The young adult genre is widespread and often known to follow teenagers on a journey of self-discovery. Along the way, they enter a world unbeknownst to them or become the center of a political revolution. Harry Potter successfully managed the transformation from book to screen, becoming a smashing box-office success.

Following their lead, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, Twilight, The Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Maze Runner all took their novels to film. Over time, the film genre lost revenue. Allegiant did not do well enough for Lionsgate to continue the franchise into the finale. However, other series had the quality, content, and characters to survive an adaptation.


Cassia is at the age to be matched at the beginning of the series. Rather than picking your spouse, the system sets you up with a life-partner that is most attuned to you as an individual. While some are allowed to opt-out, choosing to be alone, or those who are purposely not included as a penalty, everyone else’s name is paired up together.

When Cassia finds herself matched with her longtime best friend Xander, she finds herself not as happy as she thinks she should be. Instead, Cassia grows closer to Ky, another boy in her class, with no match of his own. Cassia, Ky, and Xander set off on a journey for the ability to make choices for themselves, rather than be told their futures for them.


Of all the novels and series on this list, The Lunar Chronicles may most specifically require a television adaptation rather than a theatrical one. The series follows Linh Cinder, a human with android wiring who finds out that her heritage leads back to Luna, and its queen, Levana.

The discovery that she is the true queen of Luna sends Cinder on a journey along with cellmate Thorne to find their way up to Luna and remove Levana from the throne. Along the way, they meet Scarlet, Wolf, Cress, Winter, and Jacin, as well as teaming up with Emperor Kai. Together they become the Rampion Crew, a group of rebels prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat Levana.


Juliette’s life is a nightmare. She kills people with a touch. Under Warner’s experiments, Juliette learns more about what she is capable of and how to control herself. It is also a journey of self-confidence. From the terrified girl Juliette is in the first novel to the leader, she hopes to become in Defy Me, her journey shows her learning about who she is and who she wants to be.

It also develops her relationships with Warner, Adam, and Kenji. Each of these dynamics plays a part in Juliette’s personal growth.


A world where the color of your blood determines your worth, Mare Barrow is a red-blooded girl with the powers of a silver-blooded person. Such a reality throws off the royal silvers and strikes the catalyst for the revolution that Captain Farley, leader of the Scarlet Guard, has been waiting for.

The Scarlet Guard protects red-blooded citizens and brings them into their group to join their rebellion. Mare’s inclusion offers a secret weapon of her abilities as the lightning girl. Together, Mare and Farley find others like Mare to join the fight against silver royals.


The planets named after the Zodiac signs, every resident of each world has a set of specific character traits. Except for those who don’t. For those people, they slowly change until they find where they belong. When Rhoma Grace finds something unusual in the stars, she is unsure about its meaning until her school is hit, killing many of her classmates.

Determined to prevent it from happening again, Rhoma goes on a journey with Mathias Thais and Hysan Dax as they find a way to avoid the destruction of their world.


An immersive fantasy world follows a young assassin Calaena Sardothien after she is chosen to be the King’s Champion during a competition. The series includes action, adventure, romance, all tied together during the journey of self-discovery. Joining her are Prince Dorian Havilliard and Chaol Westfall.

Chaol discovers there is more to Calaena than she knows, another life and name that call to her. Each novel in the series brings Calaena on a different journey as she hones her skills. For those who are expecting a love story, it is present throughout the series, but her life and actions are the story’s primary focus.


June is a scholar. Day is a fugitive. After Day becomes a primary suspect in the murder of June’s older brother, Metias, June is on the hunt to avenge him. Determined to take his killer down, June sets out to find and capture Day. Meanwhile, Day is desperate to keep his family alive at any cost.

Together, they realize that there is more to their lives and their world than they were aware of. Their journey brings them together as they dig deeper to learn the secrets the Republic has kept from them.


Based in a world where Alyssa’s grandmother was the inspiration of Alice in Wonderland, Alyssa is next in line to discover that Wonderland is a real place. Alyssa joins Morpheus as she learns about everything Wonderland has to offer, and Jeb follows after her. It also features a love triangle between Alyssa, Morpheus, and Jeb as Alyssa attempts to determine who she is, with either guy and in which world.

As much as Alyssa would love to stay in her ordinary world with Jeb, Alyssa cannot escape the pull she feels towards Wonderland and Morpheus. However, just interacting with the people of Wonderland is no easy task either.


Following a land of magic and mages, Iolanthe Seabourne is prophesized to defeat the Bane. The Bane is a powerful mage, a tyrant, the strongest the world had seen in a long time. However, Iolanthe is not alone. Helping her prepare is Prince Titus, determined to protect her until Iolanthe faces off against the Bane.

The Bane is not the only one of their problems, even if he is the largest. Titus finds himself troubled when his wish to protect Iolanthe before the battle to defend their world turns personal, and he is worried about her life as well.


A tragedy disguised as a love story, Catherine Pinkerton just wants to run a bakery. Her love of baking is what gets her up in the morning. The hope of running a bakery with her close friend, the family’s maid, makes her excited for her future. Her parents, on the other hand, hope for their daughter to be the Queen as the King has taken a romantic interest in Catherine.

While Catherine does not have feelings for the King, she is interested in his new court, Joker, Jest. The series takes the usual happily ever after and flips it on its head, allowing the protagonist to fall deeper into darkness as she struggles in the aftermath of a significant loss.