Here are 10 ways to grow your Instagram Following:

10 Ways to Grow Your Instagram Followers

Upgrade Your Personal Brand Strategy

If you are running your Instagram account and running out of content ideas to attract followers, maybe it’s time to review your personal brand strategy? People buy from and follow brands on Instagram that they connect with on an emotional level – sharing more about the people behind your business (like you!) can make a big impact on how many followers you gain each week and how many keep following long-term!

Look at Your Top Performing Instagram Posts

Dive head first into your Plann app and discover which of your Instagram posts gained the most likes, comments or overall engagement! With this super cool information in hand you’ll be able to recreate your top performing posts and increase your engagement which can help you to gain more Instagram followers!

Experiment With Camera Angles

Always taking photos at a certain angle? Maybe it’s time to change things up! You may find a new style of content that your audience love and share with their friends. It’ll also help you to stand out more in hashtags you’re using if the photos you are posting are unique and visually interesting.

Leave Funny/Unique Comments on Other People’s Posts

One of my personal favorite strategies for gaining new followers on Instagram is going through my hashtags and leaving funny, strange or down-right hilarious comments on people’s posts. Of course, I’m not leaving mean/rude/poking-fun-at-the-person type of comments. Instead it’s things like song lyrics, a pun, or a punny joke about the topic of conversation. Not only will you get the attention of the poster, but I am also absolutely sure you’ll get the attention of other people commenting on the post too.

Dish Out Some Local Love!

Are you a local business? Maybe it’s time to start becoming an Instagram friend to other local businesses in your area. Go through hashtags that relate to your suburb, town, or city. You could even link up with other brands on your street to increase your overall Instagram followings by running a collaborative Instagram giveaway or Instagram Story takeovers.

Turn On Post Notifications for Important Peeps

Want to get the attention of a few Instagram influencers? Now is the time to turn on post notifications. But why would you do that? Well, if you get notified every time that influencer posts you’ll likely be one of the first leaving a comment on their post. Remember to comment something unique or funny and you are sure to get their attention and, potentially a follow!

Run Some Instagram Ads

If you want to increase your Instagram following, and you already have a fairly engaged bunch of people following you, you may want to try out running an Instagram advertisement targeting an ‘Instagram Lookalike Audience. This will help you to gain followers from similar demographics with similar interests to your current followers and is likely to get you more bang for your buck. Hurrah! Out-of-the-box strategies guide 9 growth strategies to skyrocket your Instagram

Switch to an Instagram Business Profile

There are so many reasons to switch to an Instagram business profile, but one of the biggest is that as of December 2018 Instagram announced an update that social media scheduling tools (like us!) can only offer access to brands who have an Instagram business account. Did you absolutely l-o-o-o-v-e these tips? If you did, it’d mean the world to us if you shared this blog with your Instagram friends. See you in the next blog!