Currently at the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference, Tim Cook is talking about Apple TV as a hobby and noted the company sold just shy of 3 million units during 2011 and 1 million last quarter. He also confirmed iCloud numbers and said there are now 100 million users on the service. Cook also talked about how Apple was essentially testing the water with Apple TV to see if the market was there, but at this point, it is still a hobby. Perhaps hinting at the rumored HDTV, Cook noted the company would need something “special” to make TV a “serious category” for Apple. From Cook’s comments (below), it seems Apple is ready to “go more main-market ” in the TV space:

While claiming Apple “doesn’t do hobbies as a general rule,” Cook noted the company thought it could “find something that was larger,” but instead will need something special in the television group that “could go more main-market.” Despite that, he encourages everyone to go out and buy an Apple TV and he said, “Customer satisfaction is off the charts”:

Cook also talked about Siri: “I never felt like I couldn’t live without a beta product before.”