Horror is a tricky genre. It is going through somewhat of a renaissance right now thanks to highly acclaimed movies like The Witch, The Lighthouse, The Babadook, It Follows, and Hereditary - among many, many others. With that said, we are still bombarded with cheap, awful, cash grab horror movies each and every year, and the 2010s were no different. For every Hereditary that we get, we get a dozen other jump scare-filled movies that receive horrible reviews. These are those movies.

When we look back on the 2010s, we certainly won’t be remembering these. These are the ten worst horror movies of the 2010s, according to Metacritic.

Condemned (14)

Condemned was released in 2015 and stars Dylan Penn as Maya, a young woman who moves into a shoddy building. Said building is condemned and populated by many “interesting” and dangerous characters, including prostitutes and drug addicts. Said inhabitants soon grow psychotic when the building’s water supply is tainted. Most of the criticism centered around the bad acting (which is rich coming from Sean Penn’s daughter), general cheapness, and the movie’s gross-out factor. Decent concept, terrible execution.

Cabin Fever (14)

Do you remember Eli Roth’s original from 2002? Yeah, that thing looks like The Shining compared to this 2016 remake. While the remake was also written by Roth, it contains none of the original’s B-movie icky, gooey, nasty thrills. Instead, it’s just icky, gooey, and nasty. The remake was essentially a line for line and shot for shot remake, although it was shot without any of the original movie’s soul and passion. The acting also left a lot to be desired, and that’s saying something; we didn’t really expect Meryl Streep here, you know?

Armed Response (13)

Wesley Snipes makes for a great leading man, but not a great producer. Maybe he should just stick to what he does best in front of the cameras. Armed Response is sorta like the first Resident Evil, as it sees trained operatives getting stuck inside a military compound after its artificial intelligence goes haywire. This sort of concept is hard to bungle - all you need is some cheesy dialogue, entertaining characters, and buckets of blood. Unfortunately, Armed Response bungled it in nearly every way possible. It’s horrid.

Nothing Left To Fear (12)

Nothing Left to Fear received some publicity in 2013, as it was produced by Guns N’ Roses’ Slash and his production company, Slasher Films (clever). It concerned the urban legends that circulate around Stull, Kansas, a small, unincorporated community that is “known” as one of the “Seven Known Gateways to Hell.” If this is “known” common knowledge, then we’re the first to hear about it!

Anyway, the movie is absolutely terrible, and it proves yet again that talent doesn’t transcend all mediums. Maybe Slash should stick with the guitar and cut off his movie ambitions.

The Final Project (11)

Speaking of silly ghost nonsense, we have The Final Project, a found footage horror movie that may have some viewers confusing it with The Blair Witch Project. Two minutes with the movie is enough to tell you that this is not The Blair Witch Project. And not just because of its different storyline involving a haunted plantation. Because of its quality. Cheap found footage movies need to find a way to be entertaining and gripping within their miniscule budget - The Final Project was just cheap and boring, an amateurish student film in disguise.

Fading Of The Cries (11)

Fading of the Cries sounds like some nonsense poetry written by a moody teenager, and the movie proper isn’t much better. In fact, it’s even worse. This movie actually had something going for it, as it starred American Pie’s Thomas Ian Nichols and everyone’s favorite horror legend, Brad Dourif. Unfortunately, not even Dourif could save this horrid movie. Most of the movie’s issues lie within its script, as the dialogue is overly campy and pretentious and the plotting is messy. It really is an incoherent blob of a film.

The Tortured (9)

The Tortured is only 79 minutes long, as that’s about the only good thing we can say about it. The movie’s title proves eerily prophetic, as the audience themselves becomes “the tortured” while watching it. The movie was poorly produced, including horrid acting and music.

It is also filled with enough horror movie clichés that you would win Horror Movie Bingo after just two minutes. But perhaps worst of all is that it is simply revolting. Who makes these kinds of movies? We really do wonder sometimes.

The Haunting Of Sharon Tate (8)

We really do feel bad for Hilary Duff. She deserves better than this drivel, and we can’t wait to witness her big comeback. In the meantime, we had to suffer through The Haunting of Sharon Tate, a movie so willfully offensive that it’s scary. It also doesn’t help that it came out the same year as Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, a movie that handled the Tate story with far more grace and finesse. Well, about as graceful as Quentin Tarantino can get, anyway.

Septic Man (8)

We mean, did you really expect quality from a movie called Septic Man? This movie’s bizarre premise concerns a sanitation worker who gets trapped in a septic tank. While in there, he begins undergoing a disgusting transformation. We won’t say any more, less we spoil the movie. We know you want to watch it. But we suggest you don’t. Aside from the general lack of quality, thematic relevance, or passable acting, Septic Man is just gross. And not in a fun, B-movie kind of way. In a legitimately vomit-worthy way. You’ll spend most of the time watching this film either hiding behind your eyes and throwing up into the nearest potted plant.

The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence) (5)

The Human Centipede is one of the most infamous franchises of our time, a horrible example of the depth of human imagination. And somehow, someway, The Human Centipede III is even worse than its predecessors. It could have made for a fairly entertaining exploitation film, but it’s far too dull and unimaginative even for that. Instead, it’s simply meant to push as many buttons as possible, much like an “edgy” student trying everything they can to get a rise out of the substitute teacher. It’s rancid.