Fashion shoppers expect to be influenced by the beauty and engagement of your fashion eCommerce website. Your online outlet must stir a range of emotions with its high-quality and high-resolution visuals. It can be quite a dark jungle to navigate through when it comes to figuring out the most apt and effective CRO Strategies for your online fashion business.  Come, let’s have a look at some of the most trusted CRO Strategies that are readily used by brands to grow their business.  

1. Deliver A Mobile-Friendly Experience

The fashion eCommerce industry is a growing giant as compared to the Fashion Retail Industry. And the growing trend of mobile commerce is taking over the fashion eCommerce market. Statistics show that mobile devices will account for at least one-third of the total eCommerce sales. Hence, if your eCommerce business isn’t mobile optimized then you’re missing out on a huge chunk of business. A lot of Fashion eCommerce brands are re-platforming themselves to give their users a mobile-first experience.  

2. Display Shoppable UGC Posts On Your Website

User-Generated Posts are a great tool of conversion. These are genuinely posted social media content that users share within their social circles recommending services or products they had used and had a great experience.

Embedding Shoppable User-Generated Posts on your website helps you to build social trust and merge the point of sale with the point of inspiration, thereby reducing the chances of confusion and abandonment. It immensely enhances the conversion rate optimization for your Fashion eCommerce business. 

3. Use High-Quality Visuals On Your Website

Fashion Commerce is a highly visual ecommerce platform. Using high-quality visuals enables your online shoppers to have a closer and a better look at the product which they can’t physically touch or feel. Visual appearance and color are, in fact, one of the primary deciding factors for the shoppers to select a product to buying. Product descriptions become more relevant with high-quality images. It increases the conversions by almost 30%.  

4. Make Navigation Through Your Website Easier

When users come to your Fashion Commerce website, they mostly come with an intent to buy. Hence, it is very necessary that your users find it easy to navigate through your website and find the products they are looking for. Categorization of products plays an important role in this. Integrating filters on your Fashion Commerce website helps your users to refine their search and drill down to the kind of product they are looking for. Easy navigation helps to convert your casual website visitors into actual shoppers thereby improving the overall eCommerce conversion rate.

5. Let Your Users Review Your Products

Reviews need not be only positive. You must foster the habit of entertaining both positive and negative reviews. Customers perceive your Fashion Commerce website to be more credible and trustworthy if you include negative feedback from customers too.

6. Integrate Social Into Your Advertising Strategy

The whole world is revolving around social media and incorporating it in most of the aspects of their life. Then why should Fashion Commerce Businesses lack behind? Fashion Commerce could always use the visual appeal social media platforms offer.

Analyze and discover your target audience and establish a robust social media presence to attract fans and customers to your brand is a great move. Affiliating with social media micro-influencers also help you expand the radius of your target customer base. All this results in enhanced conversion rate optimization for your fashion business website. Your Ultimate Cheat Sheet: How To Set Up Shopping On Socials Learn how to get set up to make sales via your socials!

7. Creative And Free Shipping Offers

Offering free shipping is no more an amenity you provide to your customers rather it is a necessity that you have to bear in order to survive in the competitive markets of Fashion Commerce. If cost is crossing over, you may always include it in your product’s cost and then offer free shipping. Another great idea is to get creative with free shipping offers. Decide a particular cap price above which you provide free shipping. This helps to increase the average order value and hike the E-Commerce conversion rate too.

8. Competitive Pricing

If your products are similar to those that other stores are providing then you must be competitively priced in order to retain yours and steal away your competitor’s clients. Be flexible to resonate your prices with the demand-supply curve in the market. But remember that in the direction of competitively pricing your products, you don’t end up tanking up your own business. Price smartly!

9. Customized And Simpler Checkout Experience

Customers want easier and faster checkout experience. A user after completing the whole purchase journey might end up abandoning the cart because of the complex checkout procedure or multiple form filling.

You may use automated checkout chatbots and detail auto-filling for that. Also, allow guest checkouts because forcing the users to sign up might also drive them away.

10. Have An Easy Return Policy

Smart customers carefully read the return policy before buying a product. Hence, it’s important to have an easy return policy. It assures that users can have their money back in case they don’t like the product they received.

In the return policy, don’t over-promise anything. Simply mention the number of days in which the user may return the product and other associated terms and conditions.

11. Let Your Customers Know You Are Safe

This might be the last point of this article but it is very important for your online shop visitors to feel safe enough to enter their card details on your website. For that, you need to create social trust among your user base in a short span of time. If a user trusts your Fashion Commerce Platform enough to enter his/her card details, then they are likely to convert and buy your product. Establish your legitimacy and credibility using different ways to infuse user-trust in your website. Displaying user-generated content is one of them.      

AUTHOR > Alice Herman Alice Herman, a digital marketer, and technical writer who is passionate about exploring and writing about innovation, technology, and marketing.