pershing, The Client, and Moff Gideon wanted though still remains a mystery as of now.

Pershing wears the sigil of the Imperial science division, and it looks as if the Child was sitting in a sort of MRI from space in episode three. But what could they possibly want from it? Did they plan to clone it or study it? Were they attempting to wipe away the presence of any force sensitives? Could the late-Emperor Palpatine be involved?

Is Boba Fett Alive?

One of the driving questions fans still have in regards to Mandalorians is the fate of Boba Fett. As of now, Fett’s death is still a question mark. Wendig’s Aftermath novels saw someone else obtain his armor, becoming a pseudo-sheriff on Tattooine. Whether this means Fett is alive or not remains to be seen.

Some have theorized that he is the mysterious figure walking towards Fennec Shand at the end of the fifth episode. Whether it is or not remains to be seen, but his fate could be a future storyline if that becomes the case.

Bring Back Classic Bounty Hunters (But Not The Ones You Expect)

While many fans hoped that was Boba Fett at the end of the episode, others hoped for many other characters. One prevailing theory is that it could be Cad Bane, the villainous bounty hunter as seen in the Clone Wars animated series.

It would be far more interesting to see a character such as Bane appear as opposed to Fett, as there is more potential with these lesser-known characters. Bringing back underrated bounty hunter characters such as that allows for them to become even bigger players moving forward.